DX Gaming

Nominations for the PVP Hall of Fame
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Author:  CyberVic [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:48 am ]
Post subject:  Nominations for the PVP Hall of Fame

For those who pvp, I'm sure you've noticed that I've apprehended Ashe's old house and claimed it in my name and have named it the PVP hall of fame. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just goto vesper bridge if you dare and it's the house with the message board, vines, scary trees, pentacle on the roof, chimney, etc.

Anyhow I'm going to put paintings up in the house and put the names of the biggest PVP'ers to grace obsidian. If anyone can name any names please do so. Keep in mind this is the PVP hall of fame, not murderer hall of fame, so good PVPers who hunt reds are elligble too. Once I get a list of names I'll set up a vote. So for now please give me nominations and maybe a little history behind the people you are nominating. PLEASE ONLY one reply PER PERSON on this thread. Do not ague or anything. Just please give nominations only.

Also I'd like to add my vendor Bel is selling various heads that have been donated through the donation boxes in britain and vesper. I know those are prize donation chests but I thought it would be cool to put them up for sale for those who might want to buy heads of PKs or PKs to buy their heads back. If someone has a head they want to put up for sale, just drop it in the chest next to the vendor.

Author:  theeggman [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:52 am ]
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I'll cast my vote for Van Impe

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:53 am ]
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Elleberation, Midnight, Nemo, Ashes Relandi, Kilourious, Keldorn Firecam, Drizzt, Zelda, Urza, Garr, Slug, Zureese, Wizz, Geralt, Von Carstein...there's quite a few more who deserve it but I will add them as I remember.

Author:  Narcom [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:51 am ]
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Author:  Carling [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:28 am ]
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Ashes Relandi
Count Croxton

Author:  mediumz [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  har har

BB, Slug, Count Croxton, Duck, Van Impe, Zain, Elleberation, Midnight etc etc...

Author:  Dario [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:50 am ]
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Author:  Forgotten [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:05 am ]
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Virus and Extras love them 2 well didn't get on with them but they good pvpers

Author:  Adam [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:28 am ]
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hehe.. well.. this sounds nice.. not big headed or prickinly saying.. but.. since this is goin on.. i am opening myself to any oncoming mage who thinks they can take me down...

just to prove myself.. :)

id say warriors too.. but its so boreing... :( lol..

i have recently changed up my style on a few things.. and u will find that no mage will take me down... nor come close an entire battle...

this is an all fun intended thing so dont take it in some rude way.. just trying to leave a legacy ;) in some way if possible...

in a time when mages own all.. one warrior shall rule....

brilliant idea vic

Author:  Carling [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:47 am ]
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Nemo and Barbie

I dont think for very long, so ill prolly just drop names in as i remember :P

Author:  Maniac [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:56 am ]
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lol sum ppl forgot 1 of the best warriors imo Vlad
Hennessy, Bobo, Nemo, Death, Zelda, Kilo, Ashes, Barbie, Victor / Lucian, Slug, Keldorn, Garr, Elleb, Bryan Amour

and i got sum more ill think of

optimus, scorpion, zureese, galahad, urza, count croxton, duck, protector, zain

theres many more ppl in obs that desserve this i can only hope i will get as good as these ppl and become a legend

Author:  JTrick [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:01 am ]
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I nominate Slug, Keldorn Firecam, Protector, Primal, and Flakey.

Author:  phoenixhunter [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:22 am ]
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Slug, Vlad, Zelda, Keldorn Firecam, Midnight, Elleberation, Death, Garr, Urza, Zureese, Kilourious...all i can think of...

Author:  Drizzt [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:15 am ]
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DEATH- in his prime hands down best pvper on the shard, i watched him beat slug in full br and a light bow. maybe the best fight i ever saw.

HERPES- he taught most of the good mages everything they know, the best pvp trainer i ever knew. name was changed to helga.

MIDNIGHT- legendary pker. was known to be able to take groups of players out all by himself.

ZELDA- probably won at least over half the events he was in when he was in his prime. pioneered the tank macer style.

ZHAD- possibly the most feared mage ever, along with kilorious.

ZAIN- the only mage besides kilorious i ever felt totally helpless against. he could not be beaten in his prime as long as he had regs.

KELDORN FIRECAM- the fallen paladin, heart of a lion, lightning reflexes, leader of lov at their peak. defeated virus and rufus in an ffa single handedly while everyones jaws hit the floor.

ATOMISK- lovs first leader, taking all comers and usually leaving the victor, ive seen him beat slug, ive seen him turn back a gank from zhad and madeline by himself.

KILORIOUS- hands down the most unstoppable force obsidian has ever seen.

OPTIMUS- another one i had trouble beating, he taught me most of what i know about staying alive. he also taught me it was ok to die. having the ability to find a weakness in every style, he helped train half of lov.

ZUREESE- was already an active vet when i first started but left soon after for a good while. once i matured he made his return and i remember him just totally owning the shard. probably the most honorable pker ever. had a code he stuck by to not loot anyone unless they looted him. you just gotta give this guy his props.

SLUG- as far as warriors go, slug is the rule by which all others are measured by.

FIERCE- the only warrior i ever saw defeat slug. and zain. nuff said.

SEPHIROTH- when i started he was considered one of the best, i was young still and i only remember him always winning the events.

GALAHAD- anyone remember the warrior tournament final between slug and galahad in iron armor and normal weapons? a classic. once, we had to call it a draw because we fought so long in an ffa final. also, a very honorable pvper who may have talked shit in the forums but was a good sport in game.

VLAD- all of a sudden this noob warrior exploded out of nowhere as a result of nonstop training and became the reigning pvp warrior of his time. Pride and determination fueled his battle rage.

URZA- i cant be the only one who remembers 10 pple at once not being able to kill him in town. to me urza is the epitome of an old school tank.

ELLEBERATION- meeeaaaaaannnnnnn bad bad mean man bad bad mace hurts bad. mages run in fear of him still to this day. hes mean.

MADELINE- first word that comes to mind: legend. maybe the player who showed the shard how important poison was in pvp. definately had a versatile attack.

trying to name older players mostly. there are many good current players (like count croxton and duck) i left off because i feel they have plenty of time to make it.

king, skinny bones, rahbdul, picolo and at least one other i cant think of offhand, are all possibilities but i didnt know them personally. need a real vet to recall them.
im sure i forgot someone. but i named a shitload so oh well love ya all you know that.

Author:  Killar [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 12:40 pm ]
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slug keld geralt my old char lol man there is so many umm count duck vlad van impe snoopy midnight for sure and umm lets see I never seen BB in action but I heard hes good and he should be in there ne how.

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