DX Gaming

Vampires Vs Humans
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Author:  Dedo [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

best option to bring races back like they were back before they were disabled..

Author:  subwulf [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

no but a stone could be made similar to do what thass said,,,
and yes cherry your correct, and dedo i pointed it out in my last post,
but like i said its just a hold off until then, because we dont know when or if its even going to happen, to be honest i think most likly not

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would rather wait and find out than f*** everything up in the mean time

Author:  subwulf [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

well theres always,, hmmm undoing those like 4 changes? the current system is so outta wack that people quit due to it :/ i think change is inneed

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK I'm just going to say this completely calmly.

Races were removed from Obsidian due to balance, tweak and bug/exploit issues of varying kinds and varying degrees of severity.

To completely reintroduce races (fixed, and ready to go) may be easy... or it may take quite alot of work. I do not know because I am not a dev and I do not know how to script for a sphere server.

What I do know, however, is that one of the largest concerns with the disabling of races was to do with warriors. Human warriors have a lower skill cap than their Vampire counterparts... and do not have the racial stone, either, for abilities such as beserk or the highly underrated invisibility.

Because this is the greatest problem that removing races has caused, this is why I feel that if it can be scripted to allow human warriors to emulate the skill structure of vampire warriors (higher cap, 30 cap to magery) then this would be an effective, temporary balancing solution to partially bridge the gap between old 'vamp' warriors and new human ones.

Whether this is even possible, practical, easy to implement or indeed acceptable as a intermediate solution is entirely up to Broadband.

My suggestion was not intended to remove the notion of reintroducing races. However, the statement:

'the best way to fix the removal of races is to reintroduce them'

is completely circular, obvious, and therefore useless. We all know that reintroducing races would amend this issue but it clearly isn't going to happen just yet unless it is in the next patch... which is why I was trying to think of an 'in-between' option.

Author:  subwulf [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

exactly what i was trying to do. i get you man you have a very good idea ur self there

Author:  Rippa [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK I'm just going to say this completely calmly.

Races were removed from Obsidian due to balance, tweak and bug/exploit issues of varying kinds and varying degrees of severity.

To completely reintroduce races (fixed, and ready to go) may be easy... or it may take quite alot of work. I do not know because I am not a dev and I do not know how to script for a sphere server.

What I do know, however, is that one of the largest concerns with the disabling of races was to do with warriors. Human warriors have a lower skill cap than their Vampire counterparts... and do not have the racial stone, either, for abilities such as beserk or the highly underrated invisibility.

Because this is the greatest problem that removing races has caused, this is why I feel that if it can be scripted to allow human warriors to emulate the skill structure of vampire warriors (higher cap, 30 cap to magery) then this would be an effective, temporary balancing solution to partially bridge the gap between old 'vamp' warriors and new human ones.

Whether this is even possible, practical, easy to implement or indeed acceptable as a intermediate solution is entirely up to Broadband.

My suggestion was not intended to remove the notion of reintroducing races. However, the statement:

'the best way to fix the removal of races is to reintroduce them'

is completely circular, obvious, and therefore useless. We all know that reintroducing races would amend this issue but it clearly isn't going to happen just yet unless it is in the next patch... which is why I was trying to think of an 'in-between' option.
Basically because Necros and The Enchantment Ability no need to hide it Echantment has a bug associated with it and Necros owned PVM and people got jealous. Thats my polite way of saying something else but the Shard was a much more exicting more playable and more popular experience With Races! Too bad that necro script is already messed up so we can never have them back I think. Anyway yea Thass that idea is good but Races should of been added back long ago.

Author:  subwulf [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

id say who cares about people having perma enchants, we all know who had them , deal with it, it was alot more fun with them even though i was never able to use enchants, it ww as fun watching azi kill staff with them, it was suepr fun going to events with ppl with them,, fun hunting with them ,, wow it was awsome, and a pvm mage id say would be a compition for those old necros who reanimated things
necros were super fun

Author:  Rippa [ Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

yea I felt like spider man webbing people constantly 8)

Author:  Thassius [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Rippa I'm not sure what you are saying... Necromancy itself was disabled long before all alternative races were completely removed - the two issues are entirely separate.

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Since i have made both a PvP and PvM mage recently I never use my warrior anyway. It is my opinion that warriors suck plain and simple. Who wants to spend 1/2 hour hacking away at another player and the deciding fate will be who fails there healing at that crucial time. That is the advantage i see for vamps is berserk, but even so it doesn't make them invincible. I think if the healing fail thing was fixed it would be a little better to use a warrior.

Author:  Ambient [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:12 am ]
Post subject: 

So a gm pvp warrior dont have any chance at all against a gm pvp mage? By the look of what i read so far on this thread it says that. I just wonder cos its not that fun building up my fighter sammael and same time knowing he will never be good enought on the battlefield against pvp mages.

I didnt read every post in this thread so sorry if it says somehting about this further up.

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:22 am ]
Post subject: 

He has a chance for sure, if he has GM resist he has an even better chance but what i am saying is i find warriors too unreliable right now to the point where they are kind of annoying to PvP with. Like how do you expect to stand up to anything when you fail healing like 7 times in a row and Gheals really don't give you enuf health to stay alive after failing that many times.

Author:  Dedo [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

heres a thought....what would that extra skill be? cause for the life of me I can't think of anything else I need thats esential to pvp...magery would be nice but as mentioned that would be caped....

Author:  Rippa [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:43 am ]
Post subject: 

All you need is good poisoning a good stat setup and gm resist, healing, archery and you should be set... you won't have blood or invisibility but you can stand a pretty good chance unless ofcourse the mage has gm poisoning then you are screwed... cuz u won't have that extra healing blood gives vamps. People tend to make dumb mistakes in pvp so any battle can go anyway it depends on who's dumber at the time :lol: I don't really see the problem with a human warrior my first char on here was human I was dumb enough to choose him instead a vamp but by the time I found out there's differences I already gmed him and didn't want to delete and he can still pvm and pvp ok... just raise that resist up.

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