DX Gaming

Problems making an account and connecting to irc
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Author:  Coder [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Problems making an account and connecting to irc

When I try to create an account. It says "You are only allowed to create one account." The thing is I've never had an account here.

Okay this gets better. When I try to connect to irc chat channel it says I'm banned (PM Thassius) not sure if thats the coorect name.

But you see I have never applied for an account or ever connected to irc befor.

Is there someway or someone to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance.


Author:  Emo [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's nothing in the IRC as far as I'm aware that would be stopping you from joining. Outz had just recently changed servers so perhaps something f***** up in that..

Try the java client on the front page of the Obsidian site (click "chat") or if you tried that, perhaps try using a real IRC client such as mIRC.

Author:  Sphynx [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

i would pm active higher lever staff if i was you, you can try pmong these guys with your info

http://www.dxgaming.com/phpbb/privmsg.p ... ost&u=2298

http://www.dxgaming.com/phpbb/privmsg.p ... ost&u=2557

one of these 2 should be able to help you with any problems you are having

Author:  Emo [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

For his account his best bet would be Thassius as Echo has no power to accounts..

As for IRC the one to PM would be hydro..

Although I'm sure Echo could relay the info on.

Author:  Coder [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's nothing in the IRC as far as I'm aware that would be stopping you from joining. Outz had just recently changed servers so perhaps something screwed up in that..

Try the java client on the front page of the Obsidian site (click "chat") or if you tried that, perhaps try using a real IRC client such as mIRC.
No luck. Same problem.
i would pm active higher lever staff if i was you, you can try pmong these guys with your info

http://www.dxgaming.com/phpbb/privmsg.p ... ost&u=2298

http://www.dxgaming.com/phpbb/privmsg.p ... ost&u=2557

one of these 2 should be able to help you with any problems you are having
Okay I took the advice and PM'ed them both. Now I'm just waiting alittle more. Would you have an idea of what time they may be on to check there PM's?

Author:  Sphynx [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Emo i was pointing him to active staff whom have the connections to do something. I am aware of echo's situation just giving him some help that he might get a response from

Author:  Emo [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's nothing in the IRC as far as I'm aware that would be stopping you from joining. Outz had just recently changed servers so perhaps something screwed up in that..

Try the java client on the front page of the Obsidian site (click "chat") or if you tried that, perhaps try using a real IRC client such as mIRC.
No luck. Same problem.
Might suggest PMing your IP to Hydro on the forums then, and ask nicely to be unbanned, for whatever reason you are.

Author:  Spawn28 [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's nothing in the IRC as far as I'm aware that would be stopping you from joining. Outz had just recently changed servers so perhaps something screwed up in that..

Try the java client on the front page of the Obsidian site (click "chat") or if you tried that, perhaps try using a real IRC client such as mIRC.
No luck. Same problem.
Might suggest PMing your IP to Hydro on the forums then, and ask nicely to be unbanned, for whatever reason you are.
Nah, if their admin on the forums, with PHPBB, they will see a little IP icon they can click on to get the IP hes using, or use administration panel.

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