DX Gaming

Ok this is it I am majorly pissed now cause of this bug
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Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Like Valerie for example. Valerie is Nemo's ex and she claimed several times she dumped his because he was too short :shock:

Author:  Drizzt [ Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

nah cant be i been with both at same time.

Author:  Zureese [ Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

i like bananas

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 3:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I know that it isn't hennessy but they just act very similar - from the (undoubtedly very bad) pvp style, to the cheating and bug abuse, to even the way they talk (using 'y' for 'i').

Regardless of who it is, the fact that this individual is now at large rather than awaiting punishment means that this will be more severe.

Currently on the list we have:

> Repeated abuse of the poison stacking bug to PK and loot using both the spell and poison pots

> Use of spell spamming macros to PK which are illegal here

> Persisting in this behaviour despite numerous warnings to the consequences of it

> Recalling away from a staff member to evade punishment

For the first he was due one hour jail.

For the second he was due another one-hour jail.

=one day jail for the above combined.

The fact that this persisted after repeated warnings is tantamount to a several day or weeks jail sentence.

However, for the last one he is nearing the ban category.

IF you run from the police then you get hit alot harder than if you stand and take punishment. When we catch up to this individual we will come down on him like a ton of bricks.

Author:  Adam [ Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

hmm someone said here it wasnt' like speed chess but like chess...
i disagree.. because the setup with warriors its very much like speed chess no time for thought whatsoever... its all speed and if u slip up on the mouse once.. u could fry... warriors just becasue u may not see as much movemetn in my opinion require much more speed that a mage does... :)

ive seen valerie use some cheep stuff as well.. i dont care really tho... cause she can use allt he cheap stuff she wants..can't kill me unless being ganked... lol.. same with that whole crew pretty much... valerie.. barbie.. even u Nemo.. i cant even get u to stay out of it when fightign one of them or go solo w/ me.. none of yall want none one on one....

Author:  Carling [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:46 pm ]
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So how was everyone's easter :shock:

Author:  Excalibur [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:50 pm ]
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Author:  Drizzt [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:04 pm ]
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count it might seem fast paced but obsidians pvp is actually really slow as far as the average pvp speed of a shard goes. and imo id say a warrior has way more room for error than a mage does. thats just my opinion.

also in my experience warriors tend to not be able to handle dying for some reason as well as mages. i wonder why that is.

Author:  TheRealLoki [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

mages = offensive
warriors = defensive (at least at the beginning of fights)

fights start with the mage attacking the warrior, and the warriors "main" goal is to survive the first barrage and then go on the offensive. if a mage dies, it means their offense fails and they're left to weak defense... if a warrior dies... it means their MAIN tactic failed. of course thats just generalizing...

Author:  Dark_phoenix [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

mages = offensive
warriors = defensive (at least at the beginning of fights)

fights start with the mage attacking the warrior, and the warriors "main" goal is to survive the first barrage and then go on the offensive. if a mage dies, it means their offense fails and they're left to weak defense... if a warrior dies... it means their MAIN tactic failed. of course thats just generalizing...

couldnt put it better my self...

Author:  Kigger [ Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:03 pm ]
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that Arggg... it gets me everytime

Author:  Oigen [ Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:01 am ]
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warriors have stuff to be looted. mages are full of runes, a spell book and some other crap only a mage would find use to. tank mages have nice loot.

Author:  mediumz [ Tue Mar 29, 2005 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  well

Actually I got a diff tactic which might be very diff than most of urs and thats why if there is no gay poison bug I can stand a GM mage pretty long unless its a really good mage...all I do is first thing is get the mage poisoned he poisons me I can cure myself and he doesnt get a chance to fs me so he has to cure himself next I go on the offensive and defensive at the same time thats just my strategy

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