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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:49 am 
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ive been poofed to jail a few times and seen a few poofed as well as a few killed so i dunno. maybe it depends on what you did to get grey lol i dunno.

i wont say all the changes were bad in fact a lot of them are really cool especially the dungeons and monster loot its really nice.

the worst thing i would say are not being able to fight in town or id weps made more people leave than stay for sure this was one of the greatest things about obsidian to a lot of players. i think people whining about getting killed in town caused this thats why i dont believe in going to staff to win your fights for you. staff just gets fed up and makes a drastic change cause theyre sick of the whining pages. take for example Vic's signs on vesper bridge. its especially frustrating for my generation cause we all got picked on and raped at brit bank and now that it is our turn its not allowed anymore. its actually hurting the younger players because they wont learn to fight and die with honor they just stay in protected areas all the time so theyll never get better.

and having to have poisoning to use pots and gaining poisoning from casting the spell was a good idea but ultimately this ruins the characters weve all been training for the past year or so. the new healing system has potential but needs a bit of tweaking the hunger factor seems weird to me and failing like 5 times in a row at well fed with gm anatomy, 104 dex, and gm healing seems kinda weird too. but as i said ill always adapt if there is indeed a good reason for all this i am very open minded and trust staff decisions. i love this shard so much you really cant run me off :P

reactive on monsters isnt a problem at all for me anymore ive gotten used to it and learned how to get through reactive using the right strategy and/or the right weapons.

thats an awesome pic Kigger :)


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:31 am 
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i miss going to jail :(


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:01 pm 
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I played obsidian for 6 months or somthin like that with max carnage and when i started there were only like 40 people on max and you could kill and loot in town and all that, then they made the changes you all say ruined the shard--- suprise a few months after i started we had 80-100 people online, people couldnt connect all the time cause the server was so full... i left for a year or so and come back to a shard which everyone has left and what im hearing is not things about pvp but rather the fact that no GMs are ever on, there hasnt been a quest in over a year, ect ect.. then necro hit and everyones gone. was 40 people on when i came back now like 12 on sometimes 2 or 3 on. this wasnt at all because of the pvp situation..

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:26 pm 
yah ive had a messed up character for alteast a week now.... its starting to get gay cuz i cant hunt or pvp with my tank cuz he sucks at pvp.... there also hasnt been a event for alteast 2 weeks now...make more staff.....there is one gm that ive seen on and thats hydro but he is hardley ever on either...i know your waiting to upgrade moderaters to gm but we really need it done kinda fast

Last edited by LegendaryProdigy on Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:26 pm 
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hm, all my chars are fine, and they seem to be progressing nicely, im' quite happy with obs, except monsters are getting to hard

lost - mage
Lost -[Cove Trades] Gm smith, Gm alchemy
Peter - GM fisher, GM cook, 80% tailoring

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:58 pm 
well... all i can say is.. i went from someone who spent more hours online here per day than prolly anyone.. and ill contend that statment :P lol.. anyways i went from that.. to someone who will get on now a few hours of the day to go and kill the exact same npc monsters hope for a few drops... for my wepon collection then call it a day.. to tell u the truth.. there is just so many issues that turn my stomach... the no wepons or attacking in town is one... for example u know how annoying it is.. for a warrior or mage... to be setting in town in a deal or buying goods and some slut comes up and attacks u with wrestle.. and then hence get ya wrestle gains.. i mean.. i just dont think things are ever thought out.. or maybe i give others to much credit for things that i "would have done" for example.. if i did this.. i would have taken out wrestle gains in protected area's... but then again.. lol i woulda never done it... and there is like lil sensors i guess u could say entering and exiting all these areas that u cant have a wepon and that took time to set up..... but hey.. id like to see the tiem taken for the whole thing to be blown out of the water removed and tossed in the trash.. simply put.. ppl have spoken.. no one likes it.. its retarded and was a mistake to implement... and mistakes have to be corrected to be fixed now dont they... anyhow.. staff now has so much on their plate with what they have self inflicted over the past 6 months that it will be years down the road before obsidian will be back to where it should be considering the effort brought forward.... plus all the problems that were around before all these new ones

yea.. u can have fun without the gms on... but basicly man... i call for more devotion... obsidian is a place full of devoted players.. and a devoted fan base.. but no mater who's feelings i hurt or whos panties i get in a bunch.... the staff is not devoted... i have seen a few counsies be devoted from time to time.. but thats about it... for a while there.. Euda was a devoted gm.. but she disapeared so who knows what went on there...

Devotion..... thats what i call for... not just how town use to be... oh and one more thing.. staff should never fix a problem because they dont want to hear ppls complaints.... or just do something to shut ppl up... thats a bad sign there.. and to me it only says one thing.... but anyways...

i just hope obsidian can get back on its feet and like i said no mater how negative my post may seem.. im still a "devoted" player, fan, and supporter of this place... so all i want is for what im devoted in to come back and make me proud... im a patriot of obsidian and even with all of its many flaws that seem to grow and grow.. its the only shard that I happen to support... simply for only what it could be and once was...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:22 pm 
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yeah man




 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:10 am 
lol :P
*gives abib a Cough drop... *

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:11 am 
I am happy to see you stopped pulling back as you did before after the threats that were given to players who post their thoughts on the forums. Sitting there wont solve a thing.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:26 pm 
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I only started in december and since i've been here there has been no killing allowed in town.I think it would suck if everywhere you went you got killed and looted as a noob you could never get stronger. I don't like it.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:28 pm 
you won't get killed that easily. .guards if you are attacked. i was here when you could pvp in town and it was ok.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:44 pm 
yah... and you cant get looted in towns anyways

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:41 pm 
well see.. u cant get killed in towns and it affect u in anyways..
all u gotta do is call guards if someone is being a prick...

see before when u could have wepons in town here were the positves of it

1. You could spar with a friend or have a friendly battle in town.
2. You could train wepon skill in town
3. You could repair ppls wepons in town..
4. You didnt get wrestle gains if u were fighting outside protected area then run outside (example brit gy.. let something hit u then run out of the gates and see if u get a wrestle gain when u run out.. they are pretty frequent..
5. you could ID wepons for ppl or yourself in town
6. You were not annoyed that everytime u ran in a dungun or out side one u droped your wepon... question me this.. what if you are getting attacked rite at the entrance to a dungun inside.. u run out.. this causes your wepon to drop.. and a mage is whats tryin to pk you.. this opens up a vulnerability for a few seconds till u can click on the wep in your pack.

now.. what is the advantages of this new system
..... none
and exploits are possible via the few wepons that can be equiped.. and @SSholes can run after u wrestling with ya giving ya unwanted wrestle gains if they want to.. its retarded.. come on now.. the shiz is gotta end at some point in time... for real.. i mean damn yo... i just ask myself at times.... WTF.....
if i was capible of hacking the shard id change it myself... (joke) lol

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