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Author:  Odysseus [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Terrifico

can sumone tell me why restile is allowed back? rumurs r that he is terrifico..im curius as to why has staff let him back after he said he will kill sumbody in rl. I also want to know why not let some other back who have been banned. Whats so special about him that staf keep letting him back?

Im not having ago at staff i just want to know people thoughts about this

Peoples lifes should be considered before letting sumone like him back

I think the people of obsidian should decide to let him back....

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I have heard the rumor too but i don't think it is certain that he is restile as of now it's just a rumor. I'm not even sure if staff knows if he is or not but it might be worth looking into.

Author:  Odysseus [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes staff should look into it , because i feel as if things are happening behind our back and we have no say in what goes. If this is restile we should choose if he can stay. Also i have had suspitions about the situation with account jackings (Staff should check this teriffico out)

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Well the decision to ban someone is not really ours its staff but the point is why bother banning any1 if all they do is create another account. I have also heard that Psycopath is XBlood. But if someone masks there I.P. I'm not sure if there is much they can do except to keep jailing their accounts. I know when XBones was first banned he had quite a few accounts jailed b4 he got the hint. I personally would have just kept an eye on his skills and when he GM'ed everything then i would have jailed it. :P

Author:  NightStalker [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:19 am ]
Post subject: 

HAHAHAHAHAhahAHAHAHAhaHAhaha. shit man all this is funyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy like hell hahahahha you guys are so obsessed and scared from restile and xblood you saw them evry where. iam sure your dream about them the night and rush to sleep. NOOB who is terrifico who is psycopath who is spiner who is Xtremis who is NME who is tronix who is dobtik who is crimsonwhite who is death who is alucard who is roberts who is adam 1 and adam 2 lmaooooooooooo.... lots of french heh hahahhahhahahahha
well its ok to be scared lol

xblood and restile still own even if they dont play anymore lol SO FUNNY but i have a good new for evry scared poufiace. xblood is really back from 3 day ago with echo permission so OMG WHO IS XBLOOD WHO IS RESTILE :O HAHAHAHAHAHA

Author:  NightStalker [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:30 am ]
Post subject: 

talking about rumor

i heard metal was Roberts lol hahahahahahahahaha you guys love rumor there another one. iam Nemo :) and ohhh damn i forget another one Alucard was mephisto if evry one remember so why would mephisto give vampire away to a french ? BECAUSE MEPHISTO IS XBLOOD. lol lol lol

ok i got 2 go for now but ill come back will mor rumor ok i have tons of rumor ready to go like restile is spiner LOL

cya later

Author:  Odysseus [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

rrrrite did anyone understand what he just said lol , i just made out the word scared, im not scared of restile at all and everybody isnt, there is one thing i am scared of and thats being murderd in rl aswell as my freinds. Our own safety is at risk in rl so thts what im afraid off!

Author:  vlad [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

my guess is that this is pm material... it might become another silly flamewar between restile haters and lovers...


Author:  NightStalker [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

moé jmen calice je va poster en francais comme ca tu chialera pas de comment je parle en englais criss e tapette jte dit ta la chienne de tfaire tué dans vrai vie ta juste a pas etre rasist mon criss de chien salle. passe que ici au quebec le modne rasist finish 6 pied sous terre enculer

Author:  vlad [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

eu tambem falo outra lingua rapaz... fica frio

Author:  NightStalker [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

haha doro tu vien parler de paix quand tu fais partis des rasist toi aussi tsk tsk tsk .

odyseus cé pas té afaire skia entre restile pis aimee tessaye just faire dla bull shit si ta vraiment peur de te faire tiré fait just pas chercher le fuk criss de rapace

Author:  Odysseus [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

moe jmen chalice we is going to mail in like that French you won't cry of how we speaks in englais e criss swatter jte says your the bitch of tfaire killed in truth life your just has be rasist my criss of dog room. pass that here to the quebec the modne rasist finish 6 foot under ground enculeràáäéÃàÃä

am i gonna end up 6 feet under?

Author:  Jackal [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

who cares man... they let emo back from being banned 3 times and i dont see any of you bitches complaining. he hasnt killed anyone either, and hes some emo kid so prolly hes more prone to killin a bitch if he gets sad. Just take emo as an example, from what i hear he behaves great now and hasnt had any more problems with staff. Reptile wont kill anyone in real life, he just talks alot of shit like me. so let staff do their job and u do urs.

Author:  a Player [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Wai does Jackal talk leik he knows wutz up?? He hasn't logged in for, hrmf, a year? LOLz GO-BACK-TO-COVE-NOOB

Author:  Jackal [ Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Im just saying saying that this dude scared of his life shouldnt be. If reptile gets banned because of something he did in the game, then fine. If he gets unbanned its none of your business. Nonetheless, if after he gets unbanned he says hes going to kill you ( he wont, hes some skinny ass dude) then you can acuse him of harrassing you. But its unfair to talk shit about him if he hasnt done anything wrong yet.

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