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Well now that's bs..
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Author:  Terek Molt [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Well now that's bs..

The other day I was talking in chat with RmX about his country and what was he going to do when he would be 18...
As everybody know Israel had bad times during the last 40 years :|
Well if anybody has seen the news lately... In Palestine Hamas won the election (Hamas is actually known as the terrorist part of the country).
Well what's going on now?
Will this be another open war? Like the one that is going on in Iraqi or will it be worse?
Well I hope the rest of the world won't stand watching what's going on..
Bloody terrorists..

Author:  Excalibur [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mideast peace accords of the 1990s stipulated that no terror group could participate in Palestinian elections, but Israel was unable to drum up international support for barring the group from contesting the democratic vote. The people have spoke and boy have they shot themselves in the foot, a group that steals children and turns them into suicide bommers aint the way to go. Ther's gona be a lot of blood spilt over this for a long time.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

So Isreal failed to supress the Hamas movement. I see it as progress perhaps...

On the other hand... who knows? With the new "Terrorist Palestinian Government", Isreal can be more justified to further tear them up... Hamas may be just what the Isreali and US governments wanted.

Author:  outz [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:28 pm ]
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Lets get the UN to send them a letter.

Author:  Emo [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:29 pm ]
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Can I be Canada?

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lets get the UN to send them a letter.
LOL!!! Yeah let's get Bono to write it.

Author:  Oigen [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

look, guys, i'm not supporting hamas in anyway, i hate terrorism, etc. i want to say just one thing. while under british, israeli were considered terrorists - and some of their bombing and what not organizations were considered terrorist. all the leaders of israel were a part or another in one or more of those organizations. all i'm saying is that history is made by the winners - so instead of jumping to conclusions and blaming the palestinians for voting as they did, let's take a step back and be objective.

Author:  Oigen [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:28 am ]
Post subject: 

we should also take time today to commemorate the tragical loss that the j.e.w.ish people suffered during wwII, it's the 27th of january, the day the few remaining survivors of Auschwitz were rescued by the Allies. The terrible things that happened then should serve as a lesson and warning to each and everyone of us.

Author:  RmX [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:32 am ]
Post subject: 

we should also take time today to commemorate the tragical loss that the j.e.w.ish people suffered during wwII, it's the 27th of january, the day the few remaining survivors of Auschwitz were rescued by the Allies. The terrible things that happened then should serve as a lesson and warning to each and everyone of us.
about you'r first comment,dude you were actually right,the israelis then were considerd as terorists,but dont forget,the british sayed they will leave this country as soon as possible when the j.ews are ready for a country,but the british were very convienet with the oil supply by the arabs so they stayed,and for you comment at wwII nice of you to know so much,but just know that in the war time,the british caught some people who escaped auswhitz for example and made it to israel,but again got caught and sent back to europe.

Author:  Oigen [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, i know about that. my point is that what is considered terrorism today may not be considered so in the long term of history. That doesn't mean that hamas doesn't commit terrorist acts, they do, and they must pay for that - as I am sure the israeli people that commited all those terrorist acts back then against the british probably payed. Terrorism must be condemned no matter who did it. Maybe somewhere in the future some palestinian guy will say "yeah, we commited terrorist acts, but the israeli..." (that's pretty much what you said now, "yeah, you're right, but the british..."). What I am trying to say now is that even if Hamas has won the elections that doesn't necesarily mean they will block the peace project in the area. I remember reading some declaration of an israeli in one of the terrorist organizations from the time of the english that said something like "we won't stop until every british is killed or has left the country" - and that's very similar to what hamas is saying now.
I would like to strongly affirm that I do NOT agree with what hamas is doing nor do I support them in any way, or any terrorist organization, for that matter. I hope you will not be offended about what I have said so far - and I will stop if you do feel ofended.

Author:  Kinetic [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:39 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm reporting Oigen cos he made me feel sad :(

One man's terrorsit is another's freedom fighter !

take it to heart boys and girls.

Author:  Oigen [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

palestina's territory has been halfed. palestina's state sovereignity is inexistent. palestinians say they're fighting for freedom. :) i'm sorry i made you sad, but i like to always be objective and look at both sides and their arguments. all i'm saying is that time will be the judge of us all.

Author:  Kinetic [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Im still telling hydro on you.

Author:  Oigen [ Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

pliz master me no kill. no looter pliz?

Author:  RmX [ Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm reporting Oigen cos he made me feel sad :(

One man's terrorsit is another's freedom fighter !

take it to heart boys and girls.
Hmm dont forget,that in 48 when we got our country the UN offered the palestines a part of the country aswell,they didnt agree,they wanted the whole country.
But we have welcomed every piece of land that was given to us,since we didnt had anything.
That is why the palestines dont have any country yet,and should I remind you that Israel has left Gaza,for what? for the palestines for their country.
So even the UN offered them a country in the past for peace we give them a second chance.

Oigen I'm not being offended by anyway,even its kinda an upside down situation. I'm very impressed from you'r knowledge in the Israeli\Arab history.
And PLEASE DONT GO OFF TOPIC :P (its interesting...)

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