DX Gaming

What would you do in this situation
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Author:  Sphynx [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  What would you do in this situation

Ok for my birthday I took my best friend and his girlfriend out for a weekend of gambling. I said i was going to pay for the hotel room, take my car, my gas etc. All they had to do is pay for their food and gamblin money.

First day, on the way there they insist on listening to their music, i like to listen to my own style of music when i drive. We get there and my friend has to pick the hotel we stay at on My Birthday. He doesn't want to stay at any one story hotels, so i was like whatever you choose. We can only find a hotel to his liking that has one room left. He wants to stay there so i was like ok fine.

We gamble and what not, so the next day we go out to eat for lunch. Again they don't want to eat where i want to eat and we have to go eat were i don't want to, on My Birthday. That night i was agitated, and got pretty smashed at the casino. My friend drives me back, and then asks me to leave my hotel room, on my birthday so he can have "relations" with his girlfriend. Mind you i was still very drunk, he kicks me out drunk to drive around a town i have never been in. They also are aware that i have had a DUI before.

I didn't receive a card, present or anything from them. All i got was they both told me Happy Birthday one time. My question to you is, what would you do about this. I felt slapped in the face by their actions, and thought it was completely jerk shit they did. What would you do?

The whole weekend i felt that i was catoring to them, when they should have been catoring to what i wanted to do.I know now never go anywhere with a couple if your single, i found that out the hard way. But i am not sure if i should tell them the bs they did, or never talk to em again or what?

Author:  Chaos-Mage [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

You should tell them about how you felt, and that you want an appology and a $1000 cash muahahah for all expenses, it was your b-day after all :). And yeah never be 3rd wheel .

Author:  Thorfin [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

man i'd tell em what i think about em, they acted like f****** egoists, was it ur b day or their bday?!? so u should have the right to choice whatever u want to....and u should take a few of ur m8s instead of ur friend+his gf...thats the worse choice u can make...

Author:  vlad [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

u should try to get her (or him depending on your gender/option) into bed and then telling the other what you did...

that should teach them..

Author:  Dedo [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:55 pm ]
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u should try to get her (or him depending on your gender/option) into bed and then telling the other what you did...

that should teach them..

telling them how you feel could backfire.... no offence but they sound like the type that will try to make everything your fault no matter what you say or their actions. If I was you I would just let them have their space for a while....or like vlad said go show that lady a good time or too and brag about it :lol:

Author:  Sphynx [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks guys, ya i thought it could backfire on me. We'll see what happens ima talk to them this weekend.

Author:  belgarion [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:17 pm ]
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First, i would give my buddy a slap for even bringing his girl in the first place. You don't say where you went in this thread but I'm assuming cuz it's a casino there is plenty of women there. And as the old saying goes , you don't bring sand to the beach. You got mooched plain and simple. It should have been his birthday cuz he got all the benefits. I sure hope you didn't pay for it all that's all i have to say.

Author:  Dark_phoenix [ Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:36 pm ]
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you just stupid.. u dont take girls out on ur b-day u go out and get them with ur mates and if i was ur mate i would of let u watch it would be a great b-day gift lol

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I would have refused to leave the room. But, obviously it's too late for that. With friends like that you don't need enemies... Try to convince them to spend some money on you this weekend to try to even things out a bit. Then, have nothing to do with them heh.

Author:  Terek Molt [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:36 am ]
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kill them.

Author:  moxy [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:36 am ]
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copyed:I know now never go anywhere with a couple if your single

thats not the point.. the point is at the end of the day there ur mates? and it was YOUR birthday im sure any human could go without sex for a couple of days!! if these were my mates id let em no.. but not in the way as to say its my f***** birthday spoil me.. in the way as to say look.. i payed for all ur shit on my birthdya to have a good time and all it seemed was that you threw it back in my face...

Author:  Shaturu [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:25 pm ]
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Author:  belgarion [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:57 pm ]
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The most logical solution is obvious. Find a new friend who is not pussy whipped. He may have been the one doing the dance but i can guarantee you she was pulling the strings. Beware the "Y".

Author:  Thassius [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

IF it was me I'd show his GF some 'relations' to teach him a lesson for being a little b1tch.

Then I'd tell her she sucked and your friend said so too she has a mental complex.

Next thing she does is have a go at her BF for (apparently) telling you she sucks in bed. He asks who told her, she says you, and then out of revenge she says how much a good time she had having sex with you. She would then tell your friend (out of spite to make herself feel better) that he sucks in bed more than her, and has a small penis.

You win.

Damn I'm evil...

Author:  Pluto [ Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Damn I'm evil"

Yeah..... I would have to agree in this case. :?

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