DX Gaming

2014, a candid discussion
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Author:  Akax [ Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

Haha I understand now!!!

Poor newbies with no skills that are scared to pvp and scared to figth want to get big pvp players skills erased?

So that why poor newbies that kind of really suck deep are for option#3 and big skills old players and good gamer all think that option#3 is completly ridiculus and should be forgiven!!

Also apoc anytime when you are ready I can show you how you suck in a 1 vs 1 pvp!!

Its not because you have no skills that you need to erase other players skills Apoc u crazy sexy female come get looted any time!


Kajuyax(gmed deamon)
JackTheOne(gmed Necro)

Author:  Akax [ Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

How come no body pvp no body log into Obsidian to play ecept---Fury-Chilly-Tax Man-Shadow Hunter-Hank-Jizz Boy-Spiner-Me Kajuyax and Pkkush but I see lots of wierd name posting idiot things here that have nothing to do with the topics ???

How can you take time to post into a forum of a game you dont even play? that is so non sence!!!

Also just to make sure every strange chatter not gamers that post off topic here and dont even play Obsidian at all !!! I am JackTheOne(Gmed Necro in 3-4 years) and Kajuyax(Gmed Deamon in 2-3years)
I started to play Obsidian with my friend Spiner(gmed mage in 5 years)

Its really dumb that chatters that dont even play in Obsidian Shard post they are for option#3
and thinks monkey stuff that make no sence at all!!!

Author:  corky1h [ Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

most arent playing atm because we don't know whats going on we don't know if we are closing up shop or rebuilding or what we are just waiting so don't worry youll get your pvp im sure

Author:  corky1h [ Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

oh no now your about to go to rl jail and raptor has the money to do it or worse he might buy out obsidian lmao :lol:

Author:  Apocalypse [ Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion


Author:  Akax [ Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

My friend Spiner and me JackTheOne have never lose heads....

No wonder why we have so many Apoc head he is strong as a bambie or I think its called a hind in Obsidian...

Newbies claim they are not playing Obsidian cuz they dont have time? Why are you taking time to post off topic then?

And then Obsidian shard may shut down anytime so me JackTheOne(GmNecro) I am asking players to pvp before everythings get erased...

So again every one scared like hell to pvp in Obsidian and prefer losing time to post off topic here...

Make no sence players shouldnt be scared to figth and play in Obsidian but shouldnt be allowed at all to post non sence off topic female stuff in here!

So anytime any players willing to pvp go vesper bank before everything get erased...

Any one that have more then 70% in a skills willing the option#3?

Impossible the only one willing option#3 are non sence chatters scared to log Obsidian and claming they only have time to post off topic female stuff but no time to play Obsidian!!!

Make no sence get a life and stop beeing scared its only a game!!!

Author:  corky1h [ Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

hmm well if ya think about but don't think about it to hard anyway raptor has a point in everyone posting and not loging in but some of us have nothing to do for w/e reason and some like bob said dont have the time that isn't making money or rl jobs or kids or have move on to other games I really hope someone can figure out some way to save obsidian I know what I posted about just shuting it down but sounds like some folks are smart enough to figure things out witch gives me an idea why not start a thread and post what you can do as far as like terk I think it was said he can code im sure other can recruit maybe they could tell what times they can be on to help and then maybe when bob gets a min he can go through and figure something out or maybe we can put it to a vote idk but we need to get in gear because more and more players are moving on all the time

Author:  _Venom_ [ Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

Akax is right, there is no point in posting on a forum for a game you don't even play. People already weren't playing before we didn't know if the shard would shut down or what. And stfu Apoc, I'm the best.

If people really wanted to save Obsidian, just play the game and maybe others would follow. Leave your character on AFK even, just so it shows another player online when someone logs on.

I'll pay 20k to whoever can beat Akax in a 1v1 in front of me.

Author:  Apocalypse [ Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

Lol he's already said bob froze him about 2 weeks ago, killed him in shame and of course he had went psycho yellin at bob (who wasnt there). And what does my sexual orientation have to do with anything? IF I WERE QUEER AND PROUD THEN SO BE IT, swag.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

I'll pay 20k to whoever can beat Akax in a 1v1 in front of me.

Author:  Hemlock [ Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

Akax is right, there is no point in posting on a forum for a game you don't even play. People already weren't playing before we didn't know if the shard would shut down or what. And stfu Apoc, I'm the best.

If people really wanted to save Obsidian, just play the game and maybe others would follow. Leave your character on AFK even, just so it shows another player online when someone logs on.

I'll pay 20k to whoever can beat Akax in a 1v1 in front of me.

Ill take yah on that.

Author:  bruiser [ Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

Don't have a real voice here since I've not played for years, but if people want to play and Bob is still hosting then let ppl play.

If ppl want a new version then make a new server seperate?

Author:  GMBob [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

wait, who froze what now?

Sorry I dropped off the planet, something big came up. I'll be doing a proper response here hopefully sunday when i get back into town, as well as starting the renovations on the website (status, registration, etc).

Author:  corky1h [ Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

Thanks for the update

Author:  Karin [ Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014, a candid discussion

ok well waited long enough to comment on this thread all of have already. and from what i see alot of pepole believe that we should #3, or #2. And those are very viable options as well as one but 1 is the one that kills the shard. #2 well frankly that is what we did last time when the time loop happened
, was promised then new admin and staff and well nothing. we ended up with quests that noone can figure out and lost cities like magencia.. didnt really gain anything. lost ,more but we still had obsidian and that was enough for us... ok maybe it was enough for me! i love obs and dont want to play anywhere else i am on here everyday for a bit of time anyway i can fit it in whether at work or home or vacation. and i know alot of players here in real life.#3 scares the hell out of everyone cuz of the time it takes to gm a skill here and the things most of us had to put up with doing that. i joined at the height of the ashes relandi and cult conflict over bucs witnessed the defeat of cult cuz Black magic was the only onbe to have the balls to show up for the fight and watched everyone in cult dropped out of cult in disgrace. LMFAO then i was apart of the L.O.V. defunct by Ody.. yes Ody.. then i have played and gained in skill and in wealth of the obs world. i love this shard. all my friends who play here will tell you. I bugged the hell out of Unkuth and Justice paige for the down load for obs... reluctently they gave it to me... and after years of preasurring from me and a few others even came back to play again.... for what so all that tradtion and honor go to the way side for nothing.. wh.at a shame i hope that Bob & cybervic if he will fix this place and play on!!!! even BB if he will show up for us that will carry this shard on in the glory and pride abd honor it deserves!!!!! i am up for fixing the th9ings wrong with what we have now! but if they so deam it nesscary i will start all over if i have too. cuz i love it here and i am not going anywhere!! hope this finds you all well and sheds a little lite to the situation. PEACE!

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