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April 16 school shooting
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Author:  Kraken [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  April 16 school shooting

This happened this morning at Virginia Tech University, in the US. At least 21 dead. 28 wounded.

http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=u ... earch+News

Author:  Carling [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:14 pm ]
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Crazy ass yanks

Author:  Emo [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:15 pm ]
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Who cares if people die in America, they have their guns.. AM I RITE???

goddamn americans.. they do it again..

Author:  Thassius [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:12 pm ]
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Dear lord... I feel for their families :(

It does concern me, though, that 75 percent of the worlds mass and serial killers have been in america.

What do you think it is that causes that? (I'm not being antagonistic, I'm asking genuinely on the basis of intellectual discussion)

Author:  Von_Ogre [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:13 pm ]
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I also feel horrible and my heart goes out to the families of the victims :( I honestly don't know what causes people to go off like this. There are many who would subscribe to the notion of their childhood environment causing them to be messed up individuals, but I am not one of them. I believe that anyone can rise above whatever they had thrown against them in their life. Naturally, people tend to aspire to be something greater than what they were given to start. So I honestly don't know what makes people do this sort of thing... I've always wondered how someone could be so malicious as to walk in and kill innocent people, then kill themselves... I mean, if life is so unbelieveably bad that taking your own life is the only way out, then I guess go ahead and do it, but don't take as many others as you can with you :(

Author:  MrBlack82 [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:24 pm ]
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@Thassius: Is it really that there are more in the US, or it's just more heavily reported? I mean, anytime a rich white girl goes missing, you'd think the world was coming to an end. Plus, reporting on serial killers/mass murderers is much more appealing than reporting on, say, wars that are costing us thousands of lives (and billions of dollars), which require you to take a side, 'blue' or 'red' these days. EVERYONE* can hate a 'cold-blooded killer' equally, regardless of where you worship or who you vote for. Equally, the aforementioned EVERYONE* can feel sympathy/empathy for the families of those recently departed, or at least fake it well enough at the water cooler.

Because of that, we'll hear more about the latest "tragedy" more than we'll hear about N.Korea missing a nuclear deadline every day of the week, even though the latter story is, arguably, more important. Even if it was just, say, the death of a pre-teen beauty queen, or the divorce of a fallen pop star from a laughable rapper/failure, babble always trumps information, it would seem.

*EVERYONE=Average US citizen

::steps down from soapbox::

PS: First post, been playing on the shard for two weeks now... nice lil' place you all have here, I think I'll stick around

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:06 pm ]
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This school shooting thing seems to be the new sick fad. It just happened in Montreal not too long ago. They should start trying to take these bastards alive and torture the cocksuckers. I'll bet the next asshole will probly think twiceb4 he decided to try it.

Author:  Shaturu [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:47 am ]
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Disgraceful moment, 32 Deaths :(

Author:  Drizzt [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:02 am ]
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the guy is a moron for sure, but i will wait till i hear why he supposedly went postal before i decide who else helped cause this. he could have been treated with cruelty by someone, thats why you should treat everyone with respect, you never know when some screwed up individual is gonna go nuts on innocent people.

not justifying what he did in any way, just saying he may not be the only one to blame or what im trying to say is maybe it could have been avoided if someone had not done whatever they may have done to him, or maybe hes just a whack job or both.

some people go through life being hateful and cruel and have no regard for the consequences of their actions.

and dont try to hate on the usa shit like this could happen anywhere.

Author:  belgarion [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:13 am ]
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From what i heard his girlfriend dumped him, where i come from when that happens you go out, get drunk and get laid, not go shoot a bunch of ppl. Things are only going to get worse and it doesn't matter what country you live in. It's the same everywhere. There is no discipline anymore. When i was in elementary school when we f***** up we got the strap. Now teachers are losing their jobs for yelling at kids. And then I'm going to have some dickhead tell me that spanking my kids is abuse. The answer is simple withouot discipline people do not learn responsibility for there actions. This is why things are spiraling out of control.

Author:  Dedo [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:10 am ]
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*slow clap*

Author:  Drizzt [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:07 am ]
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yeah thats really f***** up then i cant see how that could make someone go postal . the dude was obviously just crazy.

Author:  Odysseus [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:02 am ]
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Speeking about discipline lol, im only 18 and i was smacked when i was a kid etc, and think that i learned to follow rules and ive turned out fine.

But these days in britain u have somthing called *Chavas* there like to common society who terrorise people on the street. They were daft clothes,big boots and they tuck their pants in their socks :? and listen to daft speeded up old songs, and like walk around playing them on their mobile phone lol

They spend most of their young lives from 13 - 20 or even higher sitting on street corners or in field drinking alcohol , taken drugs and practiclly little being bastards, mosty hang in big groups from 6 - 15. They treat older people like shit, rob shops , smash windows. And i blame parents for letting them get raked into a drug/alchohol filled life, because they copy their parents, who dont discipline them, let them get away with murder.

I feel weird for saying all this cause im 18 (at 18 ur classed as an adult lol) also i cant wait to have kids, me n gf r always talking about them lol.

I duno if this happens in america or canada, but a young lad who i knew likes to drink take drugs , get in trouble with police etc, meets a girl whos about the same ages 13-20. Gets her up the duff, leaves her and continues leading the life he is leading, and like when the kid grows up hes gonna follow in his dads footsteps, i felt like saying to him u know uve got a little baby needing your love n ur pissing about. what you think its gona be like when its older?

pssh didnt bloody work like lol he had another kid with sumone else lol.

meaning to my boring long story is, if your kid turns out to be a psycho blame the parents or parent blah blah

Author:  Carling [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:11 am ]
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They spend most of their young lives from 13 - 20 or even higher sitting on street corners or in field drinking alcohol , taken drugs and practiclly little being bastards, mosty hang in big groups from 6 - 15.
That's what I did, but that was before chavs lal

Author:  sinspawnvip [ Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:04 am ]
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Well im a 17 year old teen, i love to drink and do drugs and drive around with my friends and beat up and f*** with other people, but i have morals aswell, I show respect for older people and only my friends and peers know what i do.

But scince my girlfriends pregnant i gave up on my drug use all except a lil weed on occasion but I want a future for my kid.

Im gettin a job at a factory called Valeo and ill get hired on at 11$ an hour which isnt bad for right out of high school ill be workin 12 hours a day 7 days a week and im goin to school 3 hours a day next year and then within the next 3 years im going to try to get into college, im makin all A's and im going to graduate next year with an Academic Honors deploma. Unlike most that just give up, I plan on giving my new child a future and maybe a valorite set on Obs when he gets a bit older ;)

So all in all the whole world isnt a peice of shit, its just a couple people all around and only a few are brave enough to pull the shit off. I personally would never kill anyone but my brothe ron the other hand has no morals hes 13 and is f****** every girl he see's lol hes gettin more poon than anyone on obs :shock: i guess i cant do shit though. Ive realized others mistakes and my own but cant change the past. We all gotta look into what short future we have.

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