DX Gaming

Huge noob question here
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Author:  502Dude [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Huge noob question here

Ive never played UO and I want to really get into it, but where do I start? Are there any quests to take? Whats the first things I should do once I start in town?

Author:  Kraken [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I assume that you are starting out with a warrior-type character, as that is usually an easy one to grasp for new players. There are not really any "newbie quests" here at Obsidian. I would recommend fighting as many skeletons and zombies in the Cove graveyard as possible, to build up whichever combat skill you gave yourself the most skill points to start with.

Your time in which you have access to Cove and to "poof" instead of die is limited, so make the most of it. It also would not be a bad idea to visit the healer in Cove (the shop with the ankh on the door) and buy bandages, tell him "train healing" (and pay him the gold he asks for once you have it), and also "train anatomy". You can also use a pickax to dig up graves in the Cove Graveyard for additional loot to help you out. If it seems way too difficult to even kill 1 or 2 zombies starting out, you will probably want to consider re-making your character with what you've learned so far. Good luck and have fun.

Author:  502Dude [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the advice, Kraken. I spent the better part of the 90's playing U7: Black gate and Serpent Isle and I still do with the Exult program....so this is something entirely new to me. The only other online game i've played was Diablo 2. I still have a bit to learn, but I'll make the best of it!

Author:  Thorfin [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:00 am ]
Post subject: 

i suggest u go with the swords they offer best speed/dmg
then make a pvm mage to get some stuff for ur warrior(polymorph)
then maybe pvp warrior or pvp mage
make a miner and fisher to make some armor and catch some stat fish(str/dex)

Author:  Cirius [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi and welcome to Obsidian, I´d suggest you join us in irc to get answer quickly since you´re going to have alot of them if you´ve never played before.

Server is irc.outz.com
and channels are #obsidian and #offtopic although #offtopic would be the best to join since there´s not much activity in #obsidian

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