DX Gaming

Your most disliked guild?
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Author:  sinspawnvip [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I voted Dark legacy, because those people own, jesus christ mang those people friggen rule! I wish I could be like one of those guys :(..accept sinfull, he just sucks,
but still I would love to own like those people
specially that ryo/sub guy, he fookin haxx
yeah that sinfull kid f***** blows ima pk him i swear!!

Author:  Terek Molt [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Vesper bridge ftw, let's all hang there again.. or open up that little peninsula near brit bank

Author:  Shaturu [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:16 am ]
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so much hate between guilds :P

Author:  sinspawnvip [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:54 am ]
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i say we talk someone into puttin a port back to vesp and make it the main town again, but the question is if some of us go will the rest follow?

Author:  chips LL [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:45 pm ]
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just do a quest or event that makes one town non accessable, than the other town will become popular, that's how it's been done in the past, with the brit bank burning down or w/e
vesper bridge blowing up veserper catching on fire
vesper bomb, and vesper plague and such

i imiss vesper i would go back in a heart beat

Author:  vlad [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:27 pm ]
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enough of town plagues already...

Author:  belgarion [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:34 am ]
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But if we hang out in Vesper ppl will ignore the signs there too and when they get pked a whine that will be walled off or something too. :roll:

Author:  Glory Knight [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:32 am ]
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Lol, i mean its not that hard....it does have a couple read signs. If they dnt realize that means a bad place, then thats their problem. lol.

Author:  Abib [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:49 pm ]
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testtttttttttttttttttttttttt yaaaaaaaaaay i can post

and MoB suxx

Author:  belgarion [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lol, i mean its not that hard....it does have a couple read signs. If they dnt realize that means a bad place, then thats their problem. lol.
You would think so but that is exactly what happened to Brit wall. Even tho there was signs everywhere. People messed around running in and out and when they got caught and Pked they cried to staff. I guess staff just got tired of hearing it. The same thing happened to the portal to Wind that some worked hard to make.

Author:  Charlie [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:02 pm ]
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MoB suxx

I agree

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:51 am ]
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I might sound harsh but for those idoits who ignored the signs staff put everywere, had the nerve to run in and out playing with PKs, than get pked (wonder why) and then complain to staff about getting pked which is a legal part of the game, and THEN the PKers get punished for it? wtf something isn't right, if anything those idiots who page about getting PKed in a place that has like 6 signs on each wall should be jailed. this is a case were staff sympathy gets in the way of the way people should and usually play the game, by blocking these areas off, it cuts out a roll in the economy, and the more places get cutt of from PKers the more you hear people complain about the economy in obsi, hmmm wonder why -_-

pvp is already low, and haveing gate wepons, sawed off areas which were pkers prime area doesn't help the situation
at this rate, pvp would be illegal soon

Author:  Eraser [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:22 am ]
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wow o.O what a crap thing


Author:  Terek Molt [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:16 pm ]
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Now place a bomb in brit and let us all go to vesper lal

Author:  blob [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:50 pm ]
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few things.....

yeah oldman is right... im around i flex my main muscle... the one between my legs yeah..... jesus christ im talkin bout my penis already....

thass..... which one was the catcher? primal or restile..?

and lastly i voted LoV because they are a bunch of poopie heads

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