DX Gaming

Me for President of the World
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Author:  blob [ Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Me for President of the World

ok ok ok!~

who thinks i should be president of the world because then like id totally be awesomerest at being the president of the world because like im totally like awesomer than everyoner at the UN and because im sick of hearing about global warming and such.... plus if i was predisent of the world then id f***** rock those mooninites world by taking them out since we all know that the invasion of earth from the mooninites is imminent and that i amer teh coolest....

or i could just start a cult and move my people to uranus and then build up some millitary power and then f***** rock the milky way by taking it over and then all the hot girls will be all like "i want your nuts impe" "OMFG IMPE YOUR NUTS ARE SO NICE AND TASTY GIMME MORE" "omg Impe your teh sexiest rockstar ever" "impe is teh coolest"

ok im done bye dumbers

Author:  chips LL [ Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:54 pm ]
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Author:  bruiser [ Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:57 am ]
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only if u givf me all ur goldz

Author:  a Player [ Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:05 pm ]
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another example of how crystal meth is destroying the redneck community.

Author:  Emo [ Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:35 am ]
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lmfao, blob gimme some of what you got man, stop holdin out..

chips = daf.

Author:  Dedo [ Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:36 pm ]
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oh ffs Blob REAL liberals know that the world we live on goes threw cycles of warm and cold periods. it happens but never before has it happened with such a large human population being threatened by encroaching oceans and drought and thus it is a problem. if you hadn't noticed some of the lakes in the Midwest are drying up completely, without that water farmers cannot irrigate and we don't get the food we need. one theory is that is it cfc's the carbons are getting to the ozone layer and bonding thus weakening the ozone layer and letting in more sun. we can't stop the world from getting warmer but we can hinder how fast it is getting warmer. we think ne ways >< worth a shot imo.

Author:  Witchwar [ Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

interesting fact: The change in global temperature is caused by the change in the tilt of the earth's axis, mostly due to changes in the interstellar gravitational forces affecting the earth, especially the growing distance between the earth and the moon, which is changing at a rate of 4cm per year. Without the moon to anchor the degree of tilt on the earth's axis, global climate will continue to change at a slow rate until the earth is no longer capable of sustaining life in approx. 2 billion years. However, increased carbon emmissions cause air pollution around the world, which has a whole number of devastating effects on the global environment, causing things like acid rain, which can cause genetic defects in human population and makes thousands of people sick every year. Next time you want to make a post and try and act intelligent please get all the facts, and don't just post whatever bs you think up or overheard.

Author:  Emo [ Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:18 am ]
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you're both fags, let blob be the president and give me drugs. end of story.

Author:  Tax_man [ Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:27 am ]
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lol make me pres an i put you in charge of the drugs or at least some form of supervisory role - quality assurance testing type stuffs :lol:

...although it would soon become a military type dictatorship :P :twisted:

Author:  Shaturu [ Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:36 am ]
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*You see Shaturu vote yes*

Author:  chips LL [ Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:44 pm ]
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well. to tell you the truth, If blob honestly became president of America I would probably kill my self, and no I am not joking, I really would,

Author:  Witchwar [ Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:43 pm ]
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LMAO! :lol:

My sentiments exactly

Author:  Spokk [ Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:30 am ]
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One volcanic eruptiom produces more polution than humans have since the coal age.

Author:  Witchwar [ Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:55 am ]
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Okay... that is the most vague statement i have heard all month.

Firstly, wtf is the coal age? The term doesn't even exist in historical jargon. I believe the word u were looking for is industrial age.

Secondly, One volcanic eruption causes more pollution than humans since the "industrial age" over what period of time? Please mate, Volcanic eruptions have been occurring since the Earth formed 5 billion years ago. They are a natural part of the Earth's life cycle, and although they produce large amounts of pollution in the form of both magma and gases that are released, a single eruption most definately does not produce more pollution than an industrial nation like India does in a year, and volcanic eruptions don't happen every year mate.

Author:  Carling [ Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:50 am ]
Post subject: 

You guys have really hurt Witchwar, look how mad you've got him lolz

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