DX Gaming

i'll probably be gone for a while
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Author:  subwulf [ Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  i'll probably be gone for a while

with obsids community like this I am not sure I even want to stay here,
the players are assholes that dont respect ANYONE and steal others shit,
staff don't respond to pages, the shard owner has been busy in life for the past 2 years, good friends account was looted and deleted, my weps on my house were looted when they were locked down, (no one has ANY key to my house)
I find its not worth the time and effort to work for shit when assholes can just strip it away with the use of bugs or cheap tricks that abuse overlooked factors of gameplay that probably won't be fixed.

so I guess I'll sleep on it and try to feel better in the morning
but i'll probably just be on to talk and collect stuff maybe go to the occassional event
good luck everyone :)
PS>i now kill every one i want to! YAY!!!

Author:  Emo [ Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

If I were you, I'd of slept on it before I posted.. but meh, sucks to see ya go..

Author:  Thorfin [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:25 am ]
Post subject: 

staff doesnt anwser pages?!?!?! wtf? everytime i page for something echo is there to help me. last time he spent 1 hour on looking for my house sign...dont act like a kiddie man, shit happens, if something gonna screw up in ur rl life u gonna quit too? wtf is with u ppl?
and btw bb is on his way to finish patch for us, try to start ur own shard sub then we will talk.
i have nothing against u but i just dont understand all the shit u wrote there, man grow up. look at barney, he got his account f***** up, but he didnt say shit like u.

Author:  Dracula [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Well whatever. Lets drop the getting on sub stuff for now.. If people are really able to use a bug to loot locked down items i suggest everyone lock your doors and admin get on it soon.. Cause things like this have happend before and caused weeks of rollbacks..

Author:  Mordred [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:51 am ]
Post subject: 

nice joke.. lol

Author:  Thorfin [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:44 am ]
Post subject: 

btw, on some shards u can STEAL things from houses its really an easy shard guys(no stealing skill etc.) what u can want more huh?

Author:  subwulf [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Like i said i still dont like the attitude of the shard , thanks for proving part of my main point thorfin, this is exactly why im taking a break
and no, i paged 0 post infront of mine available staff, waited 30 mins no one answered, paged again still 0 post ahead of mine still a available staff, what that tells me is staff wasn't intending to answer it
just a small break, might not even be a week, and i still will probably hunt,during my off time, no biggy most of u wont notice im gone cuz really im not
i'll be still on to kick b!tches like u though :wink:

Author:  RmX [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Like i said i still dont like the attitude of the shard , thanks for proving part of my main point thorfin, this is exactly why im taking a break
and no, i paged 0 post infront of mine available staff, waited 30 mins no one answered, paged again still 0 post ahead of mine still a available staff, what that tells me is staff wasn't intending to answer it
just a small break, might not even be a week, and i still will probably hunt,during my off time, no biggy most of u wont notice im gone cuz really im not
i'll be still on to kick b!tches like u though :wink:
I can understand it,but you need to understnad even tho there's staff on,they can't jst rush up you..Maybe they're doing something,maybe they are AFK?
maybe they are dealing a previous page they've delted thats why it says 0 b4.
You need to see if there's staff online..migh tbe the first to page yet no staff.
Don't act likea noob. Staff are real people to...they have a life :)

Author:  subwulf [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:16 am ]
Post subject: 

your right they mighta been afk, maybe i over reacted w/e ,
i guess i just won't be nice to anyone anymore until i kill enough people to remake what i lost :twisted:

Author:  Thorfin [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

just grow up man....if one jerk did bad thing that doesnt mean that all ppl on shard are same...btw stop crying. u wanna stay?np. wanna leave? i dont give a f***. maybe some of u guys think that when u gonna leave shard will die or something, if u think like that u r so f.......wrong. sub btw dont post shit in that kind anymore, its pointless. as many ppl out there i'll be playing here even if there will be like 5 ppl online so i dont care. and next time just take a break and dont post shit. kids....
and i prove nothing. the thing is that u have proved that u r still just a kid who got some emotional problems. its normal in ur age, dont mind. :lol: :lol: :lol:
wanna candy?

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:11 pm ]
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didn't we decided no more quiting posts?

Author:  Drizzt [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

come kill us then and stop talking about it.

Author:  Dracula [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

It sucks people dont even seem to care that such a crappy bug exists.. And we put up with the "you are too weighed down" thing to prevent such occurances.. meh...

Author:  Thorfin [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

or maybe he just lied us? how u can check that huh?

Author:  Dracula [ Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well that can be true in any case.. Barney could have been and how could anyone check that? (btw for anyone who doesnt get it im not suggesting he did) I guess he(sub) could have refrained from lumping everyone in there together with the thrashings though lol..

Anyway i doubt hes lieing and ill find out for sure cause i dont think hed lie to me ever.. At least not until he becomes old and powerful and forgets little ole me 8)

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