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The Coffee Mystery
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Author:  theeggman [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  The Coffee Mystery

I don't know if anyone has experienced the same strange happenings but I find it odd that when i wake up in the morning I can guzzle down gallons of tea, orange juice, milk, water or whatever and....nothing. not a sausage, but if I as much as down one cup of coffee I instantly wanna take a dump. What chemicals do they throw in it for gods sake? some kind of dump inducing agent? Im gonna do a search to see wot i can conjure up, if anyone knows please tell me. I plan on sending my findings to Nescafe' to develope a new brand to be shelved alongside the likes of Decaff and Gold blend.....'Eggman's decrapinated brown blend'.

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:57 am ]
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caffine? or maybe if u put 30 spoons of sugar :roll:

Author:  Thorfin [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:13 am ]
Post subject: 

if u wanna wake up for real drink green tea like roiboos
offtop:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1227974645

Author:  Diablo [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:16 am ]
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or have a few pints and get on sum speed
you will be awake for the next 24 hours buzzing like a bee

Author:  vlad [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:19 am ]
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i thought u could only get rooibos here in south africa

Author:  theeggman [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:22 am ]
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Naah its definately not sugar coz i dont have any and it cant be the caffein coz i drink vast amounts of tea throughout the evening. Theres definately something of a bowel trembling nature in there

Author:  Eros [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:44 am ]
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Oil. Coffee has lots of Oil in it. Makes things slick.

Author:  Thorfin [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:02 am ]
Post subject: 

i thought u could only get rooibos here in south africa
nah, atleast in Poland, u can buy it in any good tea shop

Author:  Coder [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:41 am ]
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1) Caffeine inhibits an enzyme that is thought to regulate mucosal secretions in your small intestine. Secretions go up, so fluid in your bowel goes up, and if the amount of fluid in your colon is greater than the amount of fluid you can reabsorb, splat, you get diarrhea, or at least looser stools.

2) Caffeine is a diuretic that also stimulates your digestive system.

Author:  RmX [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:35 am ]
Post subject: 

I found it hilarious that even when I smoke a cigg, I need to take a dump too, The cigg contains some materials that do speed up the need to take a dump,Maybe it's the same thing as in coffe, WHO KNOWS ...just the wonders of the world :D

Author:  oldman [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:18 pm ]
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RmX - cigarettes contain nothing that makes you need to dump.

The only plausible explanation is that smoking has given you some sort of bowel problem to the extent that your body wishes to push things out everytime you smoke.

They sell Rooibos in Australia too --> it's decaffeineted tea.

Author:  chips LL [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:07 pm ]
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coffee owns!!!!!
scream for your cream!

Author:  theeggman [ Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:50 pm ]
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lol that clip was bloody brilliant, making coffee metal.
I have to agree with RMX on that one too, Me and a mate used to have a sneeky puff of the tweed before starting work in the morning and after the 1st few drags BAM!!! it was turtles head.

Author:  Emo [ Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:16 am ]
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I'll agree with that, and I know most my friends who smoke will agree haha.. I doubt it's a chemical but maybe a reaction to smoking or somethink.. or could be to do with how it relaxes you.. f*** knows.

Author:  Thorfin [ Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:44 am ]
Post subject: 

hmm same for me, my morning coffee+morning ciggie makes me run to the pot like an athlete :wink:

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