DX Gaming

tank mage
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Author:  Maniac [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  tank mage

ok i was wonderin wats best for a tank macing parry, macing archery, or swords archery, all those with tact, lol any suggestions?

Author:  Emo [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Parry is an awesome defensive skill to have, but I've also seen tanks very sucessful without it. You shouldn't be asking us, make a char you want, who knows, you may end up with the ultimate char.

Author:  Adam [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

i always wanted to make a tank with the combo of Battle Axe/Bow/Magery

that way i could use the same weps i use on count for him in pvp
and i have alot of ba's and whatnots..

downside to not using parrying for a tank mage is the simple fact that your gonna be taking alot more dmg wether be it warrior or mage...

on the up side.. i believe a tank with archry.. would be pretty nice against a mage... u run outa mana so wat... fire away.. he gets close... ba away...

and for warriors... ud prolly be letting urself down a notch not using a shield.. but... howerver... its nearly imposible for a warrior to kill a tank... the tank cant kill the warrior because of all the defensive it will have to pull off.. but... with the combo of magery and bandies and pots... the tank can also outheal the warriors dmg... reactive/protective to boot.. so for a tank.. ur not gonna be battling warriors really anyways.. id try to make a tank to take on mages..

annother downside is for ur pvm.. if u go with archery/wepon (and if u take this route... u prolly wanna go swords... well not really a war hammer woudl do i suppose id rather have the BA tho)
but ne ways... u will hurt urself on pvm because uw ont be able to pollly while using the normal shield swords setup which works so well for tanks to hunt..

but really i dont think u can really go wrong with either approach
and plus... if i made mine i have several bows of mana leach... and that would be real nifty on the mages or what not... mana leach weps are nice if ur a tank

okie ne ways..

Author:  Azimuth [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's up to you, but I would go with "the best offence is a good defense" strategy, and concentrate on taking less damage and healing as fast as possible. I'd go with parry, archery, healing, tactics, anatomy, magery, and med for sure. Any points that are left I would throw into maybe a melee skill, and possibly poisoning.

If you can out heal your opponent, you can beat him...it will just take a while....and tanks are incredible healers.

Keep in mind that this is just what I would do, and I’m a big fan of having GM anatomy. Many people would advise otherwise.

Author:  Emo [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Med on a tank.. you're crazy!! thats what gmana pots are for.

Author:  Adam [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

i am a big fan of gm anatomy as well.. if cure pots were fixed that is.. its to large of a delay... i enjoyed back in the day having to drink a pot before each heal instead of healing threw poison.. but the delay on the pot itself is to incredible for such.. esspecially with the newly added... stronger poisons

u pay for having low anat.. but the price for having gm anat is higher in reguards to trying to use that cure and clicking a million times only to get the msg "it is too soon to drink annother pot" (or something like that)

Author:  Xkill [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd go with parry, archery, healing, tactics, anatomy, magery, and med for sure. Any points that are left I would throw into maybe a melee skill, and possibly poisoning.
Why would you do Parry and Archery? You can't hold a sheild with a bow and you can't cast spells with a sheild. That char would be fine if you do it like this:
100 Archery
100 Tactics
100 Magery
100 Healing
100 Poisoning
100 Med. and 60 Anatomy Or 100 Anatomy and 80 Med. or something
Thats about 680 skill points.
Most tank mages=human, which means 680 cap I think

Author:  Emo [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why would you do Parry and Archery? You can't hold a sheild with a bow and you can't cast spells with a sheild.
Well there's a little thing called timing.. if you time your shield equip right, you can equip it when a mage casts FS or something, then take it off when the mage is done his dump.

Author:  Broadband [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well there's a little thing called timing.. if you time your shield equip right, you can equip it when a mage casts FS or something, then take it off when the mage is done his dump.
Ya but is it really worth that much micromanagement when the chance of you parrying a spell is pretty slim to begin with?

Author:  Emo [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, thats why I wasn't the one to offer that character build :P I was merely stating why it would be effective at all, but no, it's really not worth it.

(On the tank I use I dont even have parrying or med :( )

Author:  Maniac [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

k thnx to all who helped i decided wat to go with, all yur suggestions wer takin into thought ty much :D

Author:  Kinetic [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Med on a tank is the biggest bullshit ever. What a waste of points. You dont have enough mana to merit med a viable option.

And now with the insane equip delay Id go without parry as you can no longer toggle shield on and off fast when u see fs being cast.

Plus using a bow/2 handed weapon drops your heal delay by about 1 or 2 secs so another reason for no parry.

herees the real deal. No GM anat, you dont have enough hp to allow you to survive wasting a heal on cure, so 60 or less is vital.

And if you're serious pvp'er, posioning somewhere in the mix toa llow pot throws.

Thats the guide You SHOULD follow right there.

Author:  Emo [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll disagree, about Anatomy. On a tank you NEED GM anatomy, as you already have lower str, so, with anatomy, you'll hit harder, heal for more, and besides. YOU ARE A TANK, cast cure right before using bandies, it's extremely simple.

Author:  ducksternator [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Archery on a tank sucks - better of doing another skill. Archery's really good with high dex and because a tank won't be able to offer that much in the way of dex it isn't worth the archery.

now someone make an archer...160 dex 120str...

Author:  Kinetic [ Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Tank's (warrior build) would carry around 90-100 dex, and from what was said ages ago, attack speed doesnt increase as you go above 100 dex. So a tank with archery is highly feasable.

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