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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:15 pm 
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ya,, that picc was pretty chunky mang!
jk,, i kinda got a fat face also :( specially when i have my stomach lol...

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:20 pm 
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I gained 10 pounds since school started. Hoping to lose another 20 before my winter term :D


PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:30 pm 
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damn homie.. dont worry about it that universal health care will pay for ur lipo (sp) surgery
xD (joke)

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:30 pm 
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no chips your not fat!

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:46 pm 
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Why the hell would I spend money on lipo, when I could lose the weight free of charge in like a month lol


PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:13 am 
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joke mang joke....

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:02 pm 
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Here's a little reality. Prez (dictator) Obama has already started the good old US of A on the path to communism USSR style. Starting when he took the power to fire the heads of the motor companies and financial institutions. I wouldn't suggest voting for him next term.

Try not to let your mind wander...It is too small and fragile to be out by itself.

Fisker GM Fisherman
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How many staff does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One to script it.
One to debug it.
One to place it.
One to take the player pages bitching about it.
One to tell the others that they got it all wrong.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:18 pm 

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lol spokk your such a capitlist, he saved laods of jobs/..

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:26 am 

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I have not read every post. But i wanted to put my 2 cents in there.

We are the only industrialized nation that does not have universal health care. 6 years ago, i was diagnosed with stage 2 testicular cancer, 1 week before my child was due to be born. My wife (now ex) and i were both working, her employer offered insurance, mine did not. Unfortunately, she was leaving work to be a mom, and now i need surgery, chemo, and whatever else the doctors suggest. With the insurance we had, that was not going to be possible.

We walked out asses down to the welfare office, applied, handed over all documentation stating the how serious my condition was, that i would not be able to work, or take care of the baby considering how much chemotherapy compromises the immune system. Where-as normally a person would get a cough from a bug, could put me in the ICU or even the grave if exposed to the same bug while on chemo. The doctors told me i would not be able to change diapers, that even getting spit-up on by the baby could land me in the hospital with a nasty infection. So my wife needs to stay home and take care of the baby, as i can not. Neither of us can work, so we are approved for welfare. 450 bucks a month for food stamps, another 450 cash (which doesn't even cover rent) and government run health care, which was pro-active for the previous 3 months! (godsend as the insurance we had thru her employer was only paying about half of what it cost to have a baby in the hospital. (these days the avg cost is about $13,000.)

So a week after diagnosis, we have our son, and for the about next week, i enjoy all there is for daddy-hood. And then, i have a testicle removed. Considering it was the size of a large lemon, i was glad to be rid of it. For the next 3 days, i only got out of bed to use the bathroom. No shower, no obs. The tv was on, but i wasn't watching it. It took me about 2 weeks to be able to move on a semi-regular basis without exhausting myself from the pain. those of you that know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry, those of you that don't, i hope you never find out. Now time for chemo. the drug they gave me was called Sysplat, it has platinum in it and the type of cancer i had responded well to this treatment. at the time 95% recovery for stage 1 and 75% recovery for stage 2. Mind you, lance Armstrong had the same disease, and i got the same treatment he did. ME!! Some guy, living in Toledo, oh, the armpit of America, working construction, got the same medical treatment that lance Armstrong, a world class cyclist received.

Now, i think to myself, that's the way it should be. Are you, as a human being, worth a penny more than me. or your brother, uncle, best friend?!?!?!?

I received bills for all of my cancer treatment. I did not pay 1, nor do i owe for 1. Over 500,000 dollars was spent on lowly ole me by the state of Ohio. Thank you all you taxpayers out there.

Now get this. The chemo killed my pancreas. For those of you who do not know what that is, it produces insulin, chemical responsible for transporting energy (in the form of glucose) to the cells. Without that, the cells begin to cannibalize themselves as that is the only energy they have available. This is called diabetes.

So now, i have diabetes, my cancer has been cured, technically in remission until i get that final CT-scan that says its gone. And i CANNOT get insurance. well i can, but in no way can afford that price tag. When i was able to get insurance thru a previous employer, it was $400 a month, just for me. I know there are companies out there that give better benefits, and believe me, i've tried getting those jobs, A. they are not for me as most are desk jobs and i'm a hands on guy. B. I'm not qualified for most - no degree, 17 years in restaurants and 5 doing construction. I dont push pencils happily. So that really great insurance isnt really accessible to me. So 400 bucks a month, and when i go to the pharmacy my insulin still costs $25 and my co-pay for the doc is $25. so that's $425-$450 a month depending if i need to see the doc or not.

Without insurance
Tests every 6 months-$250

Privatized insurance is all about making money. Its a business. It needs to pay its employees. It needs to make money to keep its shareholders happy. Why are there so many insurance companies out there? Cuz the business is huge. If we take the 'make money' out of the equation, health care gets cheaper. Of course the government cant afford the exorbitant prices drug companies charge for there product. 17 years for a patent to expire. 17 years to wait for a name brand drug to become available in a generic form, which pharmaceutical companies are trying to change.

so maybe that a lil more than 2 cents

botom line-everybody deserves health care no matter how rich or poor you are. we are all connected and no one human life is worth more than another.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:42 am 
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oh damn... no one is gonna argue with that one :shock:

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:51 pm 
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I recommend everyone in university to take a university class in Medical Sociology if at all interested. It will open your eyes to the reality of the US health care system in probably the least biased manner possible. Most bankruptcies filed in the US are due to debt caused by illness.

I'm not crazy; I'm eccentric!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:38 am 
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oh damn... no one is gonna argue with that one :shock:
There's no reason to.. he was covered nicely WITHOUT the new proposed BS.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:44 am 
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"And i CANNOT get insurance. well i can, but in no way can afford that price tag. When i was able to get insurance thru a previous employer, it was $400 a month, just for me."

well , he was covered nicely.. until the end... some people in situations similar are not able to get the same treatment / get it covered. universal would help that...

we are the only industrialized nation without it

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:38 am 
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It's not like me or anyone else who's against it really even matters man, we'll get it eventually lol

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:16 pm 
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true i guess lmao

king of the run on sentence.

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