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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:35 pm |
Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:21 pm Posts: 478
Location: Canada /BC / CHILLLIIIIII
thought i might repost this, for the newbies that are all around nowadays
Seeing how the spell books are wrong!
Bp - Black Pearl
Bm - Blood Moss
Ga - Garlic
Gi - Ginseng
Mr - Mandrake Root
Ns - Nightshade
Ss - Spider Silk
Sa - Sulfurous Ash
First Circle
Clumsy - Bm Ns
Create Food - Ga Gi Mr
Feeblemind - Gi Ns
Heal - Ga Gi Ss
Magic Arrow - Bp Ns
Night Sight - Ss Sa
Reactive Armor - Ga Ss Sa
Weaken - Ga Ns
Second Circle
Agility - Bm Mr
Cunning - Mr Ns
Cure - Ga Gi
Harm - Ns Ss
Magic Trap - Ga Ss Sa (Doesn't work, Can cast)
Magic Untrap - Bm Sa (Doesn't work, Can cast)
Protection - Ga Gi Sa
Strength - Mr Ns
Third Circle
Bless - Ga Mr
Fireball - Bp Sa
Magic Lock - Disabled
Poison - Ns Bp
Telekinesis - Disabled
Teleport - Disabled
Unlock - Disabled
Wall of Stone - Bm Ga
Fourth Circle
Arch Cure - Ga Gi Mr
Arch Protection - Ga Gi Mr Sa
Curse - Ga Ns Sa
Fire Field - Bp Ss Sa
Greater Heal - Ga Gi Mr Ss
Lightning - Bp Mr Sa
Mana Drain - Bp Mr Ss
Recall - Ns Ss
Fifth Circle
Blade Spirits - Bp Mr Ns
Dispel Field - Bp Ga Ss Sa
Incognito - Bm Ga Ns
Magic Reflection - Ga Mr Ss
Mind Blast - Bp Mr Ns Sa
Paralyze - Can use scrolls to cast!
Poison Field - Bp Ns Ss
Summon Creature - Bm Mr Ss
Sixth Circle
Dispel - Ga Mr Sa
Energy Bolt - Bp Ns
Explosion - Bp Mr Sa
Invisibility - Bm Ns
Mark - Bp Bm Mr
Mass Curse - Ga Mr Ns Sa
Paralyze Field - Bp Gi Ss
Reveal - Bm Sa
Seventh Circle
Chain Lightning - Bp Bm Mr Sa
Energy Field - Bp Mr Ss Sa
Flamestrike - Ss Sa
Gate Travel - Ns Ss Sa Bp Mr Bm Ga Gi
Mana Vampire - Bp Bm Mr Ss (Disabled)
Mass Dispel - Bp Ga Mr Sa
Meteor Swarm - Bm Mr Ss Sa
Polymorph - Bm Mr Ss
Eighth Circle
Earthquake - Bm Gi Mr Sa
Energy Vortex - Bp Bm Mr Ns
Resurrection - Bm Ga Gi
Summ. Air Elemental - Bm Mr Sa
Summ. Daemon - Daemon Bone
Summ. Earth Elemental - Bm Mr Ss
Summ. Fire Elemental - Bm Mr Ss Sa
Summ. Water Elemental - Bm Mr Ss
Words of Power Translations
An - Negate or Dispel
Bet - Small
Corp - Death
Des - Lower or Down
Ex - Freedom
Flam - Flame
Grav - Field
Hur - Wind
In - Make, Create or Cause
Jux - Danger, Trap or Harm
Kal - Summon or Invoke
Lor - light
Mani - Life or Healing
Nox - Poison
Ort - Magic
Por - Move or Movement
Quas - Illusion
Rel - Change
Sanct - Protect or Protection
Tym - Time
Uus - Raise or Up
Vas - Great
Wis - Know or Knowledge
Xen - Creature
Ylem - Matter
Zu - Sleep
_________________ Nos Foratu- MUHAHAHAHAHAHA
lost - mage
Lost -[Cove Trades] Gm smith, Gm alchemy
Peter - GM fisher, GM cook, 80% tailoring
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:07 pm |
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:29 am |
Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:41 am Posts: 317
ICQ: 25288370
Location: isreal
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:30 am |
Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:21 pm Posts: 478
Location: Canada /BC / CHILLLIIIIII
*waits for xkill to notice this post*
_________________ Nos Foratu- MUHAHAHAHAHAHA
lost - mage
Lost -[Cove Trades] Gm smith, Gm alchemy
Peter - GM fisher, GM cook, 80% tailoring
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:54 am |
Joined: Sun May 16, 2004 7:11 pm Posts: 391
good job
_________________ What was your username again? -BOFH
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:38 am |
Good thinking reposting Xkill's old post, should help new players a lot.
nice one.
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