DX Gaming

WTF is with the looting?
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Author:  raine2004 [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  WTF is with the looting?

What is up with the looting lately? I know at least a dozen players who have either been looted in places like the cove graveyard or during events. It is stupidity on the part of the offenders because most of the time a staff member will find the person who did it and remove the things that were looted from thier possession, so what did you gain? The pleasure of taking things from players that you didnt kill in the first place? You are just ruining the fun for other players, and you are putting unnessesary work on the people who are trying to make things fun for us- the GMs, seers, and councelers, which is unfair to them they have enough to do already. If you want to loot, do it outside of protected areas.

Author:  Emo [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Staff need to be a bit harsher on them...

I remember there was one guy who kept looting at events back when I was a noob, he eventually got sent to perma jail for a week. Dumbledore was his name I think..? :lol:

Pretty sure he didn't loot anymore.

Author:  flame [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

i looted in brit gy once after i was atacked and i remeber i was jailed for 2 weeks... staff are to light now days

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:23 pm ]
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Author:  Dracula [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

ha let someone attack me in brit gy and ill loot em dry

that staff that jailed u was too harsh

but for people actually pking people and looting them a weeks jail seems fair

Author:  Emo [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

ha let someone attack me in brit gy and ill loot em dry

that staff that jailed u was too harsh

but for people actually pking people and looting them a weeks jail seems fair
We're talkin about people like Apoxi and Ereaser who have made a living off PKing defenseless noobs in the few "no PK" area's.

Most people don't even try to fight back in the GY though because they take the kill in hopes their SS will get their stuff PLUS a punishment, which lately, hasn't happened.

Author:  Dedo [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:31 pm ]
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We're talkin about people like Apoxi and Ereaser who have made a living off PKing defenseless noobs in the few "no PK" area's.
you were once known to do the same...

Author:  Emo [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Erm - I haven't PKed in Cove or Britain GY since about 2 years ago.. with the exception of killing AdamI who ran into Cove to try to get away from me. By no means did I make my living off killing noobs though.

But you're correct, 2 years ago or more I was known to do the same.. and for the morons such as yourself, the story about "Dumbledore" was about me aswell.

I was making a point but you can sit here and argue with me if you want!

Author:  Dedo [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:40 pm ]
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no was mearly stating a fact that once upon a time you were the same...maybe they just need time to outgrow it as you have.

Author:  Emo [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

no was mearly stating a fact that once upon a time you were the same...maybe they just need time to outgrow it as you have.
I outgrew it because staff forced me to. Either play in GM jail or don't loot and pk in those area's.

Not much of a choice then, should still be the same, kept new players happier and staying online.

It's pretty simple, there's 99% of the world open to PKing.

Author:  raine2004 [ Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  quit picking on each other

Hey you guys, stop your nit-picking! I didnt start this topic so you can use it to torment each other, I am glad that you no longer loot in protected areas Emo. Everyone quit whining about who did what years ago, we are talking about the problems that we are having now.

As for the staff not being harsh enough on looters, I believe that they have done what they felt needed to be done up to this point, but I think that they are going to start making examples of people now. And I hope they find some way to make it great fun for thierselves. :twisted: LOL Have a blast guys, were rooting for you!

Author:  Odysseus [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:32 am ]
Post subject: 

lol i would jail the pker for 1 week, and only get let em out if they pay the noob compensation depends how rich they are lol. Like pay 50k or higher bail and give the noob it :)

Author:  Emo [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: quit picking on each other

Hey you guys, stop your nit-picking! I didnt start this topic so you can use it to torment each other, I am glad that you no longer loot in protected areas Emo. Everyone quit whining about who did what years ago, we are talking about the problems that we are having now.

As for the staff not being harsh enough on looters, I believe that they have done what they felt needed to be done up to this point, but I think that they are going to start making examples of people now. And I hope they find some way to make it great fun for thierselves. :twisted: LOL Have a blast guys, were rooting for you!
Well stated - and sorry for the thread being "de-railed" wasn't the intention of my original story, was more to say exactly what you said, you need to make an example.

Author:  gourd [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  i think it would be funnyer to mess with there stats

i think it would be better to mess with there stats guy Fs a noob twice in brit gy take 50 of his magery away or take 40 of his int and move it over to dex i'm pretty sure he'll be worryed how to fix his char for a while and leave those noobs alone

Author:  raine2004 [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Tee Hee, good suggestions guys! Should I be making notes so we can give these ideas to the GMs? They can have great fun with them :twisted: Nah, bet they have already read this thread so there is no point. :) More ideas guys, whats the best way to torture a evil looter? lol

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