DX Gaming

Why Do NME and RMX Still Have Accounts..
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Author:  Dracula [ Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Why Do NME and RMX Still Have Accounts..

Havent staff given two people on other peoples accounts long enough to play around on them now? Possibly giving away many things from these accounts already which should go to noone since they should be banned?

Havent they had long enough to PK with characters they never worked on for a second.. It is very discraceful to everyone who allows this that it continues..

Mephisto is always on RMX account and admits it.. And there are mulitple screens of him describing it in the midst of a long normal convo. Plus the fact that 100 other people know this to be true.,

Bane is using NMEs account and also he has another account with a new "bane" character on it which hes using money from NMEs account to support. He logs right from NME to his new bane char. 100 people also know hes another person and he openly admits it constantly.

NME and RMX are GONE.. They told everyone this, they even told me this. Both of em personally. The day cult disbanded.. Then they go around lieing their asses off saying "something happend" to their account.. An accident or a hacker.. Whatever they say now so that its ok for them to just get accounts from other people and do whatever they wish here in obs....

Even use 2 at once like bane..

Well i for one am tired of pming staff.. Ive pmed echo, ive pmed thassius..

The thread with the evidence against RMX/Mephisto has been posted in the MOD forums even.. And yet i See RMX logged on RIGHT NOW.

This so isnt right... It just isnt right..

Author:  Excalibur [ Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Get over it Drac I'm sure staff know whats going on.

Author:  ArkAngelDuo [ Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Sadly it was ruled long long ago by broadband that you can make a gift of an account. So until he changes that ruling, i don't think you'll see mephisto in trouble as long as it's the only account he uses and he's not using it to circumvent a ban.

That being said, the bane issue is troubling, but i'm sure staff are owrking on it. Broadband hasn't been on aim in weeks so that's probably the holdup.

Author:  Emo [ Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, as far as I've been told Bruno aka Mephisto was perma-jailed, with intentions to be banned, but before this happened, Mephisto "quit" and deleted his characters.

Now, someone being perma-jailed, means they cannot play.. correct? So by using RmX's account he is circumveining his perma-jail allowing him to play.

Not to mention, RmX still bids openly on items on these forums - which he then logs into the account he's sharing with Bruno to purchase..

As for NME/Bane - Bane quit on his own accord and is now using NME's account, nothing illegal about it, but this is the first I've heard of him using another account - although I DID see that Bane character on the Server Status and was slightly curious.

Author:  Kraken [ Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

This IS being looked into by staff. You said it yourself that "100's of people know", so this thread isn't nessasary.

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