DX Gaming

Screw you guys!
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Author:  Kilo [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

there isnt any need for explanations, and for those who felt offended by my last post... good! means i hit a nerve :) We could go on and on finding ways to improve the shard. We could go on and on trying to find out why bb feels the way he does. Well theres no need to questions why bb is feeling the way he does. This shard is free, bb doesnt get paid for what he does. Is it fair for us to expect anything? Im as guilty as anyone else. Its not one persons fault but the shards fault for not doing anything about it before it came to this. Its not the first time this happens, and one day obsidian will shut down if the players keep being the way they are. Theres really nothing more to it. Just play, train, have fun, its a game, so enjoy yourself.

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