DX Gaming

Well, I'm done for good.
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Author:  Zureese [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Well, I'm done for good.

Yes, that is correct. I made an attempt to come back, but changed my mind from certain factors. I will not name names here, but I would like to say that I am shocked. Shocked form the immature actions and excuses given, when I was simply willing to reason and wanting to play. I know that none of you understand what I mean here, but believe me when I say that I would not quit just for no reason, especially when playing for 4-5 years, lol. I would like to say thank you to all of you who helped me on my way, and thanks to the awesome staff we have here. I didn't want to quit this way, but I felt I had no other choice. And again, there might be an argument here about what caused me to quit....but when put off by a so called friend when you know they are there, or told different by other people after being lied to by this so called friend, then that is all there is to it.

I had an awesome time on this shard, from becoming mayor in the old Oasis circle....:P to using an awesome trick to kill dragons with the best pal I had on here (kilo).

I would have to say the best times I've had were the good old hunting days with original MOB. The guild that me and kilo started and later recruited ashes when he was a newb. Those were the good old times. Everyone feared us, but loved us at the same time.

Anyways, I am out....I may check back once and a while on the forums to see how everyone is doing. Take care all, have fun on this awesome shard.


Author:  Dracula [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

The old mob didnt loot people runes to say brit and vesper and throw em in a bag where you can never find em to return em to a friend of a friend either.. This sadly is the new leader of your guild so yeah things are not the same at all..

Have a good one.... You, garr,and urza were my inspiration to get good in this game... Not getting pked, losing all my sht and being called an asshole and getting res killed over and over.. As some think is a good idea... People do this and expect people to not care and keep playing this game.. I see it being done to new players now by people i know and it sorta sickens me..

And ash i know u woulda been cool if you hadnt just thrown the shat in some random bag you cant search through now cause theres so many pointless runes in it... But thats the whole point man, its a whole attitude here of "f*** you" "Who cares if you dont have any fun" "Stop whining" "i threw your shat away for no reason now walk home" ect...

Personally the whole shard could be out to pk me and with the lack of pks that go anywhere i can make insane money and magic weps on here. But some things that people may consider small deals arent really when your here to relax and have ya know... "fun"

Like he didnt lose anything he really needed i bet besides mabey a little respect for some people here ( i dunno who or anything)..
And im sure the person/people didnt even get anything from him that he wouldnt have helped them out with getting for themselves anyway... So what was the point? Getting another player to leave? GJ....

Its not like zureese even ever did anything for me, he hasnt and we never talked much even back with maxcarnage.. but ive always thought he was a good guy and it sux to see the end...

So have a good one man, mabey one day this place will change and you can just come make new chars and have fun again.. I dunno..

Author:  Emo [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

"my name is dracula, I get given back a +7 kryss that I had hunted, and I get ressed and healed so I can runestone, but f*** you for looting my runes!!!"

Get a life Dracula.

And Zureese, sucks to see you act the way you have been.

Author:  Dracula [ Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ashes i put that kryss on the ground outside brit bank for someone to grab who wanted it.. None of that matters.. The fact that a good friend of mine black magic, and yours as well gave me the val ring u looted is something that matters.. I dont even mind that, not a big deal at all to me hell bm gave me those mana pots too and he does it for free so your just stealing from him...

I just dont like the fact that u loot pointless stuff...

Your a f***** douchebag..

Did you even read this part??
And ash i know u woulda been cool if you hadnt just thrown the shat in some random bag you cant search through now cause theres so many pointless runes in it... But thats the whole point man, its a whole attitude here of "f*** you" "Who cares if you dont have any fun" "Stop whining" "i threw your shat away for no reason now walk home" ect...

Also get a real arguement.. "Get a life" is redundant...

Author:  Emo [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I am a pker.. I PK'd you, you're lucky I even ressed your ass and healed you.. god damn.

Nothin personal, but you are a total bitch.

Author:  Dracula [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:10 am ]
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Being a pk doesnt mean you have to do things which are pointless..

Author:  Emo [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:20 am ]
Post subject: 

And we already talked this over, taking your runes is out of habit, nothing personal, you think I sit there and ponder over what to loot? hell no, I grab everything I can and get the f*** outta there.

Author:  Dracula [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes we talked and its fine. Though i would ask you remember that im getting half my stuff from your 2nd in command so.. But i didnt mean to attack you here anyway.. The habit isnt a good one though... Im sure youve had the same crappy stuff happen to you and im sure thats the only reason you got started doin it..

Blue runes at least should be newbed though.. They are pointless to loot or to have looted..

Author:  Emo [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:36 am ]
Post subject: 

My second in command isn't Black Magic, and wether he supplies you with items or not, is his choice, as soon as it's in YOUR backpack, it becomes your loot.. I don't go around asking people "hey weren't you get your armor from" to make sure I can loot it..

Fo' real yo..

Author:  RvnScarlet [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Being a pk doesnt mean you have to do things which are pointless..
What other reason could thier be? This is a Pk shard, so therefore the point is to F****** pk. If you don't like it, go play in someone elses playground. Capice?

Author:  Dracula [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Whos in line after you then i thought mob was 4 people now?? Hes certainly the most active at least that ive seen... Anyway that dont matter the point wasnt the rank in guild really anyway..


Thats a retarded statement.. Sorry but it is.. I didnt say people shouldnt pk ffs... That wouldnt make anything any better.. I just said taking pointless things isnt necessary... PKs are supposed to be about PKing not Looting necessarily... And fyi Being called an asshole by someone who says what you just did sounds like a compliment to me hun...

Also this isnt a "PK" shard.. God is that wrong.. I was even told my first time killing a blue player when i was a noob not to do it because PKing was allowed but discouraged! This may not be the shard guideline but back when i was told that we had alot of players and only grew so i think it was a nice concept actually.. I dunno, i just think the attitude today is kinda fked up..

Author:  Thorfin [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:55 am ]
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Also this isnt a "PK" shard.. God is that wrong.. I was even told my first time killing a blue player when i was a noob not to do it because PKing was allowed but discouraged! This may not be the shard guideline but back when i was told that we had alot of players and only grew so i think it was a nice concept actually.. I dunno, i just think the attitude today is kinda fked up..
Agree this isn't a real pk shard, wtf are u talking about scarlet, u have never seen a real pk shard i suppose then...omfg people, pk shards sucks so f***** much, uve got a skill cap like 1200 and stat cap about 600....also u can have all skills gmed at the beggining...omfg 1st try, then say.....i hate pk shards, its really fuked up..obsidan rox.

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Back on topic, im sorry to see you go Zureese, I tend to have these feelings a lot, its cos weve been here for so long, and things change, i hope to see you back sometime for a chat at the bank on the Grey Zureese, shame really i woulda loved to have fought you 1v1 on your Red Zur.

Happy Hunting IRL

Author:  belgarion [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Are we going to start saying what is ok to loot and what is not now? I am sorry but everytime i have been looted on this shard i have been left bare-assed and was told "find an ankh noob." And this wasn't MoB back then it was primal, (which i guess was metal at the time,) and certain members of destiny. The first time i got pked and the pker took only the money and weps i was shocked. The point is yeah sure runes are a pain in the ass to replace but certainly not worth crying over. Perhaps it would be a good idea to bank you're runes if you don't want to lose them. And now that is out of the way, I am sorry to see you go Zur. I was a noob when you left the first time and never saw you on much since you have been back but it was nice to see an old player coming back even if it was for a little while.

Author:  Kigger [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

RvnScarlet, A PK SHARD, wow are you off, this is the furthest thing from a pk shard. we are pvm/role playing. Obviously u have never played on a pk shard, cause obs aint one at all. That made my day-so funny

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