DX Gaming

Just to let everyone know!
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Author:  BiteMe [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Dude this is complete BS bb needs to get on here and fix this shit man I know he has a life and all but something has to be done cause this will not end unless something major is done about it. I for one have alot of shit to witch I am about to take a shit load of screen shots of because im sure ill be next some where down the line. I am really sorry to hear about you loseing your shit ashes me and you havent got along well in the past but here lately we been alright if you need ne thing give me a shout man

Author:  Odysseus [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I just had a theory..build a small house in the middle of no where, where only you know where it is, empty your bank and stash ur cash and items in it, so whoever hacks ur account wont know where to look to loot your house ,and if they delete ur charcter ur items will still be in your house so then a gm can just remake your charcter and give u access to the house u built

This is all i can think off until BB comes back and sorts it

Just a thought lol

Author:  Broadband [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Dude this is complete BS bb needs to get on here and fix this s*** man I know he has a life and all but something has to be done cause this will not end unless something major is done about it.
Hate to break it to you guys, but the shard is more since the move then it was before. You have every tool in the world to protect your accounts unfortunately a great number of players give their account information to others thus making it not my fault if something happens.

Learn to use secure passwords!
Change your passwords often!
Make sure the email address your account is linked to has a secure password!
Create a free bogus yahoo or gmail account just for obsidian!
Don't share your email or account information with anyone!

As much as I would love to make Ashes happy it would be unfair to Barney and the many others who have been around. Had I caught this sooner a rollback would have been possible, unfortunately I don't even know Ashes account name and by the time I had it we would need a 2+ day roll back.

Author:  Jackal [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:57 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah, items are no biggie. As long as you get your chars back you should be fine, you will probably play more to try and get stuff back. This has happened in obs a shit load of times and there has never been a rollback because of it, so you guys waste your time asking for one every time something like this happens. plus whoever did this is not a hacker, its not easy to hack obs, so one wouldnt go through that trouble just to delete a couple of chars and not even delete their houses. Also dont be taking pictures of your skills, ss dont count on here. I c a bunch of ppl deleting their accounts on purpose in the next few days and claiming they had gm chars and shit.

Author:  belgarion [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

For 1 I gmed an alchy b4 the last rollback and then had to re-create the char and gm it again. So 65 -56 skill points is nothing. We are talking about 3+ years here, and we are talking about players who have played here for a long time and are still active. I say if a rollback was needed screw you and your 10 skill points or w/e. It is that kind of selfishness that makes cockheads do shit like this in the first place.

P.S. If you need anything Ashes i'm here bro. Hopefully you can get re-linked to you're house and hopefully they haven't been cleaned out either.

Author:  Bane[Cult] [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm French And i can't say alot about that, but i think Ashes 's scamming all of us, for get All GM SKILLS, Rare Stuff (jealousy of barney)! and MAN if he lost his acc Why not just say RESTART DUDE !!! HE SUCK HE USE BUG HE DO ANY ON THIS GAME and NO ONE TALK ABOUT HIM so Ashes Manipule obsidian... Ashes Just Deleted his acc, so tell him to Restart another One!

Author:  Jackal [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

lol dont start a flaming war, ashes is an idiot and a former cheater but its still f***** up what happened to him, so dont hate on the frenchie ashes he does play alot and worked hard for most of his shit so im sorry for him, he should get his chars back and some gold. ChurcH!!!

Author:  Emo [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm French And i can't say alot about that, but i think Ashes 's scamming all of us, for get All GM SKILLS, Rare Stuff (jealousy of barney)! and MAN if he lost his acc Why not just say RESTART DUDE !!! HE SUCK HE USE BUG HE DO ANY ON THIS GAME and NO ONE TALK ABOUT HIM so Ashes Manipule obsidian... Ashes Just Deleted his acc, so tell him to Restart another One!
You're seriously a f****** moron, why would I delete my own account? I already was GM all f****** skills. I've lost more items than I'm ever going to get back, I've lost all the vet bonus' I get on my characters. Not to mention I lose all my rare clothing, all my vanq weapons, all my BR/Rose armor..

Seriously Bane, I hope your die in your sleep.

Author:  Bane[Cult] [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

maybe u keep ur stuff on your house or friend house?

and u wasnt all gm, what u want? black stang...?


Author:  belgarion [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Dude just stop now you are making yourself look like such an idiot im sorry to say. You really think anyone would retrain 3 mages a miner/smith and whatever other skills he had Gmed for a Black Stang? Besides Ashes has been around long enough to know that what he would get back is not even worth the effort. So does any1 have anything intelligent to add to this post?

Author:  aimee [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:17 am ]
Post subject: 

He is such a idiot! Especally after what he said about me losing my granda yesterday!
Just let him get on with being a twat! i thought he was a nice guy untill yesterday!
But yeah bane ashes deleted his own account so he has lost all his rare clothes that there was only one of on the shard! ALL his weapons, all his gold, all his regs, Lost ashes probably the best or if not ONE of the best mages on the shard! Not to mention Beloved, Emo Tyreal etc and he done all of this for a BLACK STANG which a couple of ppl have one?

Author:  FACE [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok we can all see where this is going.

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