DX Gaming

Help me, I'm getting bored already
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Author:  Hotaru [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Help me, I'm getting bored already

Now I understand that getting a character built up is a very tedious process, but there's gotta be something fun that you can do on the side while doing so. I'm so bored of sitting in Cove Graveyard killing Zombies and Skeletons. I have gone off and explored a few dungeons, but my character is still too weak and lacks any good equips to live that long in the ones I've tried.

Is there anyother good places to train becides a graveyard? I've also tried the Orc Fort and found that area a bit too hard for my character also. Here's my build if anyone would tike to take a look over it before you recommend a place.

http://www.dxgaming.com:85/aspx/stats.a ... terID=7701

My equips are nothing better then store bought Plate with a Heater and a Viking Sowrd.

Author:  Hotaru [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright. I'll send you an AIM sometime later. I was just about to head off to work so it might be awhile before I am able do so.

Author:  Kinetic [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is it a human or a vamp?

Defo get the healing up, I think most you can buy upto is like 28. Below 60 heal you only use one bandage a heal so thats not a problem. If you use a sword mostly invest in some nice GM weapons, and train parry, slimes are good for this, can train heal at same time.

Also take the time to train anatomy, gives extra hp healed and makes attacks stronger. Go to 60 if you want to heal threw poison (pvp tactic) or go GM if you like to pvm more and dont mind curing with bandages.

I see you are at 75 str, thats max a sword will take you to, work on mace now till you reach 100, magic hammerpicks are great with a shield, 2 handed war axe and war hammer are also good, all other mace weapons suck, bar maybe a GM pickaxe.

Resisting spells would be good to raise, so fight magic casting monsters were possible. Resisting Spells is essential for warrior vs mage pvp.

When you get a good batch of arrows (wrong is good for this) start doing archery, vital for a warrior too, as some monsters hit real hard, and good against mages, especially warlocks.

ATM i'd stick to the gravetards until you your healing is up, you won't stand a chance in most dungeons at that level.

I'll wait to say more when I find out what race you are.

Author:  Simple_Green [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

get the hell out of the graveyard; you should always be pushing yourself and fighting things that pose a challenge, which will also give faster gains

Author:  ducksternator [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

get the hell out of the graveyard; you should always be pushing yourself and fighting things that pose a challenge, which will also give faster gains
Go for the sun harpies not the slimes :P

Author:  Hotaru [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I'm a Vampire.

Hmm...I guess I'll stay at the Graveyard for now and wear the Bone Armor set I have. Just so the Skeletons and Zombies will damage me more so I'll be able to use my healing more.

Also, I really don't want to use Maces at all because I don't want to waste the Skill Points that will come from using Maces. Although if that's the only way to get my Strength past 75 I really don't have a choice. Is there any possible way to lower skills on this Shard? I've noticed that if you lock or set a skill to go down that it doesn't work.

Author:  bruhaha [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:13 pm ]
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u can buy fff from people who have a fisher at 90% or higher, they lower the skill by 10% per fff

Author:  Zaphod [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

FIshermen can fish up Forgetful Fish (FFF) and those drop a certain skill by 10%. EAch fish has a different skill that it drops.

Author:  Simple_Green [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

either you train with something like wrestling/macefighting to 100, or you have to basically buy fish from 75ish to 100 then continue past that... it's cheaper to get rid of the unwanted skill than it is to get that many fish

Author:  bruhaha [ Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:42 pm ]
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250k for the str up to 100
60k if u use mace fighting
120k ish if u use wrestling

Author:  Hotaru [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Ah, okay thanks. I was wondering what fffs were. Someone in-game asked me if I wanted to buy some and then ran off before I even got to ask what they were...lol.

BTW, I think this game is great. I'm so glad that I stuck with it. At first I didn't like it all that much. I thought the game was needlessly complacated, but now that I've gotten use to it's system I love it. Tho I really wish I would have given it a try sooner - I think I was still playing Meridian59 when UO was released and then just forgot about it over the years.

Now if I could only get a couple of my friends to actually login and give it a try...they both have the client downloaded already but are reluctant to give the game a try. I think that open PvP scares them, lol. They were both brought up on Korean Carebear games. :P

Author:  theeggman [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:46 am ]
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Try to link up with a few guys for hunts also. youll get to fight greater things at a lower risk of instant death and meet few faces in the process. People are always willing to help out newer players till their up on their feet.

Author:  Broadband [ Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:29 am ]
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Another suggestion would be to network with other players and perhaps join a guild. You'll immediately have a feeling of greater purpose and have people you can rely on to help repair or replace your armor, go on dungeon raids, etc.

Right now it's all about the slow skill gain, and when you get close to skill cap, then it turns into a game of constant tweaking and balancing of skills to allocate them as perfectly as possible.

As far as your friends. The majority of PVP are friendly situations like sparring at the bank, going to on of the many staff hosted battle events, etc. And yes there are notorious Player Killers out there, but they tend to stay near the road more traveled so if you just leave town through a lesser used exit and generally stay away from high populated and unguarded areas you should be fine.

See the thing is once you've gotten your character uber buff, it's the PvP that keeps the game from getting old. Also new opponents to try to beat whether it be in a friendly duel or fight to the death.

Author:  Karaz [ Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Wrestle, wrestle and wrestle, with a friend and carrying a shield. This way your strenght, parry and tactics will go up and youll soon se the difference, wont take long until you manage to go on your own to the orcfort. And when you can manage to take care of some orcs in the orcfort youll soon can take your first steps into covetus (that is if the dungeon still is easy, havent been there for ages).

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