DX Gaming

Skills question/problem
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Author:  Swipe [ Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Skills question/problem

I'll use my Anatomy here as an example.

Today I GM'd Anatomy (whoopdie doo). On show real I had 100.0 anatomy. I locked it. Without show real on I had 100.8 Anatomy.

I log in a few hours later and what do I see? Still 100.0 Anatomy on show real but now I have 101.6 Anatomy without show real clicked.

Then I came back on tonight and now I have only 99.8 Anatomy when show real is clicked and 100.6 anatomy without it clicked. I'm not even a GM anymore.

What the heck is going on with this? It's driving my nuts as most of my skills fluctuate by these small amounts and mess me up.

I am used to playing the OSI version of Ultima for the past 5 years and not having to deal with this kind of problem seeing as you can simply lock skills and they stay the way they were. This is pretty retarded if it is the norm because how can you ever 'finish' a character when he is constantly having his stats going up and down without you even doing anything?

Any comments that can help me understand why this happens and if it's possible to stop it would be greatly appreciated.


The new guy.

Author:  Dedo [ Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

weird I've never had that problem....I usually have a huge diffrence between real and fake skill though....on average 2-4 points (whole points)

Author:  vlad [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybe you've capped your skill and lost 0.2 of all skills. Check at the bottom if total skill is over 670 or so.

Author:  Echo [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like you've hit the skill cap. Skill cap is around 660-670 total skills for humans. Once you hit skill cap you recieve -0.1 to all skills I believe, until you are below the cap

Author:  Drizzt [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:00 am ]
Post subject: 

and for some reason no one seems to have told you, skill lock/arrows dont work .

you cant lock skills here we use forgetful fish to lose skills one fish will take the real value of the skill down 10 points or all of it if you have less than 10.

if you go over the cap, you lose .1 in every skill you have, so you have to make sure and get forgetful fish for the skills you dont want to make sure and balance your cap, its an ongoing process and only a pain in the ass at first, it gets easy and you dont really think about it much once you've been here a while.

same for stats you cant lock or control them the cap is 290 and i think 176 for a single stat if you go over you will lose -1 to every stat to balance stats you need -int -dex or -str potions one potion will lose -4 in a stat or all if you have less.

theres more details to it but im sick of typing.

Author:  Swipe [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

So this is not a normal occurance then?

Thats refreshing.

The thing is though..I've had more skill than this on my show real before. I had like 694.0 points then I ate 2 forgetful fish and now I am only at 687.0 and this is happening.

Also, doesn't the fact that there is a 670-680 skill cap mean that you'll never be able to just stand pat with your skills once your achieved what you set out to get?

If I had the following for instance...
100 Anatomy
100 Mace Fighting
100 Healing
100 Tactics
100 Archery
100 Magic Resistance
70 Parrying

then my parrying would still attempt to rise and would be constantly causing me to lose .1 or .2 in all skills for going over the cap continually? I just don't understand why the skill cap isn't an even 700 or why we can't just have our characters skill freeze when we're satisfied with what we have.

I understand the reasoning behind forgetful fish but this is a different issue. It will be a never ending struggle to get the skills you want and keep them as they are without having the problem I mentioned happening.

Thanks for any response.

Author:  Kigger [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

thats the difference between osi, most all shards out there. On obs u will never just be done, u will always need fff, -int, -dex, str fish int fish etc etc.
U can't make a char and have him stay that way. Your skills and mainly stats will most likely always change, unles u have tons of fff and -int -dex.

mages will always need - dex

warriors will always need -int

warriors will always need str + dex fish

mages will always need str + int fish

so ya it never ends, u cant make a full gm char and just expect them to stay that way, thats just 2 easy :)

Author:  Drizzt [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

this shard is 6 years old, trust me you are just repeating the same thing all new members of the community have posted countless times.

it takes some getting used to and there are a ton of other things you are going to find that are totally different as well, but i believe if you stick around you will find that this shard is unique and really most people who play here tend to agree this is the best shard period and most of us have played a lot of shards.

it is tough going here for a new player way tougher than probably any other shard but man there are some things here that you just cant get anywhere else if you spend a month or so with us you will see.

as for finishing a character, i wouldnt worry about that for a while. by the time you get close, you will have the system down pat.

Author:  belgarion [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

If you are at you're cap it might be a good idea also to get rid of all those 5- 10 skill points you usually have on skills you don't want you will see that then that you have plenty of room for the skills that you do want. Most fff arent that hard to find really. Either post them here on buying and selling or ask around at brit bank. Outside cove vendors seem to carry quite a few fff as well.

Author:  Carling [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Go for 100 parry and no more then 60 anatomy...trust me :wink:

Author:  lordoevil [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:00 am ]
Post subject: 

but what if he wants to be pvm on his warrior then he might want his 100 anatomy

Author:  Swipe [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was thinking more PvP for this guy.

If I had less anatomy could I be able to not have any other stats gain? seems like it might work.

100 Healing
100 Tactics
100 Mace
100 Resist
100 Parry
100 Archery
60-70 Anatomy?

I already have 100.0 Anatomy so that would suck to have to lose it but if it really is a good idea I suppose it could be done.

The problem for me is I can't really use this character right now then because I have zilch for money and I am afraid to use him at the risk of messing up the skill situation further.

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

you need poison aswell :(

Author:  Swipe [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think i'm going to leave this guy as PvM afterall.

I'll be making a mage for PvP likely.

It'll be very hard for me to get used to this never ending system of gains and such as it seems extremely frustrating but hopefully I can overcome it and stick around.

The problem for me is that i'm the type of person that when I start something I work very hard at it until i'm finished and that even applies to games. I just wish I were able to complete a character and not always have it being a work in progress.

Author:  Swipe [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

What skills should I try to get for a PvM mace fighter?

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