DX Gaming

Buccaneer's Den
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Author:  Drizzt [ Wed Aug 03, 2005 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

that doesnt seem right i agree that pkers should be in charge of bucs den but i dont think they should all have to be red. reds have blue friends and not all blues are safe to be around either. it should be optional to be 100% red guild.

think about it they would naturally have members who are blue to conduct business in other towns or spy or something. in a roleplay sense.

mostly reds yeah, 100% nah. just a well known dominant pk guild fits well, and destiny definately are that.

im not in destiny btw just i think roleplay stuff like this owns. i had ideas at one time very similiar to this but of course vic actually has the power to make it happen. im still planning on someday doing something cool that will hopefully improve the full time roleplay part of obsi.

Author:  Lord_Voldemort [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:36 am ]
Post subject: 

2 Days remaining :D

Author:  Dracula [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

theres prbly never gonna be two red guilds large enough to take each other on. its retarded to make it red only destiny will just have it cause there all there is to join unless you wanna constantly be pked and ganked. its not like theres an equal red force or will be anytime soon.

let blue guilds fight destiny over it. why not.

Author:  Lord_Voldemort [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

if u say so....

Author:  Adam [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 10:39 am ]
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not an equal force??? lol

u must not have seen or heard or whatnot when the anchients guild was roamin round these parts for a short while... :)

we had a lil short war type deal with destiny... our guild numbers was outnumbered... we had way less players.. although every person was like... some of the best pvp had to offer at the time...

we had some ownage and i dont think they wanted no part in it really hehe

it didn't last long tho.. kinda a guild that went a away over night

Author:  Bar [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:19 pm ]
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How gay the war is going to start on the frist day of school :cry:

Author:  Dracula [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

sure there have been guilds that large and organized, but there arent any now. im just saying if destiny wants to actually battle over the town and have fun and stuff let certain blue guilds go for it as well, although right now i dunno what blue guild could take on destiny either. i look at server status and it seems like 1/4 the people are in destiny or an offshoot.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 7:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bucs has always been meant to be a place for PKers. Dracula, if you want Bucs so bad why dont you become a pker (witch you are too pussy to do since all you do is banksit/hide in town and complain non stop. Make yourself a guild that are not a bunch of pussies like you are and come get Bucs. Otherwise, STFPWNED-UP and stay in Vesper.

Why dont you go make a super team with Restile again and give it a shot?

Nothing is free and it applies here too. Whining wont get Bucs any closer to you. Get off your ass and earn PvP respect instead of using pussy *casting from bridge edge* tactics.

Author:  Dracula [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

alladin we went one on one outside the f***** bridge and you didnt kill me now did you. and only reason i stopped is cause i was outta healing regs. im not f***** scared and the only reason your not scared is cause you dont take on challenges youll gank or fight people equal or lesser to you id wager and run from anything else. like everyone fuking does...

i just choose not to pvp, at all, i havent pvped at the bridge in many months leave aside my one battle with you. why you all of a sudden come with this stupid attitude i dunno, but i said nothing attacking anyone in any of these statements. and go find me the last f***** time i whined about anything, dig up that post. its prbly old as fuk when i was using a warrior on a buggy shard before BB even came back and there were 50 million bugs res killers ect...

a suggestion that blue guilds be able to challenge you offends you somehow? i dont get it brotha. im not in a blue guild (or any) so it really doesnt matter to me at all... i thought itd make it more fun for you all.
shoot me for it why dont ya..

on a final note i got no prob with you. you seem to hate me cause i dont pvp which makes no sense. you should probably just show some respect for other players and these forums by not flaming for no reason.

ps.. since when the f*** am i with restile, thats retarded. ive never went around pking with restile in my life. he may have been on the same side of me before but thats it and even then he f***** screwed me.... so i dunno where your ideas come from. im actually friends with alot of people in yalls guild.

and bucs den has been no more pk than any area besides towns until now. it was just a hunting ground back in the day, so no it hasnt always been for pks.

and also hello ashes clone. your headed that way anyway gettin mad at this kinda sht.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Holly shit I dont know where to start...

-You went to bridge and I didnt kill you? You musta ran like hell and or used *cast from bridge* queerish tactic.
-Up to now I've accepted EVERY challenge that players out of Destiny gave me under the condotion that the winner is allowed to loot whatever he wants.
-I dont run away from people like you do unless it's a gank.

I do agree you whine way less than Count Croxton but after him your the main whiner. I remember you talking so much crap saying you would leave the shard if staff didn't change this and that. In truth you're a moron and a coward. I don't hate you because you don't PvP and you're more retarded to me if you think that. You tried a few *failed* ganks on Destiny along side with Restile and just that -put you way lower in my esteem than you already was-. When Cokane came back Cyber Vic offered him Buccaneer's Den as welcome back and made it a *Returners* (whom actually were mostly pkers) hangout area.

I do have respect for a lot of people but as I hope you know, you're not one of them. You proved to me how much of a coward you are ingame. You would like to sit down at bank while whoring the forums and have Buc's offered to you on a golden plate? Like I said, if you want to get Buc's you got a long way to go seing that you're such a coward.

Btw: I'm not your brotha - and dont compare me to Ashes.

You claim I didnt kill you outside bridge one on one... I challenge you to a duel 1 on 1 with looting outside of bridge tomorrow. Do you accept coward?

Author:  Dracula [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:32 am ]
Post subject: 

yes i accept and ill need to buy some mroe pots from you. and stop calling names or get forum banned and sht like anyone else would. like ive been myself.

Also when the f*** did i gank destiny with restile? Cause i cant remember every fuking fight ive ever been in. And your telling me even though i wasnt in destiny had no affiliation with you all and destiny was attacking us im the asshole? bullsht. Im sure youve ganked people about a million times. so thats no reason. i dunno what your big prob is with me . i dont give you this kinda sht and weve actually been rather cordial to each other lately.

and i have never NOT ONE FUKING TIME SAID I WAS GONA LEAVE IF STAFF DONT FIX THIS OR THAT> The 2 times i was gonna leave were
#1 cause of RESTILE (whos about as big a buddy of mine as you are) killing my new fisher and
#2 when duck helped trinity pk me during a fair fight between the two of us and i felt betrayed by a friend.


and we fought like a week ago so you have like no memory, and you said bucs den has "always" been for pks which you just stated yourself it hasnt.

oh yeah if you dont wanna be compared to ashes, than dont call people cowards cause they talk at the bank, i prbly spend less time there than you do actually. and im sure you remember Gwacking dracula after accepting a fair fight with lea. yeah how quickly we forget eh.. yet i aint been a dick to you. and you have to me on what seems like every chance you get, that my friend is what makes you like ashes. stop taking things sooo serious. its a game. i will call you brotha you are my brotha. anyone who plays this game fairly ill say the same about.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:50 am ]
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Always since Cokane came back that is. In any case, why not fight now. I'm just eager. PM me and less go

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:20 am ]
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We fought just now me and Maximus

Battle lasted less than 30 seconds and lost was witness

I casted 4 offensive spells only

and Maximus got pwned :evil:


Author:  Dracula [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:41 am ]
Post subject: 

yep thatsa one spicy meatBall! of course alladin vs maximus = hunter who never pvps vs constant pvper. im not exactly setup to counter poison spell then poison pot then fs. your good youve proven it.

still has nothing to do with this thread :)

Author:  ducksternator [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:07 am ]
Post subject: 

They're called personal messages......HELLO!
Drac just said stuff about bucc's being up for blue guilds too, which is fair imo. If a blue guild wants it then they have as much right to take on a red/pker guild if they want to.

necro - all drac did was give a suggestion, there's no need to get angry over it...he doesn't even wants buccs.

Be nice people come on :(

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