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Interesting site: www.livescience.com
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Author:  Drizzt [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

hrrrm i dont think im gonna let my kids on the internet for a really long time.

what a bunch of little heathens you guys are. its scary stuff.

p.s. jesus pwns you :wink:

Author:  Duncan Kentar [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

god is no more a god than how ancient ppls looked up and warshiped the sun and moon... but as ppl have evolved they have seemed to try to make god bigger.. i dont think got as a being but it think god is more of a.... reason...

i think god is some type of creation... without life after death.. life after death is a people imposed thought.. becaues everyone has fear of death.. and yes i believe that everything going back to the spark that started it all had to have a force behind it.. but its an unended...... cycle.. like a circular form of dominos that will never falld i think space is the heaven and we are but one realm and before it all when just space..... there was nothing.. but blackness a void emptiness that never ends... and out of this nothing...... the nothing itself formed something to truly classify itself as nothing.. so there for my belief is that god is the nothing before the something.... the nothing needed its something to hold its self different in comparrison and threw constant chain of events.. and a kazookalilliontrillion years later.. here we are... on one planet of one ream in an endless void of nothing and something.. there is no reason to search out more...

but we as ppl is human nature to look beyond and question why.. but the true why would be to complex for us to even grasp so we then mold our own reasoning intill we then believe it... if you tell the same lie to ppl over and over.. u will find urself living the lie and believeing it yourself
im not calling anything bullshit cause im in no authority to or am in no position to tell u why or what is better...

a beliefe in god go for it... but id be more likey to opose any religion first and forehand as kin said...

if u look up at the sky at all the stars and see all the possibilities of places out there prolly even some like our own.. and some so alien and different it is beyond our imagination that alone will toss out every religion u can think of.....
and if anyone would sit and say that we are it... then they are truely fools.. its like me.... yesterday i was in an arguement over evolution with my mother.. in this day and time i cant still beleive ppl believe that people were actually put here in the form of ppl... with no evolution at all being responsible... lol.. its more sientific fact than anything else ever found... and yet still ppl bitch over it.. although i do believe other countries are more towards that.. the US still has ppl oposeing it being tought in schools here in the States
This has to be the most pompus thing I've ever heard anyone say in my entire life. All bow to Adam cause he knows how it all is, and he words it all so ellegantly. I want what you're smoking.

I believe we were put here as people, I don't accept that my race was once as apes. There really isn't any proof, just ALOT of speculation. carbon dating which is used as scientific fact is by it's own admission so inaccurate that it can't tell me how old an apple is that just fell off the tree, it has to be at least 1000 years old, and it has a self admitted window of error of 30,000 year in either direction.

Do I believe things "evolve" yes, things adapt, it's why africans are black, and scandinavians really white!

I have seen more evidence contrary to evolution than for evolution, many in the scientific community have come to speculate for intellegent design.

If you want to disprove creation, and God. Search for that which supports him, and disprove that, so far all you're doing is blowing hot air.

Author:  Oigen [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

recent archeological findings about the time when mankind was at it's sunrise were a pretty big surprise for everyone. it seems that humankind had then about 5 or 6 species of man. we actually exterminated all those other types of intelligent humanoids creature back then and achieved supremacy over this world. makes you think, huh?

Author:  Gunkata [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:02 pm ]
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5 billion +/- 30,000 seems ok to me

EDIT: i think it was a wednesday

Author:  Adam [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:25 pm ]
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as u said duncan about carbon dating being so far off.. its really not.. not in terms considering the time we really need to prove it...

the only logical thing to say to disprove evoloution of humans from lesser beigns (and i cant really say apes.. just lesser) cause apes is only in the middle of the long line... is DNA.. many sientists today have turned to intelegent disign theory only because they feel that DNA of ourselves couldnt be created by a line of evolution.. but its proven that as things evolve they do become more intelegent in asince.. and it is proven that before any vertibres lived on this planet threw fossil research that invertibres and plantlife were the only forms of life... but as the world changed those invertibres wether inhabiting the ocean... desert.. a forest.. or some other place.. would all adapt differently to that area... and eventually that same invertiebre woudl from into several different tipes of vertibre "(back boned beings) in different parts of the world considerign their envirionment...

the basis on the dna thing being a logical excuse to disprove evolution and lean towards intelegent design... isnt really a better way to go nor more proven... intelegent design ppl feel that because u cant prove billions of years of evolution in a test tube... it isnt real...

but do put this in your head.. cause it goes on the same line of thought...
we cant currently prove that smoking causes lung cancer in any lab with any current research.. (seriously) anything u hear regaurds to lungcancer and smoking has never been proven... so its still but a theory.....
but we all do know... from what we have seen.... it is in fact.... one cause of lung cancer :P

Author:  Zaphod [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

This topic sucks. Arguing religion/politics sucks. Neither side will persuade the other, just accept that when you go in to argue. You will make no change in the other's beliefs unless your statements are so profound you are a damn prophet. Duncan, I really think it's unfair to call Adam pompous or whatever and then state your claims as truth. As far as I'm concerned, the search for God is not futile, the search for religion is. Take it how you want to, you have your beliefs, they have theirs, so everyone shut up. :idea:

Author:  Duncan Kentar [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

recent archeological findings about the time when mankind was at it's sunrise were a pretty big surprise for everyone. it seems that humankind had then about 5 or 6 species of man. we actually exterminated all those other types of intelligent humanoids creature back then and achieved supremacy over this world. makes you think, huh?
Let me ask you this, when was man's sunrise?

Clear proof that scientic archeology is full of shit...

http://www.creationevidence.org/museum_ ... rdick.html

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Cretaceous period suposed to be like 60 MILLION years ago?

There are several more artifacts at that site, if you care enough to look.

Author:  Duncan Kentar [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's easier to prove something exists than that something doesn't, so if it existed you would've been able to prove it easily. Not being able to is therefor my best proof :) I don't wanna start religious polemics, I just think this is all a lame excuse for things science hasn't been able to explain by now. But time will settle things 8)
Okay this has been bugging me for awhile. How in any logical way can you explain to me it's easier to prove something than disprove it?

Prove or disprove they are equals, it is right or wrong. Speaking on wether there is a God or not it a philosophical question, and philosophically I can prove he exists, easily.

There are absolutes within the world, truths as it is. Logic is absolute, man is not absolute so we must draw our absolutes from God who is absolute.

Author:  Oigen [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

well i should perhaps clarify that i do believe in god. i do not believe in the church and i couldn't care less for the bible and all the other man inventions. if there is a god and it's limitless then our limited minds could not hope to comprehend him or engulf a vision of what he truly is. thanks for the link, i will check it out.

Author:  Duncan Kentar [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oops... I'm sorry I searched it and that period was between 144 - 65 million years ago. 5 million years off, I guess I'm not as accurate as carbon dating.

Author:  Kinetic [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:59 pm ]
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I am Absolute, so believe in me if nobody else, and things shall work out fine.

Author:  Drizzt [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:11 am ]
Post subject: 

you are an absolute affgot.

Author:  Lorette [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Okay this has been bugging me for awhile. How in any logical way can you explain to me it's easier to prove something than disprove it?

Prove or disprove they are equals, it is right or wrong. Speaking on wether there is a God or not it a philosophical question, and philosophically I can prove he exists, easily.

There are absolutes within the world, truths as it is. Logic is absolute, man is not absolute so we must draw our absolutes from God who is absolute.
It's easier to prove something exists by simply pointing out at it and that would lead to no means of disproof. Because if I say there is nothing to point out at and therefor it doesn’t exist, you would come and say (as you actually did) that it’s a philosophical question. Well, if it’s a philosophical question, then there’s nothing to prove and you saying that you can philosophically prove its existence easily is just NONSENSE. Here are philosophical concepts: death, evil, good, god, truth, whatever... Death – we see it all around, it exists, we can’t say what comes after it, but it exists; good and evil – subjective concepts, what is good for me, might be evil for you and even in an induced objective point of view, good and evil are based on general view of the masses and even so, the trace between them is far from being clear. This is almost the same thing with god. It’s a subjective view on the world based solely on instincts and disaproving science and evolution. Hell, people died in the past for believing things differently from the masses and still TIME and SCIENCE have given us the certainty that Earth IS round, it DOES move and it is NOT the center of the universe. It’s because we gained KNOWLEDGE on what surrounds us, we were troubled by questions to which we sought undeniable answers. This isn’t over yet, we still have plenty of things to discover, but by denying evolution, which is one of the most brilliant discoveries ever, we achieve nothing, we go back to where we started, knowing NOTHING. There is no place for prejudice, there is no place for mental blindness, just for openness and will to evolve further. After all, we don’t scribble these things on clay, we are communicating through the Internet, who would’ve thought this DEVIL would occur let’s say 100 years ago?

And another thing, logic IS absolute, but god isn’t logic, it’s fantasy.

I am aware that my words mean nothing to someone who strongly believes in god as their words mean nothing to me. Therefor, it is indeed a pointless argue, but I just needed to state out my point.

Thanks to the staff and moderators for not having closed the topic so far. I didn’t (and still don’t) mean to offend anyone with my opinions.

Author:  Kinetic [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 


And another thing, logic IS absolute, but god isn’t logic, it’s fantasy.
oh no. philosophy...........

I dont believe logic is absolute. Logic exists as a mental notion, within our brains, since our brains are not absolute, the concept of logic can not be absolute. With this reasoning, nothing is absolute from a human perspective.

We can never then truly prove or disprove something, we just need to go on what seems reasonable, and to some the concept of God is highly feasable(spelling), therefore believable, and therefore does exist to them.

Author:  Lorette [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Kin, I think you confuse logic for simple thought. Logic is much more than that and has various meanings and aplicabilities, I said it here as "study of principles of reasoning". We use "logic" too often and maybe that's why its meaning has diminished.

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