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Partys & Funny nights out
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Author:  Shaturu [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Partys & Funny nights out

Lets get some good photos of nights out and have a laugh

Author:  aimee [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:52 pm ]
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we done this already hehe

Author:  Ambient [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:45 am ]
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besides we dont go out when we have obsidian :lol:

*maybe im talking for myself tho XD*

Author:  belgarion [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:57 am ]
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besides we dont go out when we have obsidian :lol:

That just reminded me of this show i watched where this guy never left his apartment and played Everquest 24/7. In the end he wanted to meet someone from there IRL and i guess they said no so he shot himself. His mother found his body and he was still logged in and the text said I luv you on the screen. He was messed up tho he was schizo or something.

Author:  Ambient [ Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:16 am ]
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even tho i dont need to explain i gotta say im not that case, cos i felt hit :roll: bbq a beers out with friends there is no better

Author:  Emo [ Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:25 pm ]
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PG-13! PG-13!

count my parties out.

Author:  moxy [ Sat May 05, 2007 7:03 am ]
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this seemed like a cool topic.. but app not:S i wanna hear some storys... theres afew new players on obs and on forums now so lets hear em i have alot ill post afew later...

Author:  Spawn28 [ Sun May 06, 2007 3:04 pm ]
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I got no photos of any really GOOD nights...
But anyways, their was drinking, and all, and shit that you would do on 420, im not going to say it, cause if you know it, then you know it.

Anyways theirs a good 15 people here, not alot, but me and my girlfriend(ex) and her brother, and a friend, were sitting on a couch, the only 4 that were really f****** drunk, but wanted to relax, so were sitting their, watching every one else scream at each other not knowing what their saying, and being very paranoid about a CIGGERETTE!!!! lol so were sitting their, making tv screens out of our fingers, and making up storys for what they were doing, and for about 10 minutes we did this, and just laughed at the greatest reality show on earth, haha, oh man its great...

So anyways, about 10 minutes into the tv screens with out fingers, one of the guys that we were watching, comes up, and watches us, watch them, he makes a tv with his fingers, and watches us as we watch them, it was a hell of a good time, but the story doesnt end here, heres where it gets really funny.

We go upstairs, to where the pool table, and more couches, and a tv is, so im sitting their watching tv, and I start to feel sick, I asked my gf if she wanted to go for a walk with me, cause i needed the fresh air, and she didnt, so I figured meh what ever, im probably just REALLY REALLY f*****, so I sit their, 10 minutes later I puke right on the floor, and a peice of bread is in the puke, so one guy says "LOOK THE BREAD, its absorbing all the liquids in the puke!!!", and then I goto the washroom puking some more...

So after im done puking, I can hear my friends mom on the phone with some one saying theirs a kid puking his guys out, I think theirs something going on like drugs or ALOT of drinking, bla bla bla... so I tell my friend I gotta leave now cause if shes on the phone with the ambulance or something, I dont want to be caught drunk and what ever under age.

And the next day, my girlfriends brother(who is very f****** weird, and an emo kid), he tells me that he licked my puke, and it tasted like really bad mc donalds.... funny seeing as that was my dinner that night before i puked XD....

And thats the jist of a very weird yet funny ass party....

Author:  Punkman [ Sun May 06, 2007 3:11 pm ]
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LOL nice! that kids mesed up tho

Author:  circusClown [ Sun May 06, 2007 3:31 pm ]
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LOL spawn.

I went to a party once when i was about 17 and a kid brought an industrial bottle of Smirnoff vodka along(2L i think it was). Needless to say we all got totally slaughtered. A mate of mine spewed up out of the hosts conservatory door into the garden. The guy whos party it was fell asleep with his head actually in the bowl of the toilet!!!
The next mornin we got up and bein the middle of winter the frost had turned my m8's spew into an icy patch of yellowness!! We had to pour boiling water on it before it'd go away. Anyway there was no sign of the host so we all tydied up a bit (not too much) and left.
The guys parents got back about midday to find the house in a state and their son still asleep with his head in the toilet pan!!!!! Think he was grounded for about a month for that one. lol

Author:  Spawn28 [ Sun May 06, 2007 4:14 pm ]
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2 litter bottle of vodka...
yummy sounds nice...
But if I host a party, or goto one, theirs got to be at least 4 1 liter bottles of vodka, :) meaning at least 4 liters of goodness XD... Having a job is nice, I get to buy like a shit load of alchohol :)

Author:  belgarion [ Mon May 07, 2007 7:40 am ]
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You can buy "Texas Mikeys" they call them here in the liquor store. They are 3 litres. But that is a shitload of booze. The parties I have now are definatly NOT PG-13 and unlike my parties of my younger years they are alot more fun and noone goes to jail. :wink:

Author:  Witchwar [ Mon May 07, 2007 2:18 pm ]
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Lol... that's cos kids don't know how to party... it's one of those peculiar skills that comes with age... the older u are the better the parties u have :lol:

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