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Official Holocaust Day!
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Author:  RmX [ Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Official Holocaust Day!

Well to those who don't know it's the official holocaust day. This day comes to remind us all the horrors that my people have been threw and what violence can cause. This is a very sad day, especially here in Israel,since there are still so many holocaust survivors and they find this day particularly hard to come by. So what I would like to do is light a candle in memory of just a bit more then six million j ews that have been murdered between 1939-1945.


This word is in Hebrew, it means, "Remember".

Author:  Shaturu [ Sun Apr 15, 2007 4:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very sad day:(

Author:  blob [ Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:58 pm ]
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not to flame or anything at all but stoping another one is a major reason we are in iraq right now. just thought id put that out there

Author:  Drizzt [ Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

god bless our troops.

Author:  vlad [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

thank god the yanks are there for us all!!! yippee hurray!

they are such super-heroes (i wish i was american so i could save the world a little bit too)...

keep it up!!!!

(i thought it was cause of the oil, but i'm feeling so much better that the fellas above enlightened me)

Author:  Drizzt [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

always got the haters. if you want to be more like america its simple just try harder, and try to stop sending all your drugs to our country please.

my prayers are with you rmx its a very sad period in history but you can at least know that your american friends will never let something that terrible happen again.

btw diary of anne frank is a good book if anyone on the planet hasnt already read it.

and that new film freedom writers is pretty cool it has a bit on the holocaust in it sorta. and its a true story.

Author:  RmX [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Drizzt, a few amazing movies about it are for example, Shindler's list,the pianist. there ALOT more unfortunately but it's important to remember what happened,and never forget,so as drizzt said,it won't happen again.
I didn't understand what the hell you meant by your post Blob,there's no holocaust in Iraq or anything close to it, although in north Korea that's another story , I heard they are gassing people there now too. :\

Author:  belgarion [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you wan't to read another interesting book read Mein Kampf. And you will see just what a f****** wack job Hitler really was. A warning though there are parts in that book that most normal people anyway will find really disturbing.

Author:  blob [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Drizzt, a few amazing movies about it are for example, Shindler's list,the pianist. there ALOT more unfortunately but it's important to remember what happened,and never forget,so as drizzt said,it won't happen again.
I didn't understand what the hell you meant by your post Blob,there's no holocaust in Iraq or anything close to it, although in north Korea that's another story , I heard they are gassing people there now too. :\
he was committing genocide agianst the kurdish people i believe the kurds are like gispies a nomadic people he released poison gas on their population a few times maybe not everyone knows that

Author:  vlad [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

if u buy the drugs... who's the idiot? the seller who makes the cash or the fool that buys it??????

catch a wake up...

Author:  Tidus [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

God Bless America!! :P

Author:  Drizzt [ Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:36 am ]
Post subject: 

the idiots are buying it, but the people selling it are demons. i dont care for demons or idiots either one man.

rmx you gotta see freedom writers man its really good and yeah i saw those films the pianist owned it was a really good film.

Author:  Tax_man [ Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:02 am ]
Post subject: 

the idiots are buying it, but the people selling it are demons....
The same could be said for those who trade in arms... :roll: If us as westerners and other westernised countries kept weaponry for us and our own rather than trading them, most countries would struggle to manufacture them for themselves, if they had suitable means to they certainly wouldnt be buying them. Problems with that is...its profitable and so many already exist :E Still its gotta run out eventually :? Would be a hell of a lot easier to play the peacekeeper role if everyone else was fighting with swords and stuff again (but again lets face it, it aint gunna happen - a dream of convenience) :)

Author:  Dracula [ Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:30 am ]
Post subject: 

not to flame or anything at all but stoping another one is a major reason we are in iraq right now. just thought id put that out there
This has got to be one of the most retarded things anyones ever written on these forums. I believe this one post deserves its own thread in the moronic hall of fame.. Im not even gonna start going into why its stupid.

I will say this. There are 3 countries capable of that kind of mass genocide anymore. The USA, China, and Russia. And also there are "small" holocausts going on all over the world right now and we do absolutely nothing to help in most cases. Why? Half of IT Is Because We Are Retardedly In IRAQ.

Author:  bruiser [ Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

not to flame or anything at all but stoping another one is a major reason we are in iraq right now. just thought id put that out there
This has got to be one of the most retarded things anyones ever written on these forums. I believe this one post deserves its own thread in the moronic hall of fame.. Im not even gonna start going into why its stupid.

I will say this. There are 3 countries capable of that kind of mass genocide anymore. The USA, China, and Russia. And also there are "small" holocausts going on all over the world right now and we do absolutely nothing to help in most cases. Why? Half of IT Is Because We Are Retardedly In IRAQ.
Any nation that has more than one creed within its borders is capable of a holocaustic event. Not just the USA, China and Russia as you seem to believe.

The holocaust was the extermination of a people. That can happen anywhere, plz wake up.

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