DX Gaming

Question about Poisoning.
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Author:  Swipe [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Question about Poisoning.

Whats the scoop on poisoning?

Does the skill poisoning just poison weps and you need alchemy to make poison pots?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Author:  Kigger [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

no u cant poison weps here

poison rises when u throw poison pots

u will need pots to use from an alchy

u dont need any alch to have gm poison

poison is the the most nessacary skill if u wanna pvp-atm anyways :)

Author:  Swipe [ Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

what would be an ideal character mold for a pvp mace fighter and for a pvm mace fighter.

I'm undecided which i'd like to strive to be.

I might make a pvp mage instead.

So if you could list the ideal skills for each a pvm and pvp mace fighter that would be great. I'd have a cap of approx 670.

Author:  Morbid [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:37 am ]
Post subject: 

if your going for a decent pvp/pvm try going

100 in healing, resist, tactics, magery, mace/swords/wrestling(your choice), poisen, and 60 anat. with stats like 100 str, 90 dex, 100 int, you can fluctuate how you do this depending on what attack skill you use. pretty much you wont need as much dex if you choose wrestling cause its fricken fast n e ways, and when you poly you get so much str, dex and int that you can own with wrestling(if you poly into demon). the thing is anytime you use magery your spending tons of money on regs, or your a pk and you take other peeps. these chars are good as pvp and pvm, but if you pvp prolly dont polly cause you will just get dispelled and be naked.

or you can go pure mage with 100 in, healing, resist, med, magery, eval int, poisen, and 60 ant, I hear there the best pvp. you wont need to poly for good stats, because your ideal amount would be like 170-130 str, 100-150, and a lil dex, because, if your soo low on dex you will constantly gain it, thus spending tons of cash on - dex pots, if its around 20-30 its not too too bad, but you will still need lots of - dex pots. med is really hard to gain to gm i hear, so these chars are the toughest to perfect, but absolutly own when you do. f*** they prolly even own pvm.

you can always start off with a warrior and gm his stats then gain enough money to get alot of regs and pots, and fish(fff and stat) stored, so you can make a grand transformation to a tank mage. or you can make a pure warrior for pvm and get tons of cash, and save then start a mage and have 2 chars to use. I'd recomend just starting some chars but not using em(if your going to eventually make a mage) because then you get age on those chars and they will get + skill points, i belive its 10% for every 6 months, so say you use a warrior for a year by the time your ready to make a mage(lets say a year and you already made a mage at the same time) your mage will have a skill cap of 700 instead of 680, wich is cool.

I think you can get healing beond 100, i think it goes to 120% so you could put skills there if you wanted, or you could put the extra 40(if anat is at 60) and the extra 20 towards something like stealth, or if your a pk maybe even tracking, it be awesome if you could get your stats as high as 760 then you could go(5 years i'd guess)

100 in

and magery
and have 60 anat then I'd think you would own all chars

or you could have

100 in

and med
with 60 ant

the possibilites are endless you just gotta take it slow and whatnot

not to mention that using magery takes alot of practice, its fricken tricky to learn what spells to use to own in a pvp*waits for ashes to say "In Nox, kal vas flame, ect*

hope that helped correct me if im wrong on anything peeps.

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 1:58 am ]
Post subject: 

The skills you listed add up to 760, only people like me can have that much skill :?

Author:  Thorfin [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:50 am ]
Post subject: 

if your going for a decent pvp/pvm try going

100 in healing, resist, tactics, magery, mace/swords/wrestling(your choice), poisen, and 60 anat. with stats like 100 str, 90 dex, 100 int, you can fluctuate how you do this depending on what attack skill you use. pretty much you wont need as much dex if you choose wrestling cause its fricken fast n e ways, and when you poly you get so much str, dex and int that you can own with wrestling(if you poly into demon). the thing is anytime you use magery your spending tons of money on regs, or your a pk and you take other peeps. these chars are good as pvp and pvm, but if you pvp prolly dont polly cause you will just get dispelled and be naked.

or you can go pure mage with 100 in, healing, resist, med, magery, eval int, poisen, and 60 ant, I hear there the best pvp. you wont need to poly for good stats, because your ideal amount would be like 170-130 str, 100-150, and a lil dex, because, if your soo low on dex you will constantly gain it, thus spending tons of cash on - dex pots, if its around 20-30 its not too too bad, but you will still need lots of - dex pots. med is really hard to gain to gm i hear, so these chars are the toughest to perfect, but absolutly own when you do. f*** they prolly even own pvm.

you can always start off with a warrior and gm his stats then gain enough money to get alot of regs and pots, and fish(fff and stat) stored, so you can make a grand transformation to a tank mage. or you can make a pure warrior for pvm and get tons of cash, and save then start a mage and have 2 chars to use. I'd recomend just starting some chars but not using em(if your going to eventually make a mage) because then you get age on those chars and they will get + skill points, i belive its 10% for every 6 months, so say you use a warrior for a year by the time your ready to make a mage(lets say a year and you already made a mage at the same time) your mage will have a skill cap of 700 instead of 680, wich is cool.

I think you can get healing beond 100, i think it goes to 120% so you could put skills there if you wanted, or you could put the extra 40(if anat is at 60) and the extra 20 towards something like stealth, or if your a pk maybe even tracking, it be awesome if you could get your stats as high as 760 then you could go(5 years i'd guess)

100 in

and magery
and have 60 anat then I'd think you would own all chars

or you could have

100 in

and med
with 60 ant

the possibilites are endless you just gotta take it slow and whatnot

not to mention that using magery takes alot of practice, its fricken tricky to learn what spells to use to own in a pvp*waits for ashes to say "In Nox, kal vas flame, ect*

hope that helped correct me if im wrong on anything peeps.
u forgot about having skills in pvp...u can have all skills gmed and still suck balls..

Author:  Morbid [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

yea pvp is a different story, you can gm all these skills, but you need to know how to use them. best thing to do is to just get a buddy and you guys practice killing each other in the arena at jelohm.

Author:  Azimuth [ Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you’re going to use a mace to PvP with you'll need to
- get 60 anatomy (heal through poison)
-keep a strict warrior build (no magic, it raises your healing times)
-GM Archery
-get poisoning to about 85 (you need at least 85 poisoning to use greater poison pots)
-make a GM alchemist (G poisons are expensive, and you'll have a hard time finding a player willing to keep you in supply for a price you can afford...not to mention that it is probably the most useful skill in the game. Every one of my characters depends on my Alchemist.)
-Practice (PvP has a lot to do with timing and the order that you do things, that’s why you see GM warriors who suck at PvP)

If your going PvM, I'd say take up fencing with parry and archery, or just make a poly mage with wrestling.

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

PvP mage
Start with an advanced character pick 50 med/ 50 resist for your skills
Healing, meditation, resist, magery, Eval int, and poisoning. Also 60 anat doesn't hurt either.
PvP mage
Start with 50 healing/50 resist
Healing, resist, magery, parry, tactics, and wrestling.

Wrestling is completely useless on a PvP mage.

But you are probly better off to make a warrior and a cpl of crafters first because training mages is expensive.

Author:  vlad [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:11 am ]
Post subject: 

-get poisoning to about 85 (you need at least 85 poisoning to use greater poison pots)
U can use gpoisons at 75%... only for the in nox for your mage that u need 85%

Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:18 am ]
Post subject: 

You fail a lot at lower levels. 8 NS a pot and you fail half of them = shitty.

Author:  vlad [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

U don't lose the pot tho when u stumble...

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

PvP mage
Start with an advanced character pick 50 med/ 50 resist for your skills
Healing, meditation, resist, magery, Eval int, and poisoning. Also 60 anat doesn't hurt either.
PvP mage
Start with 50 healing/50 resist
Healing, resist, magery, parry, tactics, and wrestling.

Wrestling is completely useless on a PvP mage.

But you are probly better off to make a warrior and a cpl of crafters first because training mages is expensive.
erm try again? you have PvP listed twice :?

Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:49 am ]
Post subject: 

U don't lose the pot tho when u stumble...
lol, OK, You use your warrior with 75 poisoning and fight me with over 85, and we'll see who wins.

Author:  Emo [ Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Azi, there's no delay on poison pots when you stumble, if you have a macro for "lastobject > waittarg > lasttarg" you can just hold that down, and you'll stumble till you throw, and you'll throw within a few seconds cause you can just spam it till it throws..

But I do agree with Azi, from a timing perspective you'd want it to be more accurate.

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