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About PVP
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Author:  Azimuth [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've fought all types of mages, and only the best constantly put up a long lasting decent fight. BM and Ashes are the only 2 who can beat me consistently, and I've had my good moments Vrs them as well. Anyone can be beaten on Obsidian, which is one reason why I love it.

Any mage who tries to spam me with deadly poison with any variation of odd spell thrown in will (most likely) end up quickly dead. They need to use some tactics, and timing is paramount.

Author:  oldman [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:07 pm ]
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so they need high skill in tactics to beat you Azi?

Author:  Azimuth [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:19 pm ]
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Naaa…I’m just saying that poisoning is unbalanced, but not to the point that it's impossible to overcome.

Oh, and town fighting sucks.

Author:  oldman [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:52 pm ]
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it's spelt

if you hadn't replied Azi then some people might have actually had a good laugh :(

thanks for ruining Christmas!!

Author:  blob [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:57 pm ]
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IDK about this whole poison thing. Everytime I have had a mage to PvP with I would cast Poison first, then Flame Strike, and maybe a Weaken spell to fizzle another mages spell. iDK if spells can be fizzeld here when hit. Poison has allways be a major part of PvP.

It seems to me that Poison was bugged befor and now that it's working the way it should people think it's a bug. I really can't speak to heavely in this topic cause I've not PvPed here. And don't think I will.

I know a person that use to play here a year or so ago. He said that he never had a problem with being PK'ed. Only once did this happen and he was talkin mad shyte at the back. A few FS later and he was dead.
poison has not always been a part of pvp... in recent years it has been i didnt like it when it was introduced and i dont like it now it takes about 95% of the skill out of pvping and pking back in the day we didnt have poison and we owned warriors with 180 str and gm resist hell i remember before they put a stat cap in some dude with 195 str got dropped in not even 2 minutes by zhad i mean shit if that was possible before why not just take it the f*** out and let the skill be re-introduced into pvp. poison is the only spell you need to kill someone i've seen it alot out of town poison gets cast and then they just harm them till poison kills where the f*** is the skill there?

Author:  mediumz [ Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

IDK about this whole poison thing. Everytime I have had a mage to PvP with I would cast Poison first, then Flame Strike, and maybe a Weaken spell to fizzle another mages spell. iDK if spells can be fizzeld here when hit. Poison has allways be a major part of PvP.

It seems to me that Poison was bugged befor and now that it's working the way it should people think it's a bug. I really can't speak to heavely in this topic cause I've not PvPed here. And don't think I will.

I know a person that use to play here a year or so ago. He said that he never had a problem with being PK'ed. Only once did this happen and he was talkin mad shyte at the back. A few FS later and he was dead.
poison has not always been a part of pvp... in recent years it has been i didnt like it when it was introduced and i dont like it now it takes about 95% of the skill out of pvping and pking back in the day we didnt have poison and we owned warriors with 180 str and gm resist hell i remember before they put a stat cap in some dude with 195 str got dropped in not even 2 minutes by zhad i mean s*** if that was possible before why not just take it the f*** out and let the skill be re-introduced into pvp. poison is the only spell you need to kill someone i've seen it alot out of town poison gets cast and then they just harm them till poison kills where the f*** is the skill there?
According to Judas or many others its now a part of the "game" so we have to somehow deal with it. I would be fine with it if we could even cure ourselves without delay using pots just like mages can cure themselves in an instant. As far as I know there are very few people who actually have skill and who are not poison spammers.

Author:  Thorfin [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:12 am ]
Post subject: 

or add items(weps,j.ewelry, ar) that give some resistance to elements fire, air, etc. maybe poison, im not sure if thats possible on shpere
and maybe instead of curing 1st at more than 60 u could heal+cure?

Author:  conork [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:30 am ]
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Author:  Emo [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks for ruining Christmas!!
:cry: you mean santa's not real? :cry:


PvP got f***** over as soon as they changed healing to be based off dex and added the poison system.. bebebooebbeboeobeb HAI!

Author:  Thorfin [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:39 am ]
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yes healing was good earlier so i really dunno why they changed it

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:49 am ]
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From fighting as a mage and a warrior, poisoning legit owns them,
I Love PvP thats my main part of the game and if u ask anyone thats all i do but lately i have almost gmed like 6 crafting skills. never used to be able to do it, something should be done about poisoning and healing and dex.

Author:  Thorfin [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:14 am ]
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yeh we can talk, talk, talk....but will some1 do something about it? u all know the answer :/

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:22 am ]
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Thorfin likes men?
am i right?

Author:  Thorfin [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:17 am ]
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only u....cos u love me..... but shhhhhhhhhhh dont tell anyone! :lol:

Author:  Odysseus [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:33 am ]
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i always thought high str was better then high dex, i choose mace fighting over swords because i wanted to have a change. ive noticed when your fightin a mage with reactive armour you hit that hard it just breaks through it and you end up hitting -32 etc. It maybe slow but if you get good hits in it can be devestating, i prefer fighting mages then warriors, cause if you fight a warrior who has a ba and high dex, and you hit so slow theirs no point cause youll loose lol. But ive noticed when i was fightin a few high dexers their str is like either 120-130-140 and i was hitting -50 even a -60 but its so slow to finish them off and poison is practicly useless cause they can just heal through it. I just use poison pots when im fighting mages, i throw if i see a fs coming or a poison spell.

So if i went to high dex would i hit so hard as i do?

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