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Author:  Garr [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Galahad for your info it has nothing to do with the delay playes such as myself have been through the changes and i have adapted fairly easy to the changes and actually have gone above and beyond that. So you can not state that older players will not win and dont stand a change i bet you anything if you faught raistlin or anything like that youd see what im saying.

Author:  Jackal [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Psst once i got to raistlins level i whopped his ass.. picoloz and raistling were noob killers.. not worth mentioning. There is no god in obs.. Everyone is what they think they are.. once u walked by my side and believed u were the best.. so did seph.. and urza.. all of us thought the same.. and all of us were right.. but now.. im ashamed to say some dude that walked by my side worships someone that walks.. Obs is a game.. and as a game everything is possible. So all those vets back then have nothing on the players that play now.. they r equal if not worst.

Author:  Lady Athena [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

sometimes i reall wish some of you guys have meet some of the old players ...Farthul owned, Ultimessiah and Sailormercury *coughs*

oh and OA (Order Alliance), roflmao ...so sad :P

Author:  slug [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Athena thats why i never claim to be th ebest like som elame asses out there. Sure ive beat all of these guys that are posting and most of them have beaten me at some point with 1 of thier chars. But i remember alot of those old guys who really did own and no one ever killed them. I miss those guys

Author:  CounslerWicked [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree slug with you.. and he can argue all he wants but if they were playiing like they did and could still pvp they would own us all.

Author:  ValorII [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:41 pm ]
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thats becuz im the best.

Author:  Optimous Prime [ Sat Sep 25, 2004 11:15 am ]
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i agree with zur........ undertaker seems to be galahads little butt buddie...... or it may infact be galahad... ill gladly fight damon one on one... i have never gotten a straight fight from ne of u order lord punks u all run around once its time for me to start attacking but do you see me run around like a f***** chicken with my head cut off when im getting attacked by you...? nope i also agree with slug you all say your the best so on and so fourth when none of you ever faught some old ass players that really never did die when they went into a fight no matter who it was key players im going to mention mack daddy lonith capone (unless she went and got herself guarded) lailo evil malovence i even saw all of you order lords chasing them around and they kicked your ass......... granted evil cheated some but then agian so do all of you... funny how when someone kills you though its because they cheated but when you win its superior skill.... all im saying is dont say your the best when you havent faught everyone new or old

Author:  maximus [ Sat Sep 25, 2004 11:21 am ]
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funny looks who is talking about being sucky lol...

Author:  Jackal [ Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:36 pm ]
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whos optimus prime? cuz if its that noob Prime. i kicked his ass so many times with Damon and gala one on one.. plus none of this really matters.. i say that someone cheats when i keep gettin kicked out of the server when i fight with them.. which is waht evil did.. so stfu unless u know what u talking about.. and that about that those ppl never died.. then it was b/c they were fighting sucky ppl like you.

Author:  Sephiroth [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:50 am ]
Post subject: 

One day most of you will relize that it does not matter if your the best or not. In obs there has always been great pvpers. Only a few are left that can remember them. I could name all the people that I had a great time fighting. But since most people would not even know there names it would not make much of a difference. I had fun when I pked and all the other people I got to know thru the little time I was here. One thing to always remember is that you can always learn something from an old or new player.

Author:  bruiser [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:07 am ]
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I could take this guy ^

Author:  Jackal [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:35 am ]
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There slug said something nice.. no wonder that foo is a nerd.. but his right his right... just gays that say someone sucks deserve and answer witha sword on their arse.

Author:  Azimuth [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

sometimes i reall wish some of you guys have meet some of the old players ...Farthul owned, Ultimessiah and Sailormercury *coughs*

oh and OA (Order Alliance), roflmao ...so sad :P
What was different back then that made them so good? Just quick hands, or was there more to it? I am sure everyone has tried various strategies with different success, and I am also sure some of these guys you mentioned used the same strategies as the people we have today. Has something been tweaked to balance things out? If so, how do we really know those guys were that good? I'm not trying to undermine the folks that played here before, I am sure they were good...but if they played on Obsidian today, how good would they be?

Author:  Excalibur [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just seen Gal on the shard and he was 41 so UNDERTAKER is his forum name,was asking for str so the myth aint true just another crock from a has been??? prolly take me no prob but new vets NO CHANCE.I mean new like 30 or so.Cheap shot Gal using UNDERTAKER as your forum name.For that cheap shot I hope u get wats coming and no 1 licks your arse.

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