DX Gaming

Just thought I'd say hello
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Author:  F?anor Bauglir [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Just thought I'd say hello

Hello everyone!

Don't know if anyone who remember me is around or if the server is up but I just thought I'd stop by and say hello. It's been ages since I was here but I keep coming back to see if anything fun has been posted. Hope ur doing good I know I am :D


Feanor Bauglir

Author:  Protector [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey man, the server is still up and we got alot more noobs playing now maybe you should get your arse back ;)

Author:  Dario [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:26 am ]
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hey you

Author:  jajas21 [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:35 am ]
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hey, i remember you, just didnt get to know you, but man things have changed, it would be awesome to have some old school come back!

Author:  Terek Molt [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:56 am ]
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weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my old BoF leader :(
We miss you and we miss either Vlad Tepes and the other guys...

Hope ya come back! :P

Author:  Emo [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:19 pm ]
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Yeah would be nice to have some BoF around to beat on.. Order Lords are just too pussy and won't step out of town. Rather boring if you ask me.

Nice to see ya Feanor, I was by your guild house a few days ago. so cool :(

Author:  maximus [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:10 pm ]
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Author:  TheRealLoki [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:17 pm ]
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Author:  F?anor Bauglir [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fun to see that the server is up and running and that u are having fun. I can't say I'd feel like coming back not now anyway. Don't even know if my account exists. But if it did I wouldnt mind coming in and take a look :)

I'm very busy with my rl atm with a wife and a 8 month old son and I'm on the last year of my university studies. I'm also playin another mmorpg that takes alot of my gaming time. But its fun tho, I can't seem to move on and leave UO and Obsidian behind me. Not that I see a reason :)

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