DX Gaming

My Necromancer
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Author:  NatureWarrior [ Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  My Necromancer

I dont often make threads but I felt I needed to clarify myself on one point to some players who relentlessly came to me saying I have abused Necro bugs.

Before I came on this shard Necromancy was the same as it had been for a while and Necromancers were few. Was mostly an unknown skill to have. Yet I did as Floyyd recommended and started with a Necro. I trained hard and got my Necromancer strong alone with the help of noone to guide me as Floyyd had quit shortly after introducing me. I never expected my INT would be so important to me as a Necromancer and I didnt even know how to PvP with at all. I still would double click my book to open it and use mouse clicks to try and hit my targets. I used to look up to Rovonero. He was my inspiration yet he did not help me as we were friends only for a short time before he started being hostile to me and for reason.

I used to get Raped in town by Rovonero almost everyday. I had to stay away from Britain most of the time to avoid his DF's yet I did want to become as strong as he was badly. I'd go kill skeletons and zombies, round 4k up every day and go buy me one INT fish usually from Regiss's vendor.

At one point I met up with someone who showed me how Necros PvPed and when I witnessed all the power I did have for a long time but that I did not know how to use, I fell over my computer chair. Shortly after I had much more INT and was finally able to keep up with the competition. But I did a lot of PvP and already at the time I was nothing but a newb ganker to my preys. I used to web and Voldemort would do the rest. Yet a lot of the PvP I did was in town and when some people who had no idea what a Necromancer was came and witnessed my new power, they cried BUG abuse and Necro abuse as all I did was DF them to death...

To concerned people who still claimed that Necromancy was somehow BUGGED at the time and that all I did was abuse that bug : Lick my ass weaklings. I got Raped over and over and humiliated and laughed at by other Necros in the past in the worst manners possible (one time Rovonero made my body a zombie while I was dead near bridge exit and told the bastard zombie carrying all my loot to come to him and drop the loot for him *pwnt*) but I never whined and bitched at how necromancy was unfair to me. I got webbed in Wrong by a Necro(Marice) and as I could not open my book because of the web I stood there and watched myself die to the DF's coming. I never whined and bitched about it. I'm proud I got raped by Rovonero as I'm proud I got to meet great vets from the time who did not waste their time whining on forums about how they got pwnt.

Point is, people dont care how your parents treat you. If someone raped the f*** out of you because you could not keep up with him and he did so without braking any rules -=>"STFU"<=- and go cry Rovonero a river. (That's what Mid told me to do after he raped me and I did)

This post is DEDICATED in the most part to Adam <--- Wake up buddy!

PS: Bobo I did not know you were fooling around at Vesper bridge yesterday. I told MId to pass on my excuses upon crossing the line and hope we can talk it out. Was a misunderstanding all the way. Even on Duck's side. Talk to you in game.

Author:  Adam [ Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

for gods f***** sake dude.. u have no life.. get your head out of your @ss..
i am not refering to u using your necro intown fighting.. i am refering to you using deathflame to kill ppl over and over in town till their body decayed..... and no one could call guards on u to do shit abou it.. and if they attacked u u would instantly spam guards..

that is what i am refering to.. and dont even open your pecker breath liein' mouth about it.. or imma stick in a fat one... ur such a pussy i can smell the wet douch on your breath..

oh and btw.. i just droped the same necromancer at the bank with 4 arrows... hope u got your peg back... :P

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dude the funny thing is all along you never knew wtf you were talking about you f****** pussy. You're the one crying *BUG ABUSE* everytime you get raped. Lemme enlighten you a bit and I hope your f****** tiny brain can take it and memorize it this time :

-If I would Death Flame a player and he would attack me back, EVEN if I tried I could not call the guards on him you ducking douche bag. Therefore I wasnt lying, I'm still not lying and you're a f****** idiot who knows nothing of necromancy.

-Yes I did rape some people over and over using Death flame. Lick my left nut and make the right one jealous if you don't like it.

Gosh what a moron. His stupidity is getting to me

Author:  Thassius [ Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Necromancer

Yup quit the flames dude I've warned you enough, one more insult and I'll suspend you for a week. If someone attacks you then leave it to us to deal with it please. Count - there is no need to instigate trouble here.
(one time Rovonero made my body a zombie while I was dead near bridge exit and told the bastard zombie carrying all my loot to come to him and drop the loot for him *pwnt*)
rofl...anyone else find that funny?

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