DX Gaming

The state of these boards...
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Author:  Duncan Kentar [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  The state of these boards...

Thassius wrote:
Duncans opinion is insignificant. It has nothing to do with 'kid gloves'.

This decision is based entirely on the overall staff feelings AND a vast proportion of the playerbase.

End of discussion, now.
To Thassius:
First of all, my opinion carries more weight than your's, believe it or not. I don't care. Secondly I know plenty of the boards staff that agree with my point of view. Thirdly, you can't argue your point worth a damn obviously or you wouldn't lock every topic that disagrees with it.

To the rest of you, I put this to you;
That you are not all hypersensitive crybabies, that when someone gives you a hard time you can handle it, and it doesn't have to turn into a flame war just cause someone's harshing your ideas, or opinions.

I want to make it perfectly clear, I'm not trying to get Thassius's job, or get it taken away in any form.

Author:  Emo [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I hope this thread will go undeleted and untampered.

I agree to an extent, these boards are becoming abit.. TOO productive.

This is a game, we all play games to have fun, I admit that seeing constant flaming and bitching, is not fun, but seeing none of it.. is just as not fun.. if not worse.

I enjoy seeing people be able to voice their opinion, if you don't agree, let them know you don't agree.. no need to silence what they think though.

I voted "Yes, let me argue more" but hell, I'll bet everyone already knew that. :wink:

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have been bitching about this for 3 months now, so of course i agree with duncan

Author:  Kigger [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

totally agree go duncan, this will be deleted soon though, when masta thass finds it

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I doubt it kigger, there is no reason for this thread to be locked its just a formal complaint.

But i remember my complaint about the buying and selling rules being deleted, so meh, who knows.

Author:  Thassius [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The state of these boards...


Let me own this thread completely.

1) Yes, your opinion as to the running of these forums is insignificant. If BB truly agrees with your lofty assumption that your opinion carries more weight than mine around here then I will sadly leave, and use the many hours of my time that I currently contribute to Obsidian for other aspects of my life (of which there are many).
I personally have the utmost respect for BB's judgement and intelligence which is why I continue to uphold these forums in his absence. I certainly do not feel that your views reflect his.

2) The boards staff do not agree with your point of view. The poll for the flame forum would also indicate a similar trend within a large proportion of the playerbase.
I actually posted this point for discussion in the staff forum (oh wait, you dont have access to that do you?) and all staff members who commented were unanimously AGAINST the idea. This included all active staff from moderator to GM.

3) Everyone on these boards knows that my ability to argue a point is second to none - otherwise I wouldn't have this job. Whether I present my views colloquially or in a verbose form I like to think that I construct my approach to a debate both concisely and following THE INTEREST OF THE PLAYER BASE AS A WHOLE.
I am yet to see any debate from yourself that shows any level of intellectual skill. And no, your unrelenting belief that what you post is clever does not mean that it actually is. Moreso, I find your self-delusion and arrogance close to laughable. when was the last time you contributed something constructive to Obsidian, Duncan?

4) I certainly do not lock every thread that disagrees with me. It becomes quite obvious even through a brief perusal of these forums that I often choose to debate rather than censor.
It will often be other moderators that finally lock a thread after I have entertained discussion on a particular topic. I personally believe that debate is healthy...where rational; but a line must be drawn when the conversation transcends the boundary between debate and flaming/immaturity.

5) You would not get my job, nor remove it.

6) Its currently 4:25am, and I've been drinking in pubs/clubs since 10pm. And yet... you're still owned? Thats painful, man.


Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thassius you didnt even really present an arguement, you just used big words stating how you would start an aruguement and how great and almighty you are. And also if you could open your eyes for a second you would see the poll... 8 to 1 people agree with duncan on here, so therefore you have no arguement and wasted your time typing that huge mesh of big words.

Author:  vlad [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm trying to guess who voted no... hmmmmm.. real hard one

Author:  Emo [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thassius you didnt even really present an arguement, you just used big words stating how you would start an aruguement and how great and almighty you are. And also if you could open your eyes for a second you would see the poll... 8 to 1 people agree with duncan on here, so therefore you have no arguement and wasted your time typing that huge mesh of big words.
hold on..



Author:  Thassius [ Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well thats funny, because BEFORE we started moderating the forums they were close to being shut down. BB and co had HAD ENOUGH of the disruption on them.


OK here's how it is. I've finally passed breaking point. I've had enough.

This is not censorship.

I'm SICK AND TIRED of a few select individuals who

a) barely play anymore

b) have never ever offered anything constructive to the shard

telling me that myself and my moderators aren't doing our jobs properly.

I'm becoming thoroughly depressed at the general attitude of some of the playerbase recently. There are so many wonderful, mature players that I wholehearedly respect here. And yet cufrently we have some real sour bad apples... I really don't like it.

Alot of you are extremely fortunate that Broadband, Cybervic and Jorus are not regularly about. They would certainly not tolerate this bullshit.

I've even seen threads created recently openly attacking the shard admin. BB OWNS THE SHARD.

Constructive points presented in a mature manner will be noted and listened to. Those who are nothing but inflammatory will be removed. Permanently.

End of discussion.

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