DX Gaming

Bombings in London :(
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Author:  Fox [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  Bombings in London :(

7 so far.

They beleive its Al Quida (sp)

How sad...and tony blair saying something about it now.

Thx god im in Wales

by the way i feel sorry for them in london

Author:  Kinetic [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I was watching this unfurl on the news.

It's a real shame, I feel for our English players who live in London. I know Egg and Limski are both cockneys so my heart goes out to you guys.

Yes its been reported that it was Al Qaeda. They took advantage of tha fact about 2000 English police and specialist security officials were all away in Scotland Policing the G8 summit. Indiscriminate bombings and killing ins such a manner is the lowest of the low.

Once again, I hope all your friends and family are safe.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:47 am ]
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Right after winning the bid to the 2012 Olympics...

Author:  Valsic [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:09 pm ]
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I hope everyone from obs who lives there is safe and unhurt along with their families and friends. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in London today.

Author:  Thassius [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:25 pm ]
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I'm a born cockney :(

:( :(

Author:  theeggman [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:03 pm ]
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Today's events just sicken me how low some scum can stoop. Any coward can leave a bomb on a bus and kill innocents.
But in the name of the good ol english stiff upper lip I'm giving terrorist twats my big middle finger. UP YOURS ARSEHOLES WE BEEN HERE B4.
I'm posting the toon i had planned to send in next week today, have fun and chin up all the Brits here on Obs, specially us cockneys :wink:

Author:  Thassius [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Today's events just sicken me how low some scum can stoop. Any coward can leave a bomb on a bus and kill innocents.
But in the name of the good ol english stiff upper lip I'm giving terrorist twats my big middle finger. UP YOURS ARSEHOLES WE BEEN HERE B4.
I'm posting the toon i had planned to send in next week today, have fun and chin up all the Brits here on Obs, specially us cockneys :wink:

Author:  Buddha [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Right after winning the bid to the 2012 Olympics...
I think it's for that, they wanted to prove that London wasn't that safe for Olympics..

Author:  Excalibur [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:05 pm ]
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It was planned because of the G8 summit and lack of security in our capital. I'm no racist but I hope to see a huge clamp down on immigration now.

Author:  Buddha [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:20 pm ]
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Hehehe that's what I wish too for all european countryes.

Author:  Hattat [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

My thoughts and prayers are with you today. It breaks my heart watching the news, to see just what people are capable of. Please take care, and stand strong.

Author:  RmX [ Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:56 am ]
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for me...regular day (how sad that sounds? )

Author:  Dario [ Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:50 am ]
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we hear about this hapening in Iraq everyday, and much more people gets killed, so i didnt even noticed this one..

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

t was planned because of the G8 summit and lack of security in our capital. I'm no racist but I hope to see a huge clamp down on immigration now.
Don't be so quick to think "Al-Quida" had anything to do with it, even if there's a stupid website claiming it. Simuliar sites have found to have been hosted by "the good guys" as propaganda. Considering they are finding evidence of remotes used (not a crazed middle eastern blowing himself up while screaming "Praise Allah!!!") it looks more sofisticated like the OK city bombing in the USA which was performed by Timothy McVay.

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