DX Gaming

the sky is falling
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Author:  Drizzt [ Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey i got no clue how much oil is left i just said i read that in the papers. theyre prolly lying to get our monehs the homos always do that yeah drac rich bleeds the poor thats true but on the flip side most poor are poor because they are lazyasses or hopeless low expectation having losers.

aside from disability or some other terrible situation anyone who has trouble getting by in america is a loser or maybe they are just really uneducated and dont have the sense to take care of themselves, either way: loser.

dont let them bleed you use your brain and your unique god given talents to bleed them right back. the state i am from is called the land of opportunity, do with it what you will mang im not rich but i get by ok and if it gets bad i get off my ass and work overtime or something.

and dedo honey i will still pray for you even though you dont care. i have no choice but to try my best to help everyone get to know god it is my duty as his humble servant.

everyone here knows me i am by no means a bible thumper i got vices, tons of vices , but well there you go the best reason of all for me to walk with god i need his forgiveness every day cause i just cant stop sinning im an imperfect man who is nothing without jesus.

i like to play around as much or more than most, but i wont play when it comes to my maker, he is king of everything, and i am in awe of his unthinkable greatness. and so very proud of it.

Author:  Allegria [ Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

While I agree that billions have been wasted with the Iraq war, I really don't care if any money was taken from "education". The pathetic public school system should just be mothballed and a new system set up. [...]

I've come to realize that K-12 teaches kids not much they wouldn't learn in an MMORPG... Otherwise I dunno, but Sir Ken Robinson seems straight on the money in my view. Pity no one's going to listen to him:


Author:  Dedo [ Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah its true that the Education system is in the shiter but getting rid of it completely isn't going to help either. What needs to happen is higher standards for teachers and more time in the classroom with a mentor teacher. at this moment in time I am going through the system trying to get my teaching degree and i see the people around me who are going to get their degrees and it scares the shit outa me it really does. these people are f****** morons end of story. and the system does nothing to cure them of this at all in all my education classes all that is spouted at us everyday is "dont touch your students in their private areas". I have learned nothing in my education classes that will help be become a better teacher, what needs to happen is every student be assigned a master teacher who they teach with right off the bat (this happens but your there for 3 hours a week not really much of anything) only doing 3 months or student teaching doesn't help.

sorry about the novel in short its the teachers and the discipline that need to change students are more or less the same every year.

and Drizzit I can understand why you are preaching I really can and I didn't mean to sound hostile just gets frustrating sometimes :) You can pray for me all you want I just dont need to hear about it XD you have your beliefs and i have mine I will never tell you that yours are wrong and I respect you for having a strong belief in something.

[edit] thats a great video clip with tons of great ideas what was that from do you know?

Author:  MrBlack82 [ Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Edwards had the 400 dollar haircut, Blob. John Edwards.

Author:  vlad [ Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

drizzt: you keep showing us that wisdom yanks are known to have... well done!

Author:  chips LL [ Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok for all you num sculls on this thread let me break it down for you,.......

he is the master of everything and yes you suck and don't compare to the mighty chips

END of discussion,,,,

mack is pretty cool also...
he's jesus IMO :P

ps. I did read the whole post and who ever made the comment on the education system being bad, They are right, I learn more on these forums and more on obsid. than I do in school by a long shot. than again Everyone here is older than me

but that doesn't stop me from fookin owning everyone, at everything,

hey you heard of those polar ice caps? ya, I could melt or refreeze those any day, just give me a call and I'll just talk it over with my home boy the G-O-D and we could refreeze them in about -8 seconds flat..


Author:  Ambient [ Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

speaking of polar ice.. did you know that possible flooding around the world we fear, are not to blame the polar ice the most. but with increased warmth the water does as everything else does with warmth, expands. it gets bigger volume. :? (excusing myself in advance fo possible spellingerror. its 2am and im drunk)

Author:  aerith sephiroth [ Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

speaking of polar ice.. did you know that possible flooding around the world we fear, are not to blame the polar ice the most. but with increased warmth the water does as everything else does with warmth, expands. it gets bigger volume. :? (excusing myself in advance fo possible spellingerror. its 2am and im drunk)
oh oh oh really!?

Author:  Ambient [ Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

is that how sarcasm sounds?

Author:  Witchwar [ Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not everything expands when it gets warmer. Water for instance actually expands when you freeze it. That is why you never fill an ice tray to the very top, otherwise when it freezes, the ice tray can sometimes crack. :)

Author:  Terek Molt [ Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

the ice tray can sometimes crack. :)
I smoke crack!

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

the ice tray can sometimes crack. :)
I smoke crack!
Yea, we could tell. :lol:

Author:  Witchwar [ Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

LMAO! :lol:

Author:  Odysseus [ Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:16 am ]
Post subject: 

I think if the worlds gonna end , its gonna end no point worrying about it. Itll happen one day...either tommorow or next week, Its not pollution or global warming that will end it...its gonna be man

I believe in heaven and the afterlife , ive seen stuff , witnessed strange things to do with spirits etc from mediums and own personal accounts. So i aint worrying cause i know life goes on no matter what.

Author:  vlad [ Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Its not pollution or global warming that will end it...its gonna be man
and who causes pollution and global warming? dogs?

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