DX Gaming

If you lose a pet protected ride
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Author:  Thassius [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

If you can't defend your fancy ride or can't afford to lose one just don't
ride it. Simple as that. Want to show off to noobs at bank? Pay the price.

Keeping your ride fed allows for ~24h for it to go wild (except Llamas) in
case it poofs to Tutorial. Hence the request for you to page from INSIDE
your house, so staff know where to put it if you're offline. And I hardly
see 6-8 hours in-game without some staff logging in.

Author:  Kuka [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Exuse me ive had a tamer he is about 8-9 days old and ive found at least 10 rides already and spent a total of about 10 minutes looking for and taming them so yeah.. whatever..

and we do go days without staff logging on

i havent seen regiss one time in the 2 weeks ive been here

do you even play regiss?

And all i said was tamers make plenty of money with the prot pots in and noone is disputing that. I dont even get why having a nice ride you earned is "showing off" by default anyway.. Why do people around here have negative attitudes so much...

Author:  Thorfin [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

because a) they have no life (some of them) b) they r retarded c) they have nothing better to do d) all of previous mentioned above

Author:  Kraken [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Exuse me ive had a tamer he is about 8-9 days old and ive found at least 10 rides already and spent a total of about 10 minutes looking for and taming them so yeah.. whatever..
Belg is an old vet tamer here, and knows what he's talking about. Sure, there are exceptions in frequency of spawns if you are lucky.
and we do go days without staff logging on
False. Just because you do not see them online does not mean they are not there.

i havent seen regiss one time in the 2 weeks ive been here

do you even play regiss?
No one questions the Regiss. He's VERY familiar with UO and this shard, and did much of the content for the manual.

And all i said was tamers make plenty of money with the prot pots in and noone is disputing that. I dont even get why having a nice ride you earned is "showing off" by default anyway.. Why do people around here have negative attitudes so much...
It is considered showing off because while it doesn't make you go any faster (The pegasus does not even have wings...) it is considerably more expensive due to its rarity. Consider this: if you drive through a bad neighborhood in a Ferrari, you are a magnet for grand theft. If you are driving an 88 Ford Escort with a bad muffler... people don't even look a 2nd time. Ironically enough, Obsidian has been reffered to as a "bad neighborhood" more than once.

Yes, the pet protection potions themselves are no longer up for debate. Echo was just bumping this to let everyone know the current procedure. I don't think most here really mean to be "negative", they've just come to know from experience. You seem to be a new player, so perhaps this clears some things up for you.

Author:  raine2004 [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kuka- just because a staff name doesnt show up in the server status or you dont see them banksitting doesnt mean that they are not ingame, and I have a GM tamer and I spawn clear almost constantly while ingame but I dont make any money from taming. So until you know what you are talking about stfu!

Author:  regiss [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

See, from my point of view it's you the one with negative attitude here,
Kuka. Because you're the one that's whining about some killed pixels.

Your 2 weeks here? And yet you go about telling how things should be
and what/how staff does. You prolly expect me to run around Cove
constantly on my regiss1, ..., regiss5 named chars, eh? Just to show
you that I play.

And I kinda remember certain annoying person that used to capitalize
each word in a post. Wb. Must have serious reasons for a new name.

Author:  Thassius [ Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

What makes me laugh the most is whether all this time whinging on the forums could have been spent getting another ride in the game?

This is fast becoming a flame war, so conversation over. If you have any issues whatsoever with something shard related then PM a GM.

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