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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:26 am 
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Common Thassius you know your life would be boring without us :wink:

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:32 pm 
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thats a good point thassius ur to mature lol

Aragon(legend warrior)

"Hells collector has been awaken. now his just waiting to get resurrected"

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:50 pm 
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hey if u need a old member just call your boy sub ;)
You suck hahaha :shock:
err aren't u the one that wouldnt fight me? i haven't been dropped 1 v 1 in a while hehe

i agree with thass though, but grey screen first? hahah more like grey screen 45 times now thats owned

Selling +7 BA been used couple times so start bid of at 12k min crease 1k
Is this the one that I JUST gave you?
I didn’t give you this to sell, I gave you this because I wanted to help you hunt, gain skills, and hopefully some day you would be getting your own You begged me for this, and then you turn around and sell it?
woops wrong number its a +5 and no the one u gave me im keeping
sub zero- The SnowMan
interceptor- frost warrior
DK- pvm in training
chips- Lord of the Sea

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:57 pm 

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Cause all you do is heal and call frenchies to help you gank Sub...

*see's Sub Zero*
"Hey Ashes wanna 1v1?"
"BRB, need pots"
*see's Sub Zero return with AdamII and other frenchies*
"so how about that 1v1..?"

R.I.P Will A.K.A Affliction/Bush-Fire/Decayed-Stone - "Stoners live and stoners die. f*** it all, let's go get high"
You should either love me with a passion, or hate me to death..

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:02 pm 
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Location: The A-town down baby ;)
It was only adam11 and he wanted to gank I didn't .. no serously I didn't :X
I was like no don't attack him he'll call people or recall
*you appear*
his retarded ass says
Hey I won't do anything but bow him,,,,

and you have to remeber the time we were out dueling,, even duck said it was a good duel but you ran outta NS or what ever so i let u go,,

Selling +7 BA been used couple times so start bid of at 12k min crease 1k
Is this the one that I JUST gave you?
I didn’t give you this to sell, I gave you this because I wanted to help you hunt, gain skills, and hopefully some day you would be getting your own You begged me for this, and then you turn around and sell it?
woops wrong number its a +5 and no the one u gave me im keeping
sub zero- The SnowMan
interceptor- frost warrior
DK- pvm in training
chips- Lord of the Sea

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:03 pm 

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Location: Sidney, B.C, Canada
and the little brown cow jumped over the moon.

R.I.P Will A.K.A Affliction/Bush-Fire/Decayed-Stone - "Stoners live and stoners die. f*** it all, let's go get high"
You should either love me with a passion, or hate me to death..

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:06 pm 
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and the little brown cow jumped over the moon.
milk cartons don't lie

Selling +7 BA been used couple times so start bid of at 12k min crease 1k
Is this the one that I JUST gave you?
I didn’t give you this to sell, I gave you this because I wanted to help you hunt, gain skills, and hopefully some day you would be getting your own You begged me for this, and then you turn around and sell it?
woops wrong number its a +5 and no the one u gave me im keeping
sub zero- The SnowMan
interceptor- frost warrior
DK- pvm in training
chips- Lord of the Sea

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:02 pm 
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but the milk man does. wooT!!!

Aragon(legend warrior)

"Hells collector has been awaken. now his just waiting to get resurrected"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:42 pm 
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but the milk man does. wooT!!!
hunny I swear its yours..... really :roll:

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Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:07 pm 
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wow wow i just got here

Aragon(legend warrior)

"Hells collector has been awaken. now his just waiting to get resurrected"

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:39 am 
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Ara sup brother.... no revuelvas mas esta mierda... everytime something good is said about a guild or a player here comes little bitch Emo talking shit. I hate this! Say something constructive ones in a while. You ain't the best!!! The reputation u have built is from killing noobs outside vesper bridge. When mages had the advantage over the wariors, Order Lords stood up and made a difference. Back then mages like Wookie Foot, Sage, Zhad, Zur and others were the challange...those were the days!!! And plz stfu, you have never dropped Gala nor Fierce. The time i fought you one on one, u called me out.. and u f****** know what was the outcome of that 1 vs 1. SHOULD HAVE LOOT U DRY BITCH! When we played again 4 months ago the fights were not even fair and we still kicked ass. Dropped u like 2 times in town on Emo.. f****** disgrace.

Galahad...The professor, the oldest, and the best
Aragon... crazy mofo, brave, hard to beat, loyal friend, trouble maker
Dynamite...Explosive, one of the best of his class
Scorpion... runing around town with 3 mages on his ass..tough warior
Chaos Knight... badass player, good friend



oh Emo you may send ur replies now. Try hard not to bitch!

Where is the party at?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:49 am 

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wow i aint seen CK ina hella long time, whats he up to?

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:32 am 
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::sigh:: :(

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:39 am 
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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:26 pm
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Common Thassius you know your life would be boring without us :wink:

but I'll wink back though


"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:32 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:43 pm
Posts: 3567
Location: Sidney, B.C, Canada
Dropped u like 2 times in town on Emo.. f****** disgrace.
...... lol.. you guys dropped me .. in town .. on .. Emo? LOL..

k.. umm let's see here, Emo is a f****** shit warrior, and I don't pvp with him.. soo.. wtf?

I seem to remember Order Lords loggin out 24/7 at Britain bank cause they were gettin their asses handed to them by my tank mage.. (who was what, a month or two old then)

and yeh Fierce, there's no denying you guys *had* a moment or 2 of "glory" but you guys ain't shit, you show up, kill one or two people, then quit for years cause you get your ass kicked right after..

I'm sick of all the shit talking that comes from you guys, yeah I talk a lot of shit, but I'm here always to back it up, unlike you f***** puta's.

It's easy to say you *were* the best, but can you claim you *are* the best..? nope! you guys are washed up.

Why don't you guys go loot some more accounts, it seems to be what you're good at, if you ever grow a pair TNT, Fierce or Gala, I'll be glad to kick the shit out of you, anytime.

Oh - wait, Fierce is banned!

R.I.P Will A.K.A Affliction/Bush-Fire/Decayed-Stone - "Stoners live and stoners die. f*** it all, let's go get high"
You should either love me with a passion, or hate me to death..

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