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 Post subject: Rules Update
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:52 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2003 2:15 pm
Posts: 56
1. No AFK/UnAttended/Inactive Macroing - If you are not watching your game and can not respond immediately to any query, you are counted as AFK, no exceptions. As such, watching a movie, doing homework, browsing the forums, is no excuse if you do not respond in a timely manner to an AFK check. Staff do NOT have to drop macro stones, but merely provide ample proof that a person is afk. Punishments can include warnings, timeout, and loss of skills/stats.

1a. 3rd Party Programs - ARE LEGAL, however speed hacks and Injection ARE NOT LEGAL.

2. No Reskilling - AKA Resurrection Killing. IF a player dies and is resurrected by ANY means, you are not allowed to kill them unless you meet one of the following situations:

A. You are not done looting. This does not mean leave 1 bandage then kill them for it. The loot has to be substantial or it will be counted as harassment. This also does not mean to loot slowly. If you are taking more time then is reasonable, it can be seen as harassment.

B. They initiate a purposefully hostile action against you, or assist others who are hostile to you.
For example if they still are in war mode from rezing and accidentally punch you while naked this is not a purposeful hostile action. Name calling does not count. Healing and buffing of other players are assisting if those players are hostile to you.

C. More then 10 minutes has passed since they've return to their body and had a reasonable amount of time to get their remaining loot back.

IF you are in an area you cannot loot, such as town, then rule A. does NOT apply. You have to wait until they initiate hostilities with you, or 10 minutes, whichever comes first.

5. Do not PK players in or around cove graveyard, britain graveyard, the area between britain graveyard and britain, and inside the fenced area that contains most of cove territory.

6. Houses are not allowed to be built within the fenced area containing most of cove territory

18. Players are allowed one account with up to 5 characters, that may be accessed by only ONE person. If you wish to change your account at any time, such as being given an account by a friend, you must contact a GM or higher to have your current account banned before you take over the new account. Any player found to have accessed more than one account will have all accessed accounts banned. If you think you have a valid reason for accessing more then one account, please PM a GM or higher for approval first.

18b. Multiple Accounts on the same IP address - IF you have multiple people playing Obsidian from the same ip address, usually by sharing a house, you must contact a GM to get it approved. If an approved account is suspected of being only 1 person, it will be investigated and banned if found guilty.

18c. Refreshing of Accounts - Anyone who is leaving an account to be refreshed with another player should have both players contact a GM or higher IMMEDIATLY so a record can be made. Any use of the account besides refreshing is strictly illegal. It will be closely watched. This is an example of a valid reason as mentioned by rule 18. If you are caught on another account and it is not registered with STAFF as a refresh, it's a ban.

22. Players found to be placing items to "block" public areas of the Obsidian world will be banned. The only exception is those who purchase walls for their homes. Currently GMs are not selling walls, but walls bought in the past are still legal. Walls bought from GMs are exempt from the size restrictions of rule 22b, as they are priced accordingly to reflect the space they contain.

22b. You may block off small sections of clear land that do not prevent people from reaching public areas, or have spawns or resources, by building player walls out of houses, or locked down items, such as hay or stones. However, the total area of the land blocked off that isn't' part of a house cannot exceed 1/2 the area of the house region itself. For example: If you have 4 small houses blocking off a small peninsula, the peninsula has to be smaller then 2 small houses.

23. Players may not confine npcs that were never originally tamed in ANY fashion while they are not there and actively trying to tame it.. This includes player houses, static parts of the world like npc houses in towns, or with items. This locks up spawns, and will be dealt with harshly.

23b.Players may keep animals in their own houses and land, provided they were tamed originally. You may use objects within your owned land to seperate/fence in animals. If you plan on keeping a rarer animal, such as mustang or oytra, you are required to rename it so that if it goes wild it will have proof of being tamed.

23c. Players guilty of trapping untamed animals through any method and leaving them alone, such as to get another tamer when they log on in an hour, or to wait to tame it later, are subject to possible fines, the animal being killed or removed, and jail time.

25. RuneStone Chamber/Vendor Area: It is illegal to log-out in the RC/Vendor area. It is also illegal to follow players as they leave those areas in order to pk them.

26. Vendors are purely for buying and selling goods, using them for anything else such as the training of skills is not allowed

27. It is illegal to use AOE spells, explosion potions, or any other method that ignores walls to kill animals or players in houses or lock down areas if you cannot reach the player/animal on foot.

28. It is illegal to abuse the AI of monsters or animals to get them to do things they wouldn't normally do. For example:
A. It is illegal to make animals aggressive at you in order to lead them. Use taming or herding..
B. It is illegal to cage monsters with items they are too stupid to lift in order to make them easier to kill.
C. It is illegal to use the guarded region barrier to kill monsters from a distance.
D. It is illegal to use gold or other items to lure monsters.
E. It is illegal to try to make monsters fight each other. If it happens by accident, ok, but no doing it on purpose.
This list is not exhaustive, and merely is here to give you examples. If you have to ask yourself if something is abusing the AI, then it probably is, and you shouldn't be doing it.


Last edited by Blinkers on Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:54 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2003 2:15 pm
Posts: 56
Totally Inappropriate LOCKED!


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:46 pm 

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