DX Gaming

Should Iori get his Pegasus back?
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Author:  Terek Molt [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

omg.. give him back the poor pega..

Author:  Emo [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

omg.... no!

... not yet ...

Author:  _Iori_ [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

First of all Marius u should STFU !! not me ... cus i didnt say anything about it (situation) so dont stfu me plz ....

another thing is a didnt start winning and crying ... i ask to ashes for a explanation of WHY thats all... now he talk about this topic.... if enough ppl say YES i gonna get back the peggy SO i trust in his morals and values like he say that i have a chance to get it back IF enough ppl say yes ...... just hope that his WORD worth something.

i know its a GAME and stuff but even in games u have morals and values and honor and respect

Author:  wayland [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

First of all Marius u should STFU !! not me ... cus i didnt say anything about it (situation) so dont stfu me plz ....

another thing is a didnt start winning and crying ... i ask to ashes for a explanation of WHY thats all... now he talk about this topic.... if enough ppl say YES i gonna get back the peggy SO i trust in his morals and values like he say that i have a chance to get it back IF enough ppl say yes ...... just hope that his WORD worth something.

i know its a GAME and stuff but even in games u have morals and values and honor and respect

uh no sry iori but ashes has 0 morals or honor, hes a spoiled child and seems to think anyone cares whether he plays what he called a "role" on obsidian.. iori he prbly thinks his buthole deserves more respect than you so why do you respect him...

everyone has to take responsibility for there actions exept for ashes it seems, even fuks friends over and people just laugh and talk about how great ashes is.. Theres not a f***** ball between the lot of ya....

ashes would have had the whole shard constantly after his ass, prbly making him quit eventually if this kinda sht was pulled back in the day...
thats what used to happen to egomaniacs like him...

Speeecially after this sht... How people are still kissin ur ass after u show what a jerk u are i dunno ashes but you seem to have this entire shard hanging off your sack... Congrats and my best wishes to you ashes on your complete pwning of this shard, be as big of a fker as you want cause it doesnt seem to matter to anyone.. Nice job guys you sure got taught wrong or learned the wrong lessons..

Ashes is for real makes more people leave this shard than stay...
Ashes has been banned how many times and let back....
Ashes somehow is very close friends with hackers, i dunno how many times this has happend now but its been a few right....
And then he pulls sht like this on a good guy who is supposedly his friend.

WoW lets all like him more!
makes alot of sense eh?


Author:  Protector [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

i dunno ashes but you seem to have this entire shard hanging off your sack...
Not the entire shard...

Author:  Kinetic [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was a legitimate kill. Sorry to say, but I think they should just keep it as they procurred it in a legal manner.

Author:  Emo [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm where to even start on this one. I've came across so many of these standard "ashes is a hacker posts" I don't even know where to start!

Lets go with the part about me "pulling this shit back in the day" Let me tell you, anyone who has known me, has known I've always been a cocky fucker, but Ive got the skill to back it up.

Oh shit, the whole shard might come after me? Been there, done that man. MoB has always been outnumbered in our fights, and trust me, being outnumbered doesn't make me want to quit. It gives me room for improvement :wink:

I've earned my right to talk some shit here, you can say im not a good pvper, you can say I'll backstab my friends. Shit, say whatever you want about me. This is only a game, and your e-insults don't hurt. Any one who has truely been my friend, know I'll be by their side till death, no matter what. I do have morals and values, just because maybe I've pked you once or twice and been an asshole, doesn't mean I don't have standards and shit too.

Now as for you, having to make a new forum name, just to take some cheap shots at me over dead issues? Wow man, you must have alot of spare time, and no life to allow a game to affect you that much.

I've been banned a few times, wow, we all know it. You act like it's a big secret that I've been let back. I was let back due to a decision by BROADBAND and CYBERVIC, the two very people who run this shard. So by questioning me being here, you are defying the owner of this shards decision. You have no clue the amount of help I've also provided to the staff and the development of this shard.

Wow so like, a few of my friends exploited. Shit, Midnight was in LoV, I dont see you pointing fingers at them? Nor should you, just because someones friend cheats, don't mean they do too.

and wtf, I didn't pull anything on Iori. READ MY f****** GUILD NAME..

MURDERERS OF BRITANNIA we aren't the f****** Pink Puppy Dog's or something, jesus christ.

Author:  _Iori_ [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok ladys this is going to a endroad.... stop the damn FLAMES !!

2 things

1.- to know if U (ashes) , gonna respect what u say to me on IRC about this poll...

2.- stop flaming each other.... :lol:

period !!

Author:  TheRealLoki [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pink Puppy Dogs...

Spreading cupcakes and muffins to all of the banksitters of Britania.

Pink Puppy Dogs...

Trashing all of the magic spears and bloody bandages at the banks, a tidy bank is a clean bank!

Pink Puppy Dogs...

Only train their fighting skills to 30. (...dummies people...)

Pink Puppy Dogs...

Smith YOUR ingots for you.

Pink Puppy Dogs...

Spend all day taming... because they ENJOY it.

Pink Puppy Dogs...

Coming to a rez ankh near you.

EDIT: btw, wayland is Dracula... :P go figure he's trying to start shit again!

Author:  Emo [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seems he's abit sour that he got himself a nice little forum ban and I didn't. Maybe he'll learn when to stop then, he's only proving to Hydro that he banned him for a good reason.

Author:  Drizzt [ Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

that was awesome.

Author:  subwulf [ Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  :(

i wanna be a pink puppy dog :'(

Author:  Terek Molt [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:11 am ]
Post subject: 

I guess the poll says so:
You must give him back the Pega...
I mean do it man... wtf stop bodering him or just lock this thread and w/e!

Author:  Oigen [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:20 am ]
Post subject: 



erm, yeah, give the damn critter back to iori. make viper prostitute and get the money for the bar. he should sacrifice for a good cause :D

Author:  Emo [ Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I guess the poll says so:
You must give him back the Pega...
I mean do it man... wtf stop bodering him or just lock this thread and w/e!
Yes the poll does say that, but this polls only been going for like a few days, f****** relax guys. Iori knows I'll keep my word to him.. you guys need to just STFU already.

And if it weren't for the shard coming up very breifly and not saving, Iori would have his Pega right now, as I gave it back to him yesterday, only to have the shard crash again right after.

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