DX Gaming

An Apology
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Author:  Thassius [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  An Apology

Hi all :)

I just wanted to apologise if I've been a little... overly short with some of you recently. I'm moving house right now, I have alot of stress with work and in private life, so I'm sure you can all appreciate that the proverbial has really hit the fan recently. We are all human :)

There was a time when you all <3'd me (lol), as a lowly counselor the "thanks" and "Thass for GM!" was what spurred me on to continue as staff. I guess I've kind of lost sight of that, but it is something that I hope all of you can remember.

What I do hope, as well, is that some of you may look at your own attitudes towards staff, and one another, and have a little think about how we can improve the general atmosphere on the shard.

It has disturbed me to think that we have to resort to alot of censorship/suspensions/bannings just to keep flames and rule-breaking to an acceptable level. Would you talk to people in real life in such an aggressive way? I don't think so.

I also didn't like to see the recent poll, which shows that you generally consider one another to not be nice! What is the point in playing a game if it isn't fun. We can and will make Obsidian a fun environment for everyone once more. Is it so hard to be nice to one another?

If you are concerned about a player that isn't nice, perhaps we should set by example and show them what Obsidian is all about? If they refuse to fall in line, then of course your Obsidian Staff are here to apply discipline where necessary - but we should hope it will rarely come to this.

It is easy for me to get frustrated when the forums that myself (and the other moderators) have worked so hard to keep in check get saturated with arguments and uncivil comments. I volunteered to assemble the moderator team at a time when the boards were close to being shut down due to sheer chaos.

Of course, there are many players that still are courteous towards others, and I praise them for that.

I am posting this because I would like to see the shard settle back into the sense of community and friendship that make Obsidian the greatest UO shard of all time. I made alot of friends as a player, and I like to think that I can still most (if not all of you) a friend, and that we have common interests for the good of this shard.

I am hoping that if I plant this seed then those of you that seek to destroy what has been created for you sit back and think, and perhaps use your time on Obsidian in a more constructive and fun-promoting way.

And as a final note, I understand that there are certain concerns about the staff team at the moment - but I assure you that nothing is more important to us than the players. We all strive to be fair and unbiased... but any complaints, concerns or suggestions are listened to and discussed by the team as a whole. Any problems with an individual will of course be rectified in due course.

Personally, I will often raise these issues on either the staff and/or moderator forums. Just because you do not see this, does not mean that your views fall upon deaf ears..

Go forth, and spread tidings of Obsidian. I hope that new moderators and perhaps some new staff (BB's decision of course) may also be something to look forward to in the near future.



Author:  mr.bell [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

srry for the pole heh didnt think it would mak any one mad

Author:  Thassius [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

No no I'm not mad about the poll, I'm just alarmed to see that people consider each other 'not nice'. That isn't what Obsidian is about :)

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah good poll man, despite how kiddie it is.

Kind of surprised that you were alarmed at the results Thassius... heh.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wondering why Obsidian's oldest players lost their love or respect for you Thass? You shouldnt:

Forum controll - When flames are edited and or deleted

Forums communism - When players who try to get heard on forums because most the corrupt staff members turned them down harshly when they were contacted about the issues. And even when they do so on the forum their posts get EDITED or DELETED even though there was no sigh of a flame or even an insult of any kind. Only evidence incriminating one or multiple staff members with high power.

Just like there's a distinct difference between those 2 terms, there's also a distinct difference between people being intitled to their opinion and people NOT BEING ALLOWED an opinion.

If you still are wondering why things changed so much Thass go take a look at the replies after your posts in the real forums. ;)
The old players spoke publicly because they were entitled their opinions. Some did not speak publicly but spoke to me via pm's and hence the evidence grows larger.

GG Thass

Author:  oldman [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey Aladdin - last time I read one of your posts it was childish and of no benefit whatsoever!

More than that, you abused the in game staff and the forum staff publicly with no constructive criticism in mind, and an abuse which basically amounted to 'I don't like them'.

I thought about replying to that post and showing just how ridiculous the accusations you made in it were, but I decided not to. Instead I contacted a staff member via the appropriate means with a concern that an entirely unhelpful post had been made on the forums. In seconds they had edited your post. This is not communism, this is highly appropriate...

Ok - in my personaly opinion I think once or twice Thass was a bit harsh, but almost all of the time he has been spot on the money with locking threads that provide no benefit towards Obsidian at all except for players to flame each other --- imo that stuff can be taken to the chat room, or to MSN or other means!
And (correct me if I'm wrong) that is the JOB of a forum moderator (to control the forum)

As for communism - reading your post it becomes plainly clear that you haven't got the faintest idea what commuinsm is anyway, so how on earth can you accuse the forums of heading towards that ideology?

I haven't got the faintest idea why any OLDER PLAYERS would be speaking to you via PM - you quit the game remember? Or did you get banned? Because if you HAD quit, then I'm not really sure why you'd be wasting your time coming back to troll the forums of a game you clearly didn't want to play anyway... I find it hard to believe that a player who doesn't want to play would be able to come up with anything constructive in the slightest!!

You said you retired, please stay that way...

Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thassius for GM!

Cheers man! 8)

Author:  Rippa [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thass is not in question here its some other moderators who constantly edit and delete posts they see not fit because it may "embarrass them". (them = their player chars)

P.S I still play here now give me a reason to leave I can list many ... but why tell on people it's not nice :wink:

O yea Mann cuz you don't see shit doesn't mean shit isn't going on remember that phrase might help you in life...

Author:  Ariel [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Ariel

well my opinion thassius you are doing the best you can and that good same as others staff .I know there in mature player that dont know how to have fun they just know how to bother othere just like little babys that need ateccion..... and be the way i respect you thassius for what you do and because who you are so you dont have to apology me. thx for you dedication on forum and game. :D and remember just give the best you can because some time we cant deal with all at same time.

Author:  oldman [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:17 pm ]
Post subject: 


O yea Mann cuz you don't see crap doesn't mean crap isn't going on remember that phrase might help you in life...
Hey Rippa - I think I said I did see crap - but the crap was coming from the person who is accusing others of it...

Sadly that is the way it is a lot of the time - someone is in the wrong, and can't see it, so they try and blame someone else....

Keep it up Thass!

Author:  Rippa [ Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Obviously you are missing some crap cuz you can't see every crap that drops but others have 8) I have no problem with Thass Echo and a number of others I don't need to explain shit cuz the Players know the truth. One Love.
Lmao at accusations....... Hopefully Thass can help fix the crap up on the forums and in game..

Author:  Terek Molt [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I haven't got the faintest idea why any OLDER PLAYERS would be speaking to you via PM - you quit the game remember? Or did you get banned? Because if you HAD quit, then I'm not really sure why you'd be wasting your time coming back to troll the forums of a game you clearly didn't want to play anyway... I find it hard to believe that a player who doesn't want to play would be able to come up with anything constructive in the slightest!!

You said you retired, please stay that way...
Well Impe does the same..

And for Thassius, he's doing his job really good so no complains about him..
Echo too is a good moderator and a good conselour as for being respectfull to the in-game and in-forum laws..
About the other staff I don't really know... I just saw lately Sonne online and he's doing pretty good too..
About Circa I don't know anything and I don't want to know anything..
All the others.. where are they?
I would like to see more staff members talking to each other IN PUBLIC giving their own opinion...
And I think that the matters of corruption or other things are not only staff job, but all obsidian community job..
So if thing will never show up clarely without flames or deleted posts or anything else the s**t will always go on and ppl will complain forever...

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Wondering why Obsidian's oldest players lost their love or respect for you Thass? You shouldnt:

Forum controll - When flames are edited and or deleted

Forums communism - When players who try to get heard on forums because most the corrupt staff members turned them down harshly when they were contacted about the issues. And even when they do so on the forum their posts get EDITED or DELETED even though there was no sigh of a flame or even an insult of any kind. Only evidence incriminating one or multiple staff members with high power.

Just like there's a distinct difference between those 2 terms, there's also a distinct difference between people being intitled to their opinion and people NOT BEING ALLOWED an opinion.

If you still are wondering why things changed so much Thass go take a look at the replies after your posts in the real forums. ;)
The old players spoke publicly because they were entitled their opinions. Some did not speak publicly but spoke to me via pm's and hence the evidence grows larger.

GG Thass
Crissake, someone just perma-ban this fool and get it over with. You are not entitled (correct spelling) to an opinion because you don't even play anymore. Instead, you are here trying to pimp your shard which is yet another Mondains Legacy farce with a forum that's an exact ripoff of this one.

Sorry guys... continue. Heh-heh.

Author:  Emo [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Crissake, someone just perma-ban this fool and get it over with. You are not entitled (correct spelling) to an opinion because you don't even play anymore. Instead, you are here trying to pimp your shard which is yet another Mondains Legacy farce with a forum that's an exact ripoff of this one.

Sorry guys... continue. Heh-heh.
Holy shit.. I agree with Wizard for once..

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice post Thass, you always seem to have your head screwewd on, and sometimes are a little harsh, however, who cares, your not getting paid for the Massive amounts of help you contribute, I think people should remeber that if it wasnt for the staff this place wouldnt be here, i used to moan a lot about things on this shard, however i have found a new look on life now and i'm just glad that i'm able to play the great game of UO for free and have a good time at that :D

Keep it up, it takes balls to post an apology mate

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