DX Gaming

Vampires Vs Humans
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Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Vampires Vs Humans

A friend of mine was over last night and we were talking about the pure cheese advantage have vampires over humans in PvP. While I'm not trying to turn this into yet ANOTHER discussion about the races being broken, as they will be or not be fixed whenever and we all know that. I was just wondering, with the race system broken for quite some time now, how many people active in PvP (or even PvM charactors who only attempting to PvP when you have to) that still play have vampire charactors.

Like I said, the "bring back races" thing has been brought up and locked a million times... but perhaps it should be pointed out the advantages/disadvantages to these 2 races for noobs who can only make human charactors, to see what they are up against.

Author:  RmX [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Warrior of any kind for PVM sucks,PVM mage is the way to go.
even tho,a vamp has a big advantage over a human one,because of the skill cap being bigger.
Parrying is alot more better for PVP and PVM but the choice to use at any time I want makes the difference. :)

Author:  Odysseus [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

defo vamp for pvp , human just suck like me. Theirs no way new players who have *had* to be humans have no chance in hell against vet vamp warriors. i think its way unbalanced and unfair and i think somthing does need to be done. what i dont understand is if races do not come back , just give humans the same as a vamp then that would settle all this. its just a couple of numbers changed on ur skill card.

It would literally takes 2 mins

However if races come back gms should change *turn humans into vamps* cause i feel ive been robbed of my right to pick a race and i bet every human does. i like to think when bb brings out the patch races will be back but i feel that wont be until next year cause he looks as if hes vanished of the face of the earth lol, but he will come back eventually. i though when races were gone was because they were bug or unbalanced? i duno thats just what i heard , but its defo unbalanced now.

i think gms should give humans extra skills or race changed now, bb wont mind lol they r closest things to him and take over in his absence and im sure bb wants sumit sorted 2 :)

so i would say vamps do better in pvp and pvm cause they can do both lol

this isnt a post that is aiming to start trouble its just my opinion which i havent really stated plus im ranting lol. dont lock the topic or delete this post it would be gd to see what peoples opinions are

Author:  Dracula [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:54 am ]
Post subject: 

The skills are not the only difference and if it were you would have nothing to complain about. Because Humans have the ability to GM ANY skill..

Other races Cant. They can only train certain skills up to 30% That was the main reason for anyone ever picking human. So nothing has really changed exept now there are alot less vampires and other races.. So its not like your overwhelmed by them..

I do have 2 of them though and if they were taken away id just quit...

Got a pure mage warlock whos only good point is the 100 skill, it used to have weapon enchant but it was disabled and it has reagent find but it only finds 1 reg which makes the skill worthless..

And dracula is of course a vampire.. Which does have an advantage but ive also been playing since back then so i think i deserve to keep my char...

So you see you cant just give every human 100 more skill or they are gonna kick my mages ass because they can wear any armor as well.. My warlock can only wear ringmail! So its just not that simple...

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Gotta admit having Barney being so old (vet skill points) hes 48 now)) and being a Vamp i probably ave an advantage over most players on the shard, but screw ya i'd own you anyways, also i have a War mage warlock, she just plain sucks, highest armour i can wear is bloody leather.

Author:  mr.bell [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:11 am ]
Post subject: 

I had a vamp warrior when i first started and it was deleted in the 3motnh back roleback in december but yeah i say it had its avantages

I want to be a iceelf lol.Like heartless! then i can poof

Author:  vlad [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree with Ody that human warriors have a disadvantage and that new players are robbed of their choice, and that vets have everything going their way in that concern. I agree also that if humans were given 100 more skills, surely they'd own everyone and that's no solution. What I'd suggest is for somebody who wanted to be a vamp to be made one if races do come back, that is.

Author:  Odysseus [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

forget the 100 skill thing just me ranting poopoo lol

Author:  Thassius [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:05 am ]
Post subject: 

There is no comparison, naturally the Vampires have a higher skill cap and racial abilities etc. However, due to issues/exploits the races were removed and as such warriors have to make the most of the human race right now.

The 30 magery cap is not an issue for a pure warrior - particularly because of the additional healing (bandage) delay caused by having points in magery.

Players such as Elleberation experimented with including magery in their warrior builds, but when the healing system was tweaked to reflect this, the approach was made redundant.

Personally, a human character's greatest strength is the adaptability inherent in the race; which seems to be reflected in alot of RPG/MMO's. We all know that the Obsidian PVP scene tends to change with new tweaks etc.

For instance, if tank mages become more powerful again, and high-dex healing is capped... we could quite realistically see many existing human warrior dropping some skills (eg anatomy, poisoning, even parrying) in order to train magery. Thus, they would have the last laugh!

The bottom line: races can have an effect - with vampires naturally well suited to a pure warrior build. However, the shard mechanics (particularly PVP) can change drastically... and the versatility that humans have may turn out to be important. Who knows? We certainly wouldn't want to discourage someone from making a human warrior - more skill comes from the player than the race!

As for race changes if they are reintroduced - this will be a purely admin decision from Broadband himself.

Author:  Odysseus [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks for explaining thass :)

Author:  Dedo [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:41 pm ]
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If my race chars were taken away or changed to humans I'd quit end of story....I've been playing long enough to have race char and I wanna keep them! as for just letting humans have an extra 100 skill pts hogwash on that! I remember races haveing set skill points at the start so everyone with the same race had the same starting skills. as a human you dont have that limitation you get to start at 50. If I remember correctly the highest my wood elf started with was 30

Author:  Carling [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:55 pm ]
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I was gonna say what Dedo said about starting skills, and what Thass said about the ever changing pvp....only I wasnt gonna put my point across as good as they did

Author:  vlad [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:03 pm ]
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Whatever the differences may be... The players should still have the choice and should have equal rights as older players.

Author:  Carling [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:25 pm ]
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In that case, I want walled off land, a drow elf and duped BR lol

Author:  vlad [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeh.... walled off land for me too !!!

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