DX Gaming

A kind request please
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Author:  Dedo [ Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Sure I dont mind people calling me fat etc cause I accept myself and I was more towards people's beliefs rather than their outlook as we are talking on the internet... so yeh guess u got my point the wrong way. So what you are trying to say is that calling someone a j.ew is rude because they believe in a certain religion?
Your not fat your cuddly :wink:

Author:  mr.bell [ Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well i kinda like this post because its pointing out how mean and nasty ppl really can be. Personally if someone calls me a name fat, ugly, whatever i couldnt care less cos i laugh it off and 99% of the time that person hasnt even seen me!
BUT like barney someone has also said to me "i hope your daughter dies irl"
AND the worst is adam11 now called bane said to me on tuesday afew hours after my grandad died irl "im glad your grandad died!!!!" and why? cos he was ganked off 3 ppl in town!!! then he was crying about it for ages after so i said stfu will you! So yeah people are starting to become real tossers on here! SO please please be nice ffs!
i saw this also quite mean realy but sometimes people are a little personal and can somone pm me about what happened to jimmy??? EDIT: also people talk stuff but cang back it up or they fight people when there getting ganked like 5vs1 You know who you are but its annoying

Author:  Ghost_of_Obsidian_Past [ Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

i gotta agree with kigger... obsian is nothing more but a reminant of what it once was and is now the home of dweling whiners.... even the older players.

joking about someone dieing is never cool... so i can see that

but it kills me how you ppl take things so literally. suck it up and dont be a lil whimp... i mean here is ur opertunity.. even the wimps irl.. ur behind a keyboard... plz dont be puss here... just lash back...

if u want obsidian to be nothing but candy canes and care bears with barny dancin a jigg at britt bank good for u.. but umm... it is a comunity.. and some ppl are just di.cks.. just like in real life.. just like i may call someone a douch irl i just also may happen to in game...

the only liable complaint i see is the one about a family member passing away.. and that should only have evolved into a pm, or an ass kicking in game...

wat ever happend to my hard core comrads of the past..... the ones that would rape u and tell u to eat shat.... ahh... the good ol days...

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Its got nothing to do with dancing a jig, im asking people to be mindfull when they insult with mega bad things like someone dying or hoping someone dies, if you read the thread you'll see I said who cares about being called a fucktard, thats life.

Author:  oldman [ Sun Dec 03, 2006 4:31 pm ]
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I'm not sure I understand what you're saying Count? type it again?

Author:  subwulf [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

some of you are such f***ing hypocrites! I know I have personally been dragged into some of your petty squabbels and read or heard you saying mean/rude things to others. Don't be a hypocrite people, if you think its rude or mean r whatever for one person to do it, its rude and whatnot for you to do it as well. I don't give a s*** what they have done or said to you. practice what you preach.
lmao sorry im late on this thread but dedo hit it on the head,,
half the people here did it to me and did it to others

not to call you out but aimee and ashes please stfu i can't count how many times you called me a fuc-kin ni.gger :/ well not as much aimee but her father on ts :lol:
,, hehe its kinda funny seeing ashes post here with that sig.

anyways... i only find barneys post valid here the most and lot of you are your selfs guilty
exempting a few, everyone knows who does and doesn't theres no hiding it stop trying lol :roll:

ps. sorry to hear about your gramps aimee , much respect

Author:  aimee [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah i call ppl silly names like a$$hole and d1ckhead but i NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL call u a nig.ger!!!
I said call me wtf u want i couldnt care less! im prolly the one that gets called most lol off guys on here but hey I DONT GIVE A SHIT :shock: lol its the kind of person i am! I dont let ppl get to me, BUT on the day i lose my grandad some one says they are glad i lost them :? that is just some sick bas.tard. Also saying about mine and barneys children thats just sick to!
So i aint come on here feeling sorry for MYSELF im feeling sorry for the SICK ppl who can say this!
These things mentioned here are things i would never even dream of saying to ppl! So sub i guess i aint so guilty! Im guilty of defending myself by calling ppl a$$holes etc when ive been called names, but to mock some1 dying or say nig.ger or about children, that is things u will never and have never heard from me!!!!

Author:  belgarion [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:36 am ]
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Ghost_of_Obsidian_Past wrote:
blah blah blah

Looks like naturewarrior made yet another forum account.

Author:  oldman [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:59 pm ]
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it's not necro....

Author:  RvnScarlet [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:11 pm ]
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I just wish I had a dollar for every time I was called anything deragatory in real life or online, I'd be one rich b1tch

Author:  Plank [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:22 pm ]
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..... I called oldman a f** once :/

Author:  oldman [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:08 am ]
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Author:  Emo [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:41 am ]
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I like oldman!

Author:  Carling [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:16 am ]
Post subject: 

I like oldman too...even when he touches me!

I remember when Noxy called Emerald a biatch loooolz

Author:  RvnScarlet [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:22 am ]
Post subject: 

I like oldman!
So do I, he's mucho fun when he's knackered. Kinda like calling a sex line, but it's not. Cause his voice is all breathy and slow. Still like em tho.

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