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Author:  Excalibur [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

well I'm making a mage so any tips would be nice,I know thers a lot of things the old school know and keep to them selves,prolly not in your best interests to let people know as your a pk but I'd like to learn them.U can be my mentor Zur.

Author:  TNT [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok enough!!!!!!! I'm gonna unite all this cuban rafters including me and beat you all's butts, then we gonna cut you bodies and make some cuban sandwiches. Sounds good???????????????????

Author:  ValorII [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:45 pm ]
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thats why im still the best... woot woot yes?

Author:  Jackal [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey i still play from time to time. Zureze is decent, but that shit about only healing and not attacking.. lol wtf.. thats cowardice.. I have lost the timing and stuff with my chars.. but still have enought pop to take on anyone. But yes i remember there was a short period of time when noone killed my mage one on one.

I still give more recognition to a warrior who can keep toe to toe with a mage of high skill. Its alot easier to use a mage than a warrior.. so yeah slug is a great char.. but whether is it b/c his char is not maxed out or b/c his pvp is not the best.. he is vulnerable. ( gets his fame from killing noobs)(events are the only reasonable place where u could tell who is better or not.. b/c those so called pkers never fight vets one on one.. and get fame from killing noobs with 80 str)
Any character that only has a mage to pvp and never uses a warrior i dont even include in the top players in obs. Its extremely easy to get used to a mage.. only get a sense of timing and pretty much cast the same spells that u see everyone else casting. Warriors thou.. warriors have their tricks that separate them from the rest.. thats y every warrior is distinct from another.. while all mages are the same to me.. except for a very few that have gotten their stats right.

Author:  Excalibur [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why dont all u guys agree to meet where every one can come and watch and have a 1v1 battle,like a round robin so u dont go out in the first round,all fight each other once and total up the wins.Then all of obs can see who is the best "at this moment" the best pvp.Will have to be done over a few days because of time diff but every 1 would like to see it and I'm sure admin will be more than helpfull.So are u guys gona say yes or bottel out...That is the question.

Author:  ValorII [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

slug never fought me by himself. he would run like a lil naggar.

Author:  Jackal [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:12 pm ]
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Yeah.. honestly I learned all my shit from ppl like valor and madeline. Both of them are way up there on the pvp skill. But what can you say.. the student became the teacher... its like olympic records.. they are always broken. lol. Everyone has had their moment of glory on obs.. if mine ended it was fun while it lasted. Now ppl like ck.. tnt.. and fierce are the young generation.. the new olympic heroes. tomorrow it will b wizz, protector and ppl from their time.. haha. then redragon and stuff.. muahaha.. this is one funny post.. luv ya all.. fah q... and have a nice one.

Author:  Garr [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 6:41 pm ]
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all ima going to say is dot dot dot dot dot dot.

Author:  Zureese [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:18 pm ]
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yeah, i know healing ur way out is cowardly, but i was only saying gala is that it can be impossible to lose if you know how to do it properly....to finish off my last comment here, all i gotta say is that we all gotta shut up, cuz there used to be so many vets on here that could any of us, some of em you guys never even heard of, some of em were quitting while i just began....and everyone has their day....and sorry to say gala, u were not the best that i've seen...i've seen ppl way back that could take on just about anything, those guys are the ones that should have posts written about them, those guys are the ones who should be honored, but no one even remembers them, i just wish some of em could come back, it would make some of us think bout what pvping really is

Author:  Garr [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:24 pm ]
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actually zur i do remember but it was back in the day when i dont care what the times are people back then would surely own those of today. Example picolz was a great pvper among others diablas and so on. I had the honor of playing with them even though i have fun and say im good and what not i only am good cause i got the pleasure of growing with those guys even you zur. I consider you a big dawg in my book. surely one of the many i followed in helping my pvp on my mage Zain. As far as im concercend not many stand out that should. Even I honestly dont deserve a topic as this when you consider than many before me.

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 10:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I logged in for the first time in a while to be webbed and Some damn necro shit being casted at me, good to know that they still cant kill me, (think there was 2 of the little gay homos(HAHA Bryan, Im gonna "one man gang" your butt...nah you'll get me one day, im sure). However even tho ive only been away for a short time my timing has gone to SHIT, damn GHeals and bandies (im sure bandies take longer now)

Point of this post....erm dunno...was bored

In the allmighty replication of a tyger phrase "VAGINA"


Author:  Mezmoron [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Us new guys are trying to move up as best we can... Hell, I still suck at PvP and I have a lot to learn. It's not about who's the best. Overall, it really doesn't matter. Let's just have fun.


Author:  Jackal [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:31 am ]
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Those guys back in the days wouldnt have a chance now. Everything has changed so much.. its easy for u to say someone was the shiznat when their warrior didnt have a delay on healing and he also had magery. Now warriors are restricted in so many areas... so yeah those oldies wouldnt have a chance now.. just as you and me wont have a chance tomorrow. Innovations change things for the better.. Neil Armstrong wouldnt have a chance against the astrounauts of today.. and im sure you would say his the best ever. You cant compare Ali to Tyson.. it was in a different time period,, just as u cant compare babe to Bonds. just my two centavos.

Author:  Elleberation [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:28 am ]
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whyd ya tell oldies dont have a change? im a real oldie and i still own...........

Author:  maximus [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:24 am ]
Post subject: 

ok ok lets see here..
Slug=sucks ass
Valor=drafter/still the best mage\best swimmer\pimp\compinga y maricon
Gala=big pimpin\big daddy\ the best..the ony and only...
Garr=hoe...bitch...my puta.
Seph=Respected...pretty much like gala.. but deep inside he is another bitch.. like Garr
Dynamite=careful with that guy... highly famable.
Chaos= the laddies mannn
SK=bitch is stronggggg

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