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Army of Darkness is at war
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Author:  Bobo [ Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Army of Darkness is at war

In case you haven't noticed AoD is fighting KoN, Destiny, and Ice Isle Army. Also, any other lame PKers/gankers/whoever. kthxbai.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:50 pm ]
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Consider my guild as a "friendly" to yours. We are true neutral... and are against the same forces as thou although we have not declared war against anyone yet.

Author:  Thassius [ Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:01 pm ]
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Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:06 am ]
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As teh l33t ganker of them all and as King of Destiny I declare......
Good luck to you Bobo ^_^

I must inform you that for security mesures we (Destiny) have decided to wait untill Cure and Poison are working again to show up and teach you a lesson. We are hoping it is not too long untill we can poison and cure again but BB is doing a great job untill now :D .

Some lamers like Count Croxton have asked for duels with non working mages and have tried to ewall/gank some of us while fully aware that magery is being worked on. Yet the lamest of them all Count Croxton ewalled himself with Volde to die as 2 Destiny mages were hidden right beside Volde and so Volde did not even have to waste any ewalls. Of course the lamer Croxton who likes to take advantage of mage weakness has payed for his stupidity.

Some people with honor however have told Destiny that they would wait untill magery was fixed before attacking the mages and we greatly appreciate those who respect the fact that we cannot defend agaisnt poison. Those people will be shown appreciation by their enemies in times of war and will be treated with respect even in the nastiest battles. That means not looted dry - corpse cut and fed to our horses - rides killed - ect...

I must warn you though. Nimphandoras was ganked and has lost her Mustang before the loopback and the same will be done to those who participated in the gank/killing of the Mustang. I will personally see to it as Nimph is my ingame fiancee along with Julia.

Let The War Begin Mates!
No harsh feelings Bobo.

Author:  ReDr@gon [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:21 am ]
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well be sure u will be gank a lot befor u will kill anyof them if u will anyway lol

Author:  Samon [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:12 am ]
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I must warn you though. Nimphandoras was ganked and has lost her Mustang before the loopback and the same will be done to those who participated in the gank/killing of the Mustang.

Your really one to talk about ganking rides Necro, as I recall a few weeks back being ganked by you and Ares and having my Stang killed. By the two of you.

Author:  ducksternator [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:02 am ]
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BB is doing a great job untill now :D .
Actually it was a good move because the system was bugged. Anyone can win when the element of suprise is on, just like I did today on your island. AoD could lick Destiny in 1on1 fights, and you choose not to fight the war this way (smart move) so we'll fight it on your terms.
I'm siding with AoD, so prepare to be ganked, corpse cut and looted dry. We're only returning the damage that you have done to the helpless of Britannia.

We don't need to butter up how we're going to fight. We'll put it simply - Parepare to die.

P.S I personally have never agreed with the killing of rides. Nimph's stang was only killed because it started attacking someone in the e-wall. Most of Destiny show some degree of respect for others save Aladdin/Necro and Ares/RmX, so these two will get special treatment. Good luck Everyone :)

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:29 am ]
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Naturewarrior... usually I won't participate in your forum antics but seeing as how you've already called out the Count, let it be known:

You talk too much.

Author:  mumu [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:21 pm ]
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OMFG they tried to kill my preciouse purple stang kinetic today it was so rude and mean :(

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:09 pm ]
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Your really one to talk about ganking rides Necro, as I recall a few weeks back being ganked by you and Ares and having my Stang killed. By the two of you.
The only times I have killed rides when pking was when the target was branded as *friend of Restile* or *friend of Ashes*. For those people we would give a very special treatment including a trashcan. Other than those people I hardly pked anyone at all so when you say I pked newbs in wrong I have no idea who you're talking about. I can count on my fingers the times where I pked a stranger to me and therefore a newb. I would protect them instead from other people. Bloodyroar was a new and to me he had potential. I put him under the protection of KoN so that Destiny would not touch him. (Blood you rock!)

But anyways, Destiny is fully prepared for this war and actually we are more than ever prepared. Of course we have lost Nemo The Great but we still have a grand team of gankers that should not be taken lightly.

Maybe Nimph's Mustang attacked someone in the Ewall but thats not the only naughty thing that some of you have kept doing. Trying to kill my Necro in Vesper to have the Pegasus is another and quite frankly, I don't even have words for describing how lame that was.

If you want Destiny to play by some rules that include some degree of respect and make it a nice war instead of the kind of war we had with Ashes, let me know and let there be a deal made between the 2 parties. If Destiny is told not to kill rides they wont because we have control over our guilds. How about you Duck, do you have control?

PS: Another lack of respect was shiwing up on my island and sharing the runecode around. Lack of respect for the price I payed for that island and for intimity. Hiding in front of my guildhouse door too is total lack of respect. Your attempts were a failiure on my island and I would very much like it if you stayed out of that area for a war that can be fought anywhere else.

EDIT: Berzek when in gods name did I ever kill your stang?!?

Author:  RmX [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:47 pm ]
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Your really one to talk about ganking rides Necro, as I recall a few weeks back being ganked by you and Ares and having my Stang killed. By the two of you.
The only times I have killed rides when pking was when the target was branded as *friend of Restile* or *friend of Ashes*. For those people we would give a very special treatment including a trashcan. Other than those people I hardly pked anyone at all so when you say I pked newbs in wrong I have no idea who you're talking about. I can count on my fingers the times where I pked a stranger to me and therefore a newb. I would protect them instead from other people. Bloodyroar was a new and to me he had potential. I put him under the protection of KoN so that Destiny would not touch him. (Blood you rock!)

But anyways, Destiny is fully prepared for this war and actually we are more than ever prepared. Of course we have lost Nemo The Great but we still have a grand team of gankers that should not be taken lightly.

Maybe Nimph's Mustang attacked someone in the Ewall but thats not the only naughty thing that some of you have kept doing. Trying to kill my Necro in Vesper to have the Pegasus is another and quite frankly, I don't even have words for describing how lame that was.

If you want Destiny to play by some rules that include some degree of respect and make it a nice war instead of the kind of war we had with Ashes, let me know and let there be a deal made between the 2 parties. If Destiny is told not to kill rides they wont because we have control over our guilds. How about you Duck, do you have control?

PS: Another lack of respect was shiwing up on my island and sharing the runecode around. Lack of respect for the price I payed for that island and for intimity. Hiding in front of my guildhouse door too is total lack of respect. Your attempts were a failiure on my island and I would very much like it if you stayed out of that area for a war that can be fought anywhere else.

EDIT: Berzek when in gods name did I ever kill your stang?!?
hmm for the stang part
my fault lol
well OMERTA guild m8's kept reskilling/killing me in town... (i mean ganking) and nothing wrong with that
and i saw a mustang down and a OMERTA ghost...
and i attacked it lol
well didnt know it was you bezerek anyway DUCK
should i remind you when AoD was in full force only 4 poor destiny mages came and kicked ur buts?
when the mages are fixed i say:

Author:  Rippa [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:35 pm ]
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Count that was funniest thing I seen a warrior do was wall himself into a gank lol especially when you wasn't even the target :) I still chuckle a bit thx for the memory.... Go Destiny!

Author:  Adam [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:44 pm ]
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me using weak cheep tactics? is that what u are saying????

look magery is just f***** fine... poison was messed up.. thats why its turned off.. im sure u do miss that way overpowered dmg tho.. but ne how.. mages can cure with pots.. and poison with pots.. JUST LIKE ME..... how is that so unfair.... gimme a break...

the really good mages... i miss them..
thes whineing gankers that want 40 dmg poison.. and think they are some how wronged if they cant whipe out some thing with a few flamestrikes..

dont be such a wuss.. as i said.. ur poison/cure and mine are now the same... there is no "advantage" of those 2 on your side anymore.. that is the only difference.. be a man....

and besides.. vold wanted no place with me in an ewall before the poison and cure were disabled.... lol..
and yea.. u guys cought me by suprise... hooray for u..... im not mad by it.. good one really.. but dont think u made some great acheivment.... in a 3 vs. 1 gank in an ewall.. lol.. specially when 2 of u were hidden..

ill say it now....
NOW when ever u get your poison back.. cure whatever...
i will single handedly 1 on 1 anilate u.. and any member in your squad....

but then that is why u want to hide and catch me 3 on 1 tho.. :)... in ne case..

Count's goin' full throttle now... and its time to kill..

Author:  mumu [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:04 pm ]
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rmx it wasnt u it was that spansh son of a bitch benjamin but dont worry wne i got all my loot back thx to rippa and maniac who healed me i pwnt the f*** outta him so i dont thinkk hell be toucning my purple kinetic ever again :P and sorry for makin it sound liek it was u necro

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:12 pm ]
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It's okay Berzek.

I was just trying to explain how I did not usually kill rides exept for a few *select* people.

As for Count who thinks it's fair that a warrior duel a mage when the mage cannot cure or poison and who claims he can annihilate a mage one vs one, let me remind you that we did a duel together in front of Ares, Dario, Thesseus and Duck who came in late and they all saw me f*** you up faster than you could say *NO LOOT MASTER PLIZ*.

Don't get too excited Count because especially for your case, when the fighting truly start, you will be one who will be treated the worst for your weakling actions to try to EWall non working mages.

Destiny will be ready to destroy you when magery is working properly.

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