DX Gaming

Why no one play?
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Author:  Diablo [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

I understand this isnt just a pvp shard but why destroy pvp completely. everything was based on pvp. for pvp you need armor, pots, bandies, weapons etc thats why I made crafters and use crafters to make my pots and make my armor etc I think its great what bob has done by doing this crafter patcher and fix shit loads of bugs etc but all i ask for is to bring the old pvp system back lol

Author:  maher [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

yeah, what bob has done to the crafting is awesome..
but pvp isn't balanced atm.. anyways, i not saying to bring the whole pvp system back.. but theres some changes should be done.

i hope you guys just take it easy and post ur opinions in my threat in (combat balance) , and im sure bob will do a great job for it.

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

only problems with the old pvp system was the invul bug which is now sorted.

Mages had fast spells poisoning was strong yes but that could be weakened as me azimuth and thassius proved that poisioning wasnt the only reason mages were good. Thassius reduced my posioning and I fought azimuth with the same poisoning as him and it was more balanced even tho I won :D
anyway yea weaken poisioning but the spells where perfect nice and fast and was and people mixed there spells up if they wanted to win a fight.

WArriors well as vlad count or azi they were fine. vlad was a high str count was a same dex as str adn then azi was more dex than str and they were all good at pvp if u used good weps u got good hits if u use good arromor and had good skills u took less damage and if u used good pots with good timing u could stop urself from dying.

i could go on and on about how good it was and argue this point

Author:  gaffer [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

bullshit mages were not overpowered at all just people where to lazy to actully try and pvp with warriors.
I was one of the best mages at pvp and count croxton adn vlad who where good at warrior pvp almost beat me/beat me so thats bullshit

actually that is wrong, mages were Xoverpowered, do u know who was the best pvpers at Game ( juads ,Mephsto,BM,Ashes,alemao,boogiman,Ereaser.etc) seem they all were mages, Ashes was asking for (2 warrior vs him) what that mean?? BM was killing maybe 3 warrior at the fight, Warrior was nothing, u just dont like the new system cuz u used to kill every one Easy, there is Great mages now,(wkst,fury,Ereaser) thos i saw them found there way to pvp, wkst was the only mage at the fire tournament and he owned all tanks and warrior, that mean Mage isnot weak , i see that the pvp got balanced,but i dont like the new posion pott systm that is my opinion

Author:  Falin [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

I agree completely that pvpp is unbalanced. I think bob added TOO much with the creation of races. I mean warriors without archery had no negatives to take race but you got 100 extra points plus abilities also. But if you took a race with mage..you had to take a hit on either med or armor or healing. there are not any mages i know of that took a race. I took ice elf on my warrior, and animal lore...so when i see a mage, i can throw a paralize snowball to stop them, run up and throw ice wall and stone wall and confine them to small space and have a grizzly out every 10 secs. so as long as i can keep them walled in and i have alot o bears...add almost gm poisoning...and im hard to beat. all because i gainied alot with races and lore changes where mages gained nothing.

The old pvp was overpowered to mages or at least the degree of loss was much less for them. I dont blame a warrior that wont go fight when he losses GOOD armor and as diablo says, GOOD weps are needed and they break so you need more than one. not that this has as much to do with pvp but just thought about it. :D (back on topic) I never saw a mage lose to a warrior the whole time i was on t3a. And i really doubt it was because the warriors didnt try very hard or they just were ALL bad pvpers. maybee it was te bug everyone abused...not sure.

Author:  corky1h [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

Well i have said it many many times but ill say it again lol not much on pvp. But would like it fixed because from a crafters stand point we cant make any money because none are fighting so that means no pots no armor and no fish for us to sell.

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

bullshit mages were not overpowered at all just people where to lazy to actully try and pvp with warriors.
I was one of the best mages at pvp and count croxton adn vlad who where good at warrior pvp almost beat me/beat me so thats bullshit

actually that is wrong, mages were Xoverpowered, do u know who was the best pvpers at Game ( juads ,Mephsto,BM,Ashes,alemao,boogiman,Ereaser.etc) seem they all were mages, Ashes was asking for (2 warrior vs him) what that mean?? BM was killing maybe 3 warrior at the fight, Warrior was nothing, u just dont like the new system cuz u used to kill every one Easy, there is Great mages now,(wkst,fury,Ereaser) thos i saw them found there way to pvp, wkst was the only mage at the fire tournament and he owned all tanks and warrior, that mean Mage isnot weak , i see that the pvp got balanced,but i dont like the new posion pott systm that is my opinion
Thats because your a f****** noob. They are the best Mage PVPers but theres also warriors and tanks like
Sir Thomas
Sir Pheionx
Count Croxton

People that put effort into PVP and there skills unlike warriors now adays that u give them a sword and some bandies and they can do anything.
WArrior PVP was like using invis to miss spells using pots at correct times switching wepons etc

Author:  gaffer [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

bullshit mages were not overpowered at all just people where to lazy to actully try and pvp with warriors.
I was one of the best mages at pvp and count croxton adn vlad who where good at warrior pvp almost beat me/beat me so thats bullshit

actually that is wrong, mages were Xoverpowered, do u know who was the best pvpers at Game ( juads ,Mephsto,BM,Ashes,alemao,boogiman,Ereaser.etc) seem they all were mages, Ashes was asking for (2 warrior vs him) what that mean?? BM was killing maybe 3 warrior at the fight, Warrior was nothing, u just dont like the new system cuz u used to kill every one Easy, there is Great mages now,(wkst,fury,Ereaser) thos i saw them found there way to pvp, wkst was the only mage at the fire tournament and he owned all tanks and warrior, that mean Mage isnot weak , i see that the pvp got balanced,but i dont like the new posion pott systm that is my opinion
Thats because your a f****** noob. They are the best Mage PVPers but theres also warriors and tanks like
Sir Thomas
Sir Pheionx
Count Croxton

People that put effort into PVP and there skills unlike warriors now adays that u give them a sword and some bandies and they can do anything.
WArrior PVP was like using invis to miss spells using pots at correct times switching wepons etc
is there any one of them beat u 1v1?? or Beat ashes 1v1?? i dont thinks so , and lets see if u die what u will lose? 100 regs Each some runes Myth armore? 15 pott Each, if the warrior died he will lose the armore 100% better than the myth and Weapons that is the most hard thing u lose specially if it were magic and potts etc, the lose for warrior more than the loss for mage and it was like 99% mage win , and maybe the warrior win if he was luckly and the mage get crashed that is the 1%

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

They ahve all beaten me but when i was in my peak Sir Thomas Vlad Fierce Dyna Count Croxton Azimuth Devil Doro

And Ashes Im not sure probly alot off them I remember coutn beating him sir thomes vlad and fierce beating him not sure on others

so yes we did loose so gaffer ur a f****** noob and know nothing - Vlad beat me with plaitemail armor on and a shitty +5 ba and viking sword and no pots if u must know. ask anyone that pvped or anyone that didnt pvp like aimee she just got into the pvp and she even said that she prefered the old one because theres a mix of spells and its faster

Author:  gaffer [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

They ahve all beaten me - Vlad beat me with plaitemail armor on and a shitty +5 ba and viking sword and no pots
That mean u r the f****** noob , if someone beat u with shitty +5 viking sowrd and no potts that mean u r f****** nooob, or lier, nothing else

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

They ahve all beaten me - Vlad beat me with plaitemail armor on and a shitty +5 ba and viking sword and no pots
That mean u r the f****** noob , if someone beat u with shitty +5 viking sowrd and no potts that mean u r f****** nooob, or lier, nothing else
lol do you even no who vlad is?

Author:  gaffer [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

what about him?? isn't he a player?or he have more than 290 stats ?? what the adanavatge that he have that he owns u with no potts and +5 vicking sword? all i know that any warrior in t3a and if he is 100% full stats and skills won't kill a good mage with that.

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

He was good at pvp and he had pots but jsut normal heals and poision

Author:  gaffer [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?


Vlad beat me with plaitemail armor on and a shitty +5 ba and viking sword and no pots
He was good at pvp and he had pots but jsut normal heals and poision
= u r lier :)

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why no one play?

I'm still here and playing. The way I look at it... it's just like any other free software development project. Sometimes stuff just happens really slow. Sometimes you wonder "Why don't we just go back to version 1.0, that worked better!" but the only ones who really know are the developers.

That being said, yeah... when things are REALLY screwed up, I'm just not going to play as much. It sort of reminds me of when main towns in Obsidian were diseased and you'd die even going there. You just don't go there for a while! However, you always want to come back after the chaos has been cleared up LOL

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