DX Gaming

You will pay!....trust me
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Author:  NatureWarrior [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Tisk tisk little Zur. Your tiny brain didnt understand my point. I'll repeat it again: *This way I wont have a choice but to try and rape you one way or another so you cant say I'll be hiding in town.* See if I wanted to duel Zur one on one we could do so anytime. Just meet up somewhere and duel fair. I'm warning you now: Unless Necromancers work again this will be a gank. Im not dueling you with my 40% magery alchy. GIve me a GM mage with perfect skill and stat and no problem I'll take you on but thats not the case. Of course you can gank me too during that period of time. The first one who goes down loses.

Good luck

Author:  mediumz [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Tisk tisk little Zur. Your tiny brain didnt understand my point. I'll repeat it again: *This way I wont have a choice but to try and rape you one way or another so you cant say I'll be hiding in town.* See if I wanted to duel Zur one on one we could do so anytime. Just meet up somewhere and duel fair. I'm warning you now: Unless Necromancers work again this will be a gank. Im not dueling you with my 40% magery alchy. GIve me a GM mage with perfect skill and stat and no problem I'll take you on but thats not the case. Of course you can gank me too during that period of time. The first one who goes down loses.

Good luck
Hey necro why dont you just say give me some balls so I can fight u fair and square cause all u do dude is talk shit on forums and then say that we talk crap here...btw nice inprovement u can type correct English now wooohoo and about ur so called KoN godly warriors none of them wanted to fight me :( dude train ur char urself and I am 100% sure to challenge Zur u are about 5 years behind so goodluck with that...but even so I suggest you ask for balls rather than a GM mage :P

Author:  thomaska [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey necro why dont you just say give me some balls so I can fight u fair and square cause all u do dude is talk shit on forums and then say that we talk crap here...btw nice inprovement u can type correct English now wooohoo and about ur so called KoN godly warriors none of them wanted to fight me :( dude train ur char urself and I am 100% sure to challenge Zur u are about 5 years behind so goodluck with that...but even so I suggest you ask for balls rather than a GM mage :P
The last thing this guy needs is bigger balls. I mean challenging and badmouthing some of the most experienced PK'ers on this shard. :lol:

Author:  Kinetic [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:39 am ]
Post subject: 

I think some of you missing the point, NecrWaerrior isnt scared to go out, its just the cant go out his main char doesnt work, lalalal, learn to stop the hating on this cos its a bit sad, he cant do jack.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Well Lestat, if I was the weakest warrior on this shard like you are I'd shut up :). As Kinetic said my necro is a bit useless right now and my warrior is far from rdy to take on anyone. Btw Lestat, I promise you any of my main clannies can take you down one on one. Remember the KoN cove newbs you were hunting? They are back and unlike you, they improved since you last tried to gank them with other BoF weaklings like Terek Molt. You and Terek were sad. Terek left and you.... you're still sad.

Author:  Zureese [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

hahaha, ok, so let's get this straight, you will fight me...but only if you can gank me? Dude, are you honestly trying to look like a pussy here? You say this is because your main character is working? well, why the f*** would you talk so big if u know yo ucan't take me 1v1????? Dude, my main character is f***** too if u didn't notice, i have a 20 year old character is going to woop you....ok, I have to repeat this again since it sounds funny when i read it. You know that you can't beat me 1v1, sooooo you are going to gank me....hmmmmm, well, atleast you can admit the obvious, haha oh god. and thx ppl, atleast i'm the not the only one who sees mr.big talk mouthing off like a fool. Ok, one last time.....he knows he can't kill me 1v1, so he HAS to gank me. Well you know what? :D try it, hahaha, I'll still be able to kill you and ur bum buddies. And dude, do me a favor when you reply to this post. Since this is a gaming forum, and you are talking about my character....not I. Try not to insult me as a human being (my little mind)....I mean it really does sound pathetic, seeing how you have no idea who I am. It just shows that you do not have enough insults about my pvp style or pking "wits" as you call them, hahaha. Remember, you only know my ingame character fool....hehe, and u are going to know him alot better very soon, even tho, you have to gank....hahahaha

....Waits for necro's usual immature reply!! :D

Author:  Dave [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Necro can't do jack with his character anyway, because he is utterly sh*t.

Despite his usual whinings to the opposite, every time I have met him in an event or outside of town I have thoroughly raped him.

He then goes on to deny this because it is him that appears to have the fragile ego, not myself. If you have to *lie* about your experiences in pvp then this is ultimately kinda sad - I have never had to do this and I never will.

Necro then normally starts ranting about how Voldemort could rape me etc - which both me and volde know is not the case from the times we have fought. I respect Volde in pvp Necro, because he is actually good at it.

If you spent less time running your mouth or aiming your tongue for Volde's a$$hole, then we might be able to say the same for you 8)

Author:  Kilo [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

im serious, im logging on kilo and im killing all of yous. hahahahaha i dont really know whats going on here. sounds like little kids fighting over chocoloat if you ask me. someone got ganked woopty f****** doo, back in the days me ashes got ganked all the time. makes if fun... gankers are leagal, and i dont blame them for ganking vlad. vlad is a good player and vlad should be glad to see that they need 5-6 players to kill him. and so they looted him dry. its just a game, get your shit back, get some players and fight back. and i can stress this more, stop your bitch ass posting and go fight in game you panzies. talking about it wont solve anything, trash talk mean crap. so why dont you all breath a little, put your pants back on, and go work on your chars. ah ah ah, obsidian gossip.... feels like im reading a soap opera....

and next week on on Days of Obisidan....

Author:  Zureese [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:12 am ]
Post subject: 

hahaha, shut up kilo :P we're just messing around. And i'm just stating that i'm going to kill necro, simple as that. And yes, it was a gank, but a cheap one seeing how vlad couldn't even run away. I just want to simply prove that necro can't kill me 1v1 :D then i'll be happy :)

Author:  Rippa [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

so funny he ran around during the whole time thinking he won't die sorry he isnt elleb :lol: 5 vs 1 I laugh at that also. Both are untrue and just admit your friend fell victim to the first crime commited by the REAL MOB :shock: :roll:

Author:  Zureese [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

dude....lol, he didn't run, he couldn't, his mouse went dead, did u not read the post, i wouldn't be so mad if it was just a gank, its part of the game.....its cheap tho if something like mouse batteries go dead.

Author:  Dave [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

If I had been able to move properly you all would have died. Trust me on that one.

For your information I was on 85hp before I managed to pull my mouse out of its charger, and then it had enough residual charge for me to fizz about 3 spells around a house before it cut out again and I had to stand to die.

Don't call me a liar. If I say my mouse died then it is true, just ask drizzt. It was playing up long before I was pvping, when he was tryin to give me some stuff.

Author:  Dracula [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:45 am ]
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ur horse is not urs anymore prbly dave :/
wish u woulda got it. annyway im stiiil holding.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:36 am ]
Post subject: 

5-6 people gank, you gotto be kidding me? Vlad escape the gank? LOL. Vlad has no magery, therefore his chances fo escaping were pretty limited. The rape was easy and even IF I had known about his mouse beind lo-batt I woulda ganked him anyways for killing Cherry.

See Zur you dumb f*** say I lick Volde's ass but you're the one with a finger up your ass. Volde and other Destiny members agreed it was a good thing Vlad got raped to lower his EGO a bit. I told Volde after the fight that I was gonna take SoB's alone without the help of Destiny and I told Volde to sit and hide in his house because he had lost his balls and seems to be on retirement now. I never asked Volde's help or any other Destiny members. Me and my guys will do this alone. Besides noone would challenge MoB alone like I did. I guess I got bored bored of hunting Restile.

If I do get my mage anytime soon I will duel you one on one no problem but untill then I will gank. And I warned you about it instead of backstabbing you so pls Zur quit the disrespecting and stfu pls?

This thread is now rendered useless and still used by Zuresse as somekinda threat/flame? Pathetic as I do not feel threatened by this dumbass one bit. I take it on my shoulders to lower your ego too Zurese and trust me, I will.

Author:  TheRealLoki [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

i miss Anubis :( and Alec

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