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 Post subject: All Races and Abilities
PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:50 am 

Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:50 am
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I think this would be helpful for anyone that needs to quickly find all the races and what they do...I tried finding a post similar to this but i couldn't find it so I just made this in case its gone.


Abilities are activated by .raceskills
or by .raceskill1 through .raceskill5 for quick and easy macro usage.

Frost Elf

Passive Abilities:

-- Frozen Skin - Braving the harsh environment of ice isle and the heats of the forges has toughened the ice elf's skin, rendering it more resilliant to the cold and injury. (+10% health) This also makes frost elves immune to the harsh blizzards that govern their homeland. (no damage on ice isle from weather).

-- Temperature Difference - Unfortunately the frozen environment they grew up in has made frost elves a little more vulnerable to the heats of the fires to the point where if introduced to them too quickly the fire seems unusually scalding to them. (extra damage from fire based attacks/weapons)

Active Abilities:

-- Prison of Ice - The frost elves still share the affinity with mother earth that their cousins have, but over time they've learned to interact with not with the loving embrace of the forests but the cold shoulder of the mountains which they have crafted to use for their own survival. Using this affinity, they can summon a prison of ice from the earth, protecting themselves from the outside, or trapping unsuspecting creatures in with them.
-- -- Those outside or inside the wall can doubleclick the wall pieces to attack them, and eventually break through them.

-- Snowball - The frost elves, while an engineering bunch, appreciate a good laugh as much as anyone. Because of this, they always seem to have some spare snow on them, which they can fashion into a snowball and pitch at an unsuspecting victim. (takes a second to pack, then stuns the target(half duration if target is a frost elf)).

-- Yellow Snowball - All is fair in love and more, and usually better for a laugh. Combining their enjoyment of snowball fights with their knowledge of engineering, they have created this explosive little snowball. (uses 1 sulfurous ash, deals damage instead of stuns)

-- Avatar of Ice - The frost elf summons the avatar of ice to assist them in battle

--Home Sweet Home - The frost elf can always summon the artic winds to carry them home. However summoning the wind takes time and effort, and as such the frost elf cannot move very far while he is summoning. (10 seconds casting time, cannot leave the screen they casted it on or it stops, only works outside)

Wood Elf

-- Passive Abilities:
-- -- Attunement - A wood elf attunement with nature allows them to share in the strength of life. Their regeneration is directly related to how much life and death is around them. Does not work in guarded areas due to the protection magics employed by the guards to help prevent assassinations by altering how the lifeflow works.
-- Active abilities:
-- -- Bind Trees - Each wood elf may bind 2 trees together to create a pathway. Only one pathway may be maintained. Pathways take one full day to mature to a usable point and are only usable by wood elves.
-- -- -- If an elf wishes to make a new pathway, it must break the old one
-- -- -- If a bound tree is harvested, the pathway will break and the wood elf will take damage as their own life force was used to bind the tree. (-15)
-- -- Break Pathway - An elf relinquishes the pathway between trees. No life loss.
-- -- Summon Familiar - summons your familiar to you, where-ever it is.
-- -- Bind Familiar -- A wood elf binds a pet's spirit to itself. (cannot be shrunk or mounted). If familiar takes lethal damage, it discorporates and the elf takes damage
-- -- Unbind Familiar -- The wood elf voluntarily dismisses the familiar
-- -- Woodland Shape - Allows the elf to assume the form of it's familiar, or shed it's form if currently in it. When shedding the form, it also sheds all magical effects currently on it. (If dispelled while in this form, they will show their true colors)


-- -- Passive abilities:
-- -- -- Mental Clarity - The mental fortitude of the warlocks is unparalleled due to their continual quest for knowledge. Because of this they gain a natural resistance to spells that alter perception. (Hallucination and feeblemind immunity, 20% extra resist to other debuffs)
-- -- -- Physical Neglect - Warlocks have neglected their bodies in the pursuit of knowledge, and so have a weaker constitution from their life of solitude (take extra damage from all sources).

-- -- Active Abilities:
-- -- -- Total Recall: A warlock's mind is perfect. They can recall clearly and cleanly details they see. A warlock can store up to 5 memories of creatures/people
-- -- -- Conjure Image: A warlocks skill in the arcane has allowed him to project his thoughts clearly. A warlock can project a hallucination of a stored memory (quickskill 1)
-- -- -- Perceptive Glance: A warlock's secluded life and perception of things around him allow him to notice useful objects others might miss, and their quest for knowledge teaches them to waste nothing useful. (quickskill 2)
-- -- -- -- Reagents: Recovers magical potents
-- -- -- -- Resources: Recovers useful materials
-- -- -- -- Combat: Recovers useful items from the remnants of war (scraps of cloth, arrows, bolts)
-- -- -- Mental Scry: A warlock can channel his magical energies to scry the location bound to his mind for a few seconds. (gains hazy vision of the area temporarily) (quickskill 3)
-- -- -- Bind Location: Used to bind a location to the warlock's mind. (48 hour cooldown)

Dark Elves

-- -- Passive Abilities:
-- -- -- Tainted Past - The bloodsoaked history of the dark elves have taught them to be merciless and cruel, and to trust no one. This unfortunate trait has seeped so much into their personalities, that they can never portray true peacefulness, and therefore scare away small animals and provoke larger ones. However it has given them an edge in combat.
-- -- -- -- (Animals are not happy with dark elves at all, it is near impossible for them to keep pets that are not as evil as they are.)
-- -- -- -- (Dark elves do increased damage in combat, and regenerate some life upon a successful kill)
-- -- --Beyond Redemption - The dark elves neglect of all virtues have rendered them a blight upon the land and not just it's people. The virtues will have never a benefit to them, and in most cases will actively reject them no matter what they do. It is rumored that no creature is ever beyond redemption, but as of yet no dark elf has found the way to rid themselves of the curse of their clan. (Virtue penalties + immune to bless, resistant to magical cures and take extra from curses)

-- -- Active Abilities:
-- -- -- Silent Strike - The dark elf collapses the vocal chords of their opponent, rendering them unable to speak for a time.
-- -- -- Coupe de Grace - The dark elf attempts an elaborate killing blow, dealing 2x damage if it hits. However they are rendered completely unable to attack for several seconds after.
-- -- -- Essence of wind - Like their cousins, the dark elves also draw upon the power of the earth, with the dark elves getting their strength from the subtlety of the wind. They can summon this into a malestrom, which blows back their opponents and knocks them prone, unable to move for a short period.
-- -- -- Decieve the Decievers - Dark elves pride themselves on their deceptive nature. Because of this they are more apt to notice deceitful attempts at others. When used, has a chance to give warning of any hidden surprises in the area (tells if things are nearby, objects or people, but not where)

Vampires ... 82&start=0

Nightmare [Deamons]: PvM Mage
Xero: GM Blacksmith/Fishing/Bowcraft
Primus: Warrior

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