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Next Gen Gaming
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Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually... i think microsoft has final fantasy now... not sure if ps3 will have the game still or what... who knows.

Author:  -=|)M=-*DeadMan* [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

i've seen a new article a few weeks ago that the ps3's game cd's are suppose to be 4-layers "PLAYSTATION®3 BD-ROM" i belive that is the name of it. but it is said to be able to hold 100 gigs on the disc. wether they are going to use that cd is not quite decided yet but if it is true and they can do that(now a days wouldnt be surpprized) the storylines and stuff are gonna be pretty damn long.

Author:  Dracula [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:41 am ]
Post subject: 

god i hate the word spelt just say spelled :(

Author:  _Iori_ [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:54 am ]
Post subject: 

-=|)M=-*DeadMan* big gb's doesnt mean long games .. mean VERY GOD DAMN SEXY GRAPHICS and stuff

Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Monkey Island PWNS ALL GAMES

Author:  CyberVic [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually... i think microsoft has final fantasy now... not sure if ps3 will have the game still or what... who knows.
Did you even watch footage from E3?

They did a technical demo of final fantasy 7's intro "movie" redone using PS3 hardware rendered in realtime (*supposedly*). It was quite stunning basically it looked like Advent Children quality graphics some how supposedly redered in real time which is complete and total bullshit. No way Squaresoft could spend 3-4 years rendering a movie in a one of the largest rendering farms in the world then basically say "oh yeah now we can do the same thing in real time on the PS3".

All this said the head of Square said that they are NOT planing ever on redoing FF7 and maybe even if they did it would take at least 3 years.

The PS3 is a figment of Sony's dimented imagination. I mean come on the whole reason they want to put a BLUE RAY DVD DRIVE for those people who don't know WHY is because it supports hardware level encription on the drive which makes CD's technically impossible to dupe/burn. What does this mean to the consumer, well it means $100 DVD drives in ever PS3 instead of a $10 standard DVD drive that's in the Xbox360. Also the cost of the blue ray DVD's will inflate production cost of games.

If you actally have taken the time to read technical specifications and comparisons of the hardware differences between the 360 and what supposed to be the PS3, the main issue with the PS3 is that it has AMAZINGLY huge floating point processing. But anyone who knows anything about 3D processing and game programming knows that floating point processing is completely pointless unless you are building an atom bomb simulator or something that is basically doing a GIGANTIC amount of math which doesn't generally happen in video games. Video games are 2 things A. logic processing for AI and B. video processing. Neither of which uses floating point processing.

Lastly unless Sony since E3 has decided to completely redesign the concept of the PS3, there really is no intent on making it an out of the box built for multiplayer gaming platform. SOME games may be online playable like the PS2, but it's not an intrgrated ONLINE, LIVE, 24/7 solution integrated with networked media support full entertainment package like the Xbox 360. That right there is NEXT GEN gaming, not bigger better graphics.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

And now my conclusion...

All differences aside... Xbox 360, Ps3, and whatever other video game sys that sells for 400$ is just a rich boys toy most of will not own in 2006 :)

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  ...

dude thats just 1 week worth of pay check..... if u own a regular job not that much i put in almost 4 times that into my pc

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually... i think microsoft has final fantasy now... not sure if ps3 will have the game still or what... who knows.
Did you even watch footage from E3?

They did a technical demo of final fantasy 7's intro "movie" redone using PS3 hardware rendered in realtime (*supposedly*). It was quite stunning basically it looked like Advent Children quality graphics some how supposedly redered in real time which is complete and total bull. No way Squaresoft could spend 3-4 years rendering a movie in a one of the largest rendering farms in the world then basically say "oh yeah now we can do the same thing in real time on the PS3".

All this said the head of Square said that they are NOT planing ever on redoing FF7 and maybe even if they did it would take at least 3 years.

The PS3 is a figment of Sony's dimented imagination. I mean come on the whole reason they want to put a BLUE RAY DVD DRIVE for those people who don't know WHY is because it supports hardware level encription on the drive which makes CD's technically impossible to dupe/burn. What does this mean to the consumer, well it means $100 DVD drives in ever PS3 instead of a $10 standard DVD drive that's in the Xbox360. Also the cost of the blue ray DVD's will inflate production cost of games.

If you actally have taken the time to read technical specifications and comparisons of the hardware differences between the 360 and what supposed to be the PS3, the main issue with the PS3 is that it has AMAZINGLY huge floating point processing. But anyone who knows anything about 3D processing and game programming knows that floating point processing is completely pointless unless you are building an atom bomb simulator or something that is basically doing a GIGANTIC amount of math which doesn't generally happen in video games. Video games are 2 things A. logic processing for AI and B. video processing. Neither of which uses floating point processing.

Lastly unless Sony since E3 has decided to completely redesign the concept of the PS3, there really is no intent on making it an out of the box built for multiplayer gaming platform. SOME games may be online playable like the PS2, but it's not an intrgrated ONLINE, LIVE, 24/7 solution integrated with networked media support full entertainment package like the Xbox 360. That right there is NEXT GEN gaming, not bigger better graphics.
PS3 is still better and will always be. Get over it :P.

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  lol

LOL xbox for life!!!

Author:  mr.bell [ Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

go cv i am with u all the way on 360

p.s. i am salim

Author:  Dracula [ Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:37 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah well cv.. well see what prices we end up with and who has better games/online play... i think ps3 given time will destroy xbox 360o in every arena...

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

dude thats just 1 week worth of pay check..... if u own a regular job not that much i put in almost 4 times that into my pc
I've got better and more important things to save my money for than a 400$ trendy box that will be an oversized paperweight in about 3 years.

I don't give a damn how much you spent on your PC. I built my Doom3/Quake4 machine for around 400 dollars with used parts except for the RAM and video card and I'm happy with it. If you want to be cool, trendy, and "new" and blow all your money on it... fine.

Perhaps rich boys toy is not the right term. What I meant by that is the only way I'd even consider buying any console for over 200$ is if I was rich enough to just throw away money...

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  lol

well thats ok cause i have nothign betetr to spend my cash on and i have a alienware 2.

Author:  Zaphod [ Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol... What are your specs?

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